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This guide should help you get started with Glimmer DSL for SWT. For more advanced SWT details, please refer to the SWT Reference.

Glimmer GUI DSL Syntax

Glimmer's core is a GUI DSL with a lightweight visual syntax that makes it easy to visualize the nesting of widgets in the GUI hierarchy tree.

It is available through mixing in the Glimmer module, which makes Glimmer GUI DSL Keywords available to both the instance scope and class scope:

include Glimmer

For example, here is the basic "Hello, World!" sample code (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  text "Glimmer"
  label {
    text "Hello, World!"

The include Glimmer declaration on top mixed the Glimmer module into the Ruby global main object making the Glimmer GUI DSL available at the top-level global scope.

While this works well enough for mini-samples, it is better to isolate Glimmer in a class or module during production application development to create a clean separation between view code (GUI) and model code (business domain). Here is the "Hello, World!" sample re-written in a class to illustrate how mixing in the Glimmer module (via include Glimmer) makes the Glimmer GUI DSL available in both the instance scope and class scope. That is clearly demonstrated by pre-initializing a color constant in the class scope and building the GUI in the #open instance method (you may copy/paste in girb):

class HelloWorld
  include Glimmer # makes the GUI DSL available in both the class scope and instance scope
  COLOR_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT = rgb(255, 0, 0) # rgb is a GUI DSL keyword used in the class scope
  def open
    # the following are GUI DSL keywords (shell, text, and label) used in the instance scope
    shell {
      text "Glimmer"
      label {
        text "Hello, World!"

This renders "Hello, World!" with a red foreground color:

Hello World Red Foreground Color

The GUI DSL intentionally avoids overly verbose syntax, requiring as little declarative code as possible to describe what GUI to render, how to style it, and what properties to data-bind to the Models.

As such, it breaks off from Ruby's convention of using do end for multi-line blocks, opting instead for the lightweight and visual { } curly brace blocks everywhere inside the GUI DSL. More details about Glimmer's syntax conventions may be found in the Glimmer Style Guide

Glimmer DSL syntax consists mainly of:

  • keywords (e.g. table for a table widget)
  • style/args (e.g. :multi as in table(:multi) for a multi-line selection table widget)
  • content (e.g. { table_column { text 'Name'} } as in table(:multi) { table_column { text 'name'} } for a multi-line selection table widget with a table column having header text property 'Name' as content)

DSL Auto-Expansion

Glimmer supports a new and radical Ruby DSL concept called DSL Auto-Expansion. To explain, let's first mention the two types of Glimmer GUI DSL keywords: static and dynamic.

Static keywords are pre-identified keywords in the Glimmer DSL, such as shell (alias: window), display, message_box, async_exec, sync_exec, and bind.

Dynamic keywords are dynamically figured out from currently imported (aka required/loaded) SWT widgets and custom widgets. Examples are: label, combo, and list for SWT widgets and c_date_time, video, and gantt_chart for custom widgets.

The only reason to distinguish between the two is to realize that importing new Glimmer custom widgets and Java SWT custom widget libraries automatically expands Glimmer's DSL vocabulary with new dynamic keywords.

For example, if a project adds this custom Java SWT library from the Nebula Project:

Glimmer will automatically support using the keyword gallery

This is what DSL Auto-Expansion is.

You will learn more about widgets next.


Glimmer GUIs (user interfaces) are modeled with widgets, which are wrappers around the SWT library widgets found here:

This screenshot taken from the link above should give a glimpse of how SWT widgets look and feel:

SWT Widgets

In Glimmer DSL, widgets are declared with lowercase underscored names mirroring their SWT names minus the package name.

For example, here are some Glimmer widgets and their SWT counterparts:

  • shell (alias: window) instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell, which represents a window
  • text instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text
  • button instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button
  • label instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label
  • composite instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
  • tab_folder instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabFolder
  • tab_item instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabItem
  • table instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
  • table_column instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn
  • tree instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree
  • combo instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
  • list instantiates org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List

Every widget is sufficiently declared by name, but may optionally be accompanied with:

  • SWT style/arguments wrapped by parenthesis according to Glimmer Style Guide (see next section for details).
  • Ruby block containing content, which may be properties (e.g. enabled false) or nested widgets (e.g. table_column nested inside table)

For example, if we were to revisit samples/hello/hello_world.rb above (you may copy/paste in girb):

shell {
  text "Glimmer"
  label {
    text "Hello, World!"

Note that shell (alias: window) instantiates the outer shell widget, in other words, the window that houses all of the desktop graphical user interface.

shell is then followed by a block that contains

# ...
  text "Glimmer" # text property of shell
  label { # label widget declaration as content of shell
    text "Hello, World!" # text property of label
# ...

The first line declares a property called text, which sets the title of the shell (window) to "Glimmer". Properties always have arguments (not wrapped by parenthesis according to Glimmer Style Guide), such as the text "Glimmer" in this case, and do NOT have a block (this distinguishes them from widget declarations).

The second line declares the label widget, which is followed by a Ruby content block that contains its text property with value "Hello, World!"

The widget block may optionally receive an argument representing the widget proxy object that the block content is for. This is useful in rare cases when the content code needs to refer to parent widget during declaration. You may leave that argument out most of the time and only add when absolutely needed.


shell {|shell_proxy|

Remember that The shell (alias: window) widget is always the outermost widget containing all others in a Glimmer desktop windowed application.

After it is declared, a shell must be opened with the #open method, which can be called on the block directly as in the example above, or by capturing shell in a @shell variable (shown in example below), and calling #open on it independently (recommended in actual apps)

@shell = shell {
  # properties and content
  # ...

It is centered upon initial display and has a minimum width of 130 (can be re-centered when needed with method after capturing shell in a @shell variable as per samples)

Check out the samples directory for more examples.

Example from hello_tab.rb sample (you may copy/paste in girb):

Hello Tab English

Hello Tab French

shell {
  text "Hello, Tab!"
  tab_folder {
    tab_item {
      text "English"
      label {
        text "Hello, World!"
    tab_item {
      text "French"
      label {
        text "Bonjour Univers!"

If you are new to Glimmer, you have learned enough to start running some samples directly or by reading through Glimmer GUI DSL Keywords (which list each keyword's samples). Go ahead and run all Glimmer samples, and come back to read the rest in any order you like since this material is more organized like a reference.

If you are an advanced user of Glimmer DSL for SWT and need more widgets, check out the Nebula Project for an extensive list (50+) of high quality custom widgets.

Glimmer GUI DSL Keywords

This is not an exaustive list, but should give you a good start in learning Glimmer GUI DSL keywords, keeping in mind that the full list can be derived from the SWT documentation. More will be explained in the following sections.





Event loop:

  • display: featured in Tic Tac Toe
  • async_exec: featured in Hello, Custom Widget! / Hello, Custom Shell!
  • sync_exec: executes a block on the event loop synchronously (usually from another thread)
  • timer_exec: executes a block after a delay of time has passed
  • auto_exec: executes a block on the event loop synchronously only when needed (when running from a thread other than GUI thread)

SWT Proxies

Glimmer follows Proxy Design Pattern by having Ruby proxy wrappers for all SWT objects:

  • Glimmer::SWT:WidgetProxy wraps all descendants of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget except the ones that have their own wrappers.
  • Glimmer::SWT::ShellProxy wraps org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell
  • Glimmer::SWT:TabItemProxy wraps org.eclipse.swt.widget.TabItem (also adds a composite to enable adding content under tab items directly in Glimmer)
  • Glimmer::SWT:LayoutProxy wraps all descendants of org.eclipse.swt.widget.Layout
  • Glimmer::SWT:LayoutDataProxy wraps all layout data objects
  • Glimmer::SWT:DisplayProxy wraps org.eclipse.swt.widget.Display (manages displaying GUI)
  • Glimmer::SWT:ColorProxy wraps
  • Glimmer::SWT:FontProxy wraps
  • Glimmer::SWT::WidgetListenerProxy wraps all widget listeners

These proxy objects have an API and provide some convenience methods, some of which are mentioned below.


Glimmer SWT proxies come with the instance method #swt_widget, which returns the actual SWT Widget object wrapped by the Glimmer widget proxy. It is useful in cases you'd like to do some custom SWT programming outside of Glimmer.

Shell Widget Proxy Methods

Shell widget proxy has extra methods specific to SWT Shell:

  • #open: Opens the shell, making it visible and active, and starting the SWT Event Loop (you may learn more about it here: If shell was already open, but hidden, it makes the shell visible.
  • #show: Alias for #open
  • #hide: Hides a shell setting "visible" property to false
  • #close: Closes the shell
  • #center_within_display: Centers the shell within monitor it is in
  • #start_event_loop: (happens as part of #open) Starts SWT Event Loop (you may learn more about it here: This method is not needed except in rare circumstances where there is a need to start the SWT Event Loop before opening the shell.
  • #visible?: Returns whether a shell is visible
  • #opened_before?: Returns whether a shell has been opened at least once before (additionally implying the SWT Event Loop has been started already)
  • #visible=: Setting to true opens/shows shell. Setting to false hides the shell.
  • #layout: Lays out contained widgets using SWT's Shell#layout method
  • #pack: Packs contained widgets using SWT's Shell#pack method
  • #pack_same_size: Packs contained widgets without changing shell's size when widget sizes change
Widget Content Block

Glimmer allows re-opening any widget and adding properties or extra content after it has been constructed already by using the #content method.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

@shell = shell {
  text "Application"
  @label1 = label {
    text "Hello,"
@shell.content {
  minimum_size 130, 130
  label {
    text "World!"
@label1.content {
  foreground :red
Tab Folder API

Unlike basic SWT usage, tab_folder has the smart default of pre-initializing all tabs so that they are properly sized/filled so no delays occur when a user browses through them for the first time by selecting unselected tabs.

The Stock Ticker sample takes advantage of this to ensure all tabs are pre-initialized and filled with rendered data even before the user selects any of them.

That said, tab_folder can optionally receive a custom Glimmer SWT style named :initialize_tabs_on_select, which disables that behavior by going back to SWT's default of initializing tabs upon first selection (e.g. upon clicking with the mouse).

Shell Icon

To set the shell icon, simply set the image property under the shell widget. This shows up in the operating system toolbar and app-switcher (e.g. CMD+TAB) (and application window top-left corner in Windows)


shell {
  # ...
  image 'path/to/image.png'
  # ...
Shell Icon Tip for Packaging on Windows

When setting shell icon for a packaged app, which has a JAR file at its core, you can reference the ico file that ships with the app by going one level up (e.g. '../AppName.ico')


Dialog is a variation on Shell. It is basically a shell that is modal (blocks what's behind it) and belongs to another shell. It only has a close button.

Glimmer facilitates building dialogs by using the dialog keyword, which automatically adds the SWT.DIALOG_TRIM and SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL widget styles needed for a dialog.

Check out Hello, Dialog! sample to learn more.


The Glimmer DSL message_box keyword is similar to shell and dialog, but renders a modal dialog with a title text property, main body message property, and dismissal button(s) only (OK button by default or more options). It may also be opened via the #open method.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

@shell = shell {
  text 'Hello, Message Box!'
  button {
    text 'Please Click To Win a Surprise'
    on_widget_selected do
      message_box(@shell) {
        text 'Surprise'
        message "Congratulations!\n\nYou have won $1,000,000!"

Hello Message Box Dialog

It is also possible to use message_box even before instantiating the first shell (Glimmer builds a throwaway shell parent automatically for it):

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

message_box {
  text 'Greeting'
  message "Hello, World!"


The SWT Display class is a singleton in Glimmer. It is used in SWT to represent your display device, allowing you to manage GUI globally and access available monitors. Additionally, it is responsible for the SWT event loop, which runs on the first thread the Glimmer application starts on. In multi-threaded programming, Display provides the methods async_exec and sync_exec to enable enqueuing GUI changes asynchronously or synchronously from threads other than the main (first) thread since direct GUI changes are forbidden from other threads by design.

Display is automatically instantiated upon first instantiation of a shell widget.

Alternatively, for advanced use cases, a Display can be created explicitly with the Glimmer display keyword. When a shell is later declared, it automatically uses the display created earlier without having to explicitly hook it.

@display = display {
  cursor_location 300, 300
  on_swt_keydown do
    # ...
  # ...
@shell = shell { # uses display created above

The benefit of instantiating an SWT Display explicitly is to set Properties or Observers. Although SWT Display is not technically a widget, it has similar APIs and DSL support.


JRuby supports truly parallel multi-threading since it relies on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). As such, it enables development of highly-interactive desktop applications that can do background work while the user is interacting with the GUI. However, any code that interacts with the GUI from a thread other than the main (first) GUI thread must do so only through sync_exec (if it is standard synchronous code) or async_exec.

Most of the time, you simply get away with Ruby Threads and Mutexes.

Otherwise, if you need more advanced concurrency, Glimmer includes the concurrent-ruby gem, which supports many helpful concurrency techniques such as Thread Pools (used in the Mandelbrot Fractal sample).

One thing Glimmer DSL for SWT innovates over plain old SWT is not requiring developers to explicitly use Display.syncExec from threads other than the GUI threads. Glimmer automatically detects if you're running in a different thread and uses Display.syncExec automatically using its own enhanced auto_exec

In any case, Glimmer still allows developers to manually use sync_exec, async_exec, timer_exec, and auto_exec when needed. M


async_exec {} is a Glimmer DSL keyword in addition to being a method on display. It accepts a block and when invoked, adds the block to the end of a queue of GUI events scheduled to run on the SWT event loop, executing asynchronously.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

@shell = shell {
  text 'Glimmer'
  @label = label {
    text 'Hello, World!'
} do
  [:red, :dark_green, :blue].cycle do |color|
    async_exec do
      @label.content {
        foreground color if @shell.visible?

sync_exec {} is required by SWT when running GUI update from a thread other than the GUI thread. In Glimmer, it is automatically invoked for you so that you wouldn't have to worry about it. It works just like async_exec except it executes the block synchronously at the earliest opportunity possible, waiting for the block to be finished.


sync_exec {} is required by SWT when running GUI update from a thread other than the GUI thread. In Glimmer, it is automatically invoked for you so that you wouldn't have to worry about it. It works just like async_exec except it executes the block synchronously at the earliest opportunity possible, waiting for the block to be finished.


auto_exec(override_sync_exec:, override_async_exec) {} only executes code block with sync_exec when necessary (running from a thread other than the GUI thread). It is used automatically all over the Glimmer DSL for SWT codebase, so you wouldn't need it unless you grab a direct handle on swt_widget from a widget proxy.


timer_exec(delay_in_milliseconds) {} works just like async_exec except it executes the block after a delay has elapsed.


Glimmer DSL provides support for SWT Menu and MenuItem widgets.

There are 2 main types of menus in SWT:

  • Menu Bar (shows up on top)
  • Pop Up Context Menu (shows up when right-clicking a widget)

Underneath both types, there can be a 3rd menu type called Drop Down.

Glimmer provides special support for Drop Down menus as it automatically instantiates associated Cascade menu items and wires together with proper parenting, swt styles, and calling setMenu.

The ampersand symbol indicates the keyboard shortcut key for the menu item (e.g. '&Help' can be triggered on Windows by hitting ALT+H)

Example of a Menu Bar (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

COLORS = [:white, :red, :yellow, :green, :blue, :magenta, :gray, :black]

shell {
  grid_layout {
    margin_width 0
    margin_height 0
  text 'Hello, Menu Bar!'
  @label = label(:center) {
    font height: 50
    text 'Check Out The Menu Bar Above!'
  menu_bar {
    menu {
      text '&File'
      menu_item {
        text '&New'
        accelerator :command, :N
        on_widget_selected do
          message_box {
            text 'New'
            message 'New file created.'
      menu_item {
        text '&Open...'
        accelerator :command, :O
        on_widget_selected do
          message_box {
            text 'Open'
            message 'Opening File...'
      menu {
        text 'Open &Recent'
        menu_item {
          text 'File 1'
          on_widget_selected do
            message_box {
              text 'File 1'
              message 'File 1 Contents'
        menu_item {
          text 'File 2'
          on_widget_selected do
            message_box {
              text 'File 2'
              message 'File 2 Contents'
      menu_item {
        text 'E&xit'
        on_widget_selected do
    menu {
      text '&Edit'
      menu_item {
        text 'Cut'
        accelerator :command, :X
      menu_item {
        text 'Copy'
        accelerator :command, :C
      menu_item {
        text 'Paste'
        accelerator :command, :V
    menu {
      text '&Options'
      menu_item(:radio) {
        text '&Enabled'
        on_widget_selected do
          @select_one_menu.enabled = true
          @select_multiple_menu.enabled = true
      @select_one_menu = menu {
        text '&Select One'
        enabled false
        menu_item(:radio) {
          text 'Option 1'
        menu_item(:radio) {
          text 'Option 2'
        menu_item(:radio) {
          text 'Option 3'
      @select_multiple_menu = menu {
        text '&Select Multiple'
        enabled false
        menu_item(:check) {
          text 'Option 4'
        menu_item(:check) {
          text 'Option 5'
        menu_item(:check) {
          text 'Option 6'
    menu {
      text '&Format'
      menu {
        text '&Background Color'
        COLORS.each { |color_style|
          menu_item(:radio) {
            text color_style.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')
            on_widget_selected do
              @label.background = color_style
      menu {
        text 'Foreground &Color'
        COLORS.each { |color_style|
          menu_item(:radio) {
            text color_style.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')
            on_widget_selected do
              @label.foreground = color_style
    menu {
      text '&View'
      menu_item(:radio) {
        text 'Small'
        on_widget_selected do
          @label.font = {height: 25}
      menu_item(:radio) {
        text 'Medium'
        selection true
        on_widget_selected do
          @label.font = {height: 50}
      menu_item(:radio) {
        text 'Large'
        on_widget_selected do
          @label.font = {height: 75}
    menu {
      text '&Help'
      menu_item {
        text '&Manual'
        accelerator :command, :shift, :M
        on_widget_selected do
          message_box {
            text 'Manual'
            message 'Manual Contents'
      menu_item {
        text '&Tutorial'
        accelerator :command, :shift, :T
        on_widget_selected do
          message_box {
            text 'Tutorial'
            message 'Tutorial Contents'
      menu_item {
        text '&Report an Issue...'
        on_widget_selected do
          message_box {
            text 'Report an Issue'
            message 'Reporting an issue...'

Example of a Pop Up Context Menu (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  grid_layout {
    margin_width 0
    margin_height 0
  text 'Hello, Pop Up Context Menu!'
  label {
    text "Right-Click on the Text to\nPop Up a Context Menu"
    font height: 50
    menu {
      menu {
        text '&History'
        menu {
          text '&Recent'
          menu_item {
            text 'File 1'
            on_widget_selected do
              message_box {
                text 'File 1'
                message 'File 1 Contents'
          menu_item {
            text 'File 2'
            on_widget_selected do
              message_box {
                text 'File 2'
                message 'File 2 Contents'
        menu {
          text '&Archived'
          menu_item {
            text 'File 3'
            on_widget_selected do
              message_box {
                text 'File 3'
                message 'File 3 Contents'
          menu_item {
            text 'File 4'
            on_widget_selected do
              message_box {
                text 'File 4'
                message 'File 4 Contents'

Tray Item

Hello Tray Item Icon

The system tray allows showing icons for various apps that need to stay on for extended periods of time and provide quick access.

In Glimmer DSL for SWT, generating tray items is automated via the tray_item keyword, which can be nested under shell and then have a child menu underneath that pops up when the user clicks on its icon in the system tray. It is recommended that the related shell is declared with the :on_top style (in addition to the default style :shell_trim) to ensure it opens above all apps when shown.

Note that if you would like to display notifications, you can use the JFace Notification API and new JFace Notification builder, the Nebula Notifier custom widget, or the Two Slices Java library.

Example code:

    shell(:shell_trim, :on_top) { # make it always appear on top of everything
      row_layout(:vertical) {
        center true
      text 'Hello, Tray Item!'
      on_shell_closed do |event|
        # do not perform event that closes app when shell is closed
        event.doit = false
        # body_root is the root shell
        self.show_application = false # updates Show Application checkbox menu item indirectly
      tray_item {
        tool_tip_text 'Glimmer'
        image @image # could use an image path instead

        menu {
          menu_item {
            text 'About'

            on_widget_selected do
              message_box {
                text 'Glimmer - About'
                message 'This is a Glimmer DSL for SWT Tray Item'
          menu_item(:check) {
            text 'Show Application'
            selection <=> [self, :show_application]
            on_widget_selected do
              # body_root is the root shell
              if body_root.visible?
          menu_item {
            text 'Exit'

            on_widget_selected do
        # supported tray item listeners (you can try to add actions to them when needed)
#         on_swt_Show do
#         end
#         on_swt_Hide do
#         end
#         on_widget_selected do
#         end
#         on_menu_detected do
#         end
      label(:center) {
        text 'This is the application'
        font height: 30
      label {
        text 'Click on the tray item (circles icon) to open its menu'
      label {
        text 'Uncheck Show Application to hide the app and recheck it to show the app'

Learn more at Hello, Tray Item!


Glimmer provides smart defaults for the scrolled_composite widget by:

  • Automatically setting the nested widget as its content (meaning use can just like a plain old composite to add scrolling)
  • Automatically setting the :h_scroll and :v_scroll SWT styles (can be set manually if only one of either :h_scroll or :v_scroll is desired )
  • Automatically setting the expand horizontal and expand vertical SWT properties to true

Sash Form Widget

sash_form is an SWT built-in custom widget that provides a resizable sash that splits a window area into two or more panes.

It can be customized with the weights attribute by setting initial weights to size the panes at first display.

One noteworthy thing about the Glimmer implementation is that, unlike behavior in SWT, it allows declaring weights before the content of the sash_form, thus providing more natural and convenient syntax (Glimmer automatically takes care of sending that declaration to SWT at the end of declaring sash_form content as per the SWT requirements)

You can customize the color of the sash by setting the background attribute.

Also, you can customize the sash_width (Integer) and orientation properties (swt(:horizontal) or swt(:vertical)).

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

shell {
  text 'Sash Form Example'
  sash_form {
    label {
      text '(resize >>)'
      background :dark_green
      foreground :white
      font height: 20
    label {
      text '(<< resize)'
      background :red
      foreground :white
      font height: 20
    weights 1, 2

You may check out a more full-fledged example in Hello, Sash Form!

Hello Sash Form

Browser Widget

Hello Browser

Glimmer DSL for SWT includes a basic SWT Browser widget, which can load URLs or render HTML. It supports WebKit (default on Mac/Linux), Edge (default on Windows), and IE (pass SWT style :none to activate on Windows) browsers out of the box. Its JavaScript engine can even be instrumented with Ruby code if needed.

Example loading a URL (you may copy/paste in girb):

shell {
  minimum_size 1024, 860
  maximum_size 2000, 1000
  browser {
    url ''

Example rendering HTML with JavaScript on document ready (you may copy/paste in girb provided you install and require glimmer-dsl-xml gem):

shell {
  minimum_size 130, 130
  @browser = browser {
    text html {
      head {
        meta(name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=2.0")
      body {
        h1 { "Hello, World!" }
    on_completed do # on load of the page execute this JavaScript
      @browser.swt_widget.execute("alert('Hello, World!');")

This relies on Glimmer's Multi-DSL Support for building the HTML text using Glimmer XML DSL.

Learn more at:

The built-in basic SWT browser widget might not satisfy all your needs. If so, consider the advanced 3rd-party browser widget JxBrowser, which utilizes Google Chromium.

Widget Styles

SWT widgets receive SWT styles in their constructor as per this guide:

Glimmer DSL facilitates that by passing symbols representing SWT constants as widget method arguments (i.e. inside widget () parentheses according to Glimmer Style Guide. See example below) in lower case version (e.g. SWT::MULTI becomes :multi).

These styles customize widget look, feel, and behavior.


# ...
list(:multi, :border) { # SWT styles go inside ()
  # ...
# ...

Passing :multi to list widget enables list element multi-selection.

# ...
composite(:border) { # SWT styles go inside ()
  # ...
# ...

Passing :border to composite widget ensures it has a border.

When you need to pass in multiple SWT styles, simply separate by commas.


# ...
text(:center, :border) { # Multiple SWT styles separated by comma
  # ...
# ...

Glimmer ships with SWT style smart defaults so you wouldn't have to set them yourself most of the time (albeit you can always override them):

  • text(:border)
  • table(:border, :virtual, :full_selection)
  • tree(:border, :virtual, :v_scroll, :h_scroll)
  • spinner(:border)
  • list(:border, :v_scroll)
  • button(:push)

You may check out all available SWT styles here:

Explicit SWT Style Bit

When building a widget-related SWT object manually (e.g., you are expected to use SWT::CONSTANT directly or BIT-OR a few SWT constants together like SWT::BORDER | SWT::V_SCROLL.

Glimmer facilitates that with swt keyword by allowing you to pass multiple styles as an argument array of symbols instead of dealing with BIT-OR. Example:

style = swt(:border, :v_scroll)

Negative SWT Style Bits

In rare occasions, you might need to apply & with a negative (not) style bit to negate it from another style bit that includes it. Glimmer facilitates that by declaring the negative style bit via postfixing a symbol with !.


style = swt(:shell_trim, :max!) # creates a shell trim style without the maximize button (negated)

Extra SWT Styles

Non-resizable Window

SWT Shell widget by default is resizable. To make it non-resizable, one must pass a complicated style bit concoction like swt(:shell_trim, :resize!, :max!).

Glimmer makes this easier by alternatively ing a :no_resize extra SWT style, added for convenience. This makes declaring a non-resizable window as easy as:

shell(:no_resize) {
  # ...
Fill Screen Window

SWT Shell can open and fill the screen with this style swt(:fill_screen). This makes it have the size of the display, thus filling the screen. Keep in mind that this is different from being maximized (which is a special window state, not just filling the screen).

Widget Properties

Widget properties such as text value, enablement, visibility, and layout details are set within the widget block using methods matching SWT widget property names in lower snakecase. You may refer to SWT widget guide for details on available widget properties:

Code examples:

# ...
label {
  text "Hello, World!" # SWT properties go inside {} block
# ...

In the above example, the label widget text property was set to "Hello, World!".

# ...
button {
  enabled bind(, column), :empty)
# ...

In the above example, the text widget enabled property was data-bound to #empty method on, column) (learn more about data-binding below)


Colors make up a subset of widget properties. SWT accepts color objects created with RGB (Red Green Blue) or RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha). Glimmer supports constructing color objects using the rgb and rgba DSL keywords.


# ...
label {
  background rgb(144, 240, 244)
  foreground rgba(38, 92, 232, 255)
# ...

SWT also supports standard colors available as constants under the SWT namespace with the COLOR_ prefix (e.g. SWT::COLOR_BLUE)

Glimmer supports constructing colors for these constants as lowercase Ruby symbols (with or without color_ prefix) passed to color DSL keyword


# ...
label {
  background color(:black)
  foreground color(:yellow)
label {
  background color(:color_white)
  foreground color(:color_red)
# ...

You may check out all available standard colors in SWT over here (having COLOR_ prefix):


Glimmer color objects come with an instance method #swt_color that returns the actual SWT Color object wrapped by the Glimmer color object. It is useful in cases you'd like to do some custom SWT programming outside of Glimmer.


color(:black).swt_color # returns SWT Color object


Fonts are represented in Glimmer as a hash of name, height, and style keys.

The style can be one (or more) of 3 values: :normal, :bold, and :italic


# ...
label {
  font name: 'Arial', height: 36, style: :normal
# ...

Keys are optional, so some of them may be left off. When passing multiple styles, they are included in an array.


# ...
label {
  font style: [:bold, :italic]
# ...

You may simply use the standalone font keyword without nesting in a parent if there is a need to build a Font object to use in manual SWT programming outside of widget font property setting.


@font = font(name: 'Arial', height: 36, style: :normal)


The image keyword creates an instance of

It is a graphics Image object (not a widget), but is used used in setting the image property on label and background_image on composite (and subclasses)

Glimmer recently included EXPERIMENTAL gif animation support for the background_image property on `composite' since SWT does not support animation by default. On Windows, it only works inside composites nested under standard shells, not ones that have the SWT styles :on_top or :no_trim

When an app is packaged (i.e. JAR inside a DMG or MSI native executable), jruby generates file paths that start with "uri:classloader". The image keyword automatically knows how to interpret such paths when passed as an argument.

Should you need to read a file from a JAR file manually, you may use this code (assuming a file_path formed using standard Ruby File.expand_path call, which jruby automatically overrides when running from a JAR to generate a uri:classloader path) :

require 'jruby'
file_path = file_path.sub(/^uri\:classloader\:/, '').sub(/^\/+/, '')
jcl = JRuby.runtime.jruby_class_loader
resource = jcl.get_resource_as_stream(file_path)
file_input_stream = resource.to_io.to_input_stream

Learn more about images in general at this SWT Image guide:

Image Options

Options may be passed in a hash at the end of image arguments:

  • width: width of image
  • height: height of image

If only the width or height alone are specified, the other is calculated while maintaining the image aspect ratio.


label {
  image 'someimage.png', width: 400, height: 300


SWT widget cursor property represents the mouse cursor you see on the screen when you hover over that widget.

The Display class provides a way to obtain standard system cursors matching of the SWT style constants starting with prefix CURSOR_ (e.g. SWT::CURSOR_HELP shows a question mark mouse cursor)

Glimmer provides an easier way to obtain and set cursor property on a widget by simply mentioning the SWT style constant as an abbreviated symbol excluding the "CURSOR_" suffix.


shell {
  minimum_size 128, 128
  cursor :appstarting

This sets the shell cursor to that of SWT::CURSOR_APPSTARTING


Glimmer lays widgets out visually using SWT layouts, configurable with many options (e.g. whether widgets are responsive to window sizing), which can only be set on composite widget and subclasses.

The most common SWT layouts are:

  • fill_layout: lays widgets out in equal proportion horizontally or vertically with spacing/margin options. This is the default layout for shell (with :horizontal option) in Glimmer.
  • row_layout: lays widgets out horizontally or vertically in varying proportions with advanced spacing/margin/justify options
  • grid_layout: lays widgets out in a grid with advanced spacing/margin/alignment/indentation options. This is the default layout for composite in Glimmer. It is important to master.

Note that if you need to have widgets fill a row_layout and resize automatically upon window resize, you must nest fill true within. This is the automatic behavior of fill_layout. For grid_layout, you would have to add layout_data :fill, :center, true, false to a child that you want to fill all available space horizontally (whether initially or after window resize) and layout_data :fill, :fill, true, true if you want to fill all available space horizontally and vertically.

Do not be alarmed if widget sizes were kept fixed on resize of a window or change of text data. This is normal behavior that can always be overridden with options, such as fill true mentioned above. You need to learn more about each layout before you have mastered them enough for your needs. Samples like Hello, Layout! are greatly helpful in learning too.

In Glimmer DSL, just like widgets, layouts can be specified with lowercase underscored names followed by a block containing properties, also lowercase underscored names (e.g. RowLayout is row_layout).


# ...
composite {
  row_layout {
    wrap true
    pack false
    justify true
    type :vertical
    margin_left 1
    margin_top 2
    margin_right 3
    margin_bottom 4
    spacing 5
  # ... widgets follow
# ...

If you data-bind any layout properties, when they change, the shell containing their widget re-packs its children (calls #pack method automatically) to ensure proper relayout of all widgets.

Alternatively, a layout may be constructed by following the SWT API for the layout object. For example, a RowLayout can be constructed by passing it an SWT style constant (Glimmer automatically accepts symbols (e.g. :horizontal) for SWT style arguments like SWT::HORIZONTAL.)

# ...
composite {
  row_layout :horizontal
  # ... widgets follow
# ...

Here is a more sophisticated example taken from hello_computed.rb sample:

Hello Computed

shell {
  text 'Hello, Computed!'
  composite {
    grid_layout {
      num_columns 2
      make_columns_equal_width true
      horizontal_spacing 20
      vertical_spacing 10
    label {text 'First &Name: '}
    text {
      text bind(@contact, :first_name)
      layout_data {
        horizontal_alignment :fill
        grab_excess_horizontal_space true
    label {text '&Last Name: '}
    text {
      text bind(@contact, :last_name)
      layout_data {
        horizontal_alignment :fill
        grab_excess_horizontal_space true
    label {text '&Year of Birth: '}
    text {
      text bind(@contact, :year_of_birth)
      layout_data {
        horizontal_alignment :fill
        grab_excess_horizontal_space true
    label {text 'Name: '}
    label {
      text bind(@contact, :name, computed_by: [:first_name, :last_name])
      layout_data {
        horizontal_alignment :fill
        grab_excess_horizontal_space true
    label {text 'Age: '}
    label {
      text bind(@contact, :age, on_write: :to_i, computed_by: [:year_of_birth])
      layout_data {
        horizontal_alignment :fill
        grab_excess_horizontal_space true

Check out the samples directory for more advanced examples of layouts in Glimmer.


Glimmer composites always come with grid_layout by default, but you can still specify explicitly if you'd like to set specific properties on it.

Glimmer shell always comes with fill_layout having :horizontal type.

If you ever want to force a re-layout on a composite or shell, you can call the following:

composite_or_shell.layout(true, true)

This is a great guide for learning more about SWT layouts:

Also, for a reference, check the SWT API:

Layout Data

Layouts organize widgets following common rules for all widgets directly under a composite. But, what if a specific widget needs its own rules. That's where layout data comes into play.

By convention, SWT layouts expect widgets to set layout data with a class matching their class name with the word "Data" replacing "Layout":

  • GridLayout on a composite demands GridData on contained widgets
  • RowLayout on a composite demands RowData on contained widgets

Not all layouts support layout data to further customize widget layouts. For example, FillLayout supports no layout data.

Unlike widgets and layouts in Glimmer DSL, layout data is simply specified with layout_data keyword nested inside a widget block body, and followed by arguments and/or a block of its own properties (lowercase underscored names).

Glimmer automatically deduces layout data class name by convention as per rule above, with the assumption that the layout data class lives under the same exact Java package as the layout (one can set custom layout data that breaks convention if needed in rare cases. See code below for an example)

Glimmer also automatically accepts symbols (e.g. :fill) for SWT style arguments like SWT::FILL.


# ...
composite {
  row_layout :horizontal
  label {
    layout_data { # followed by properties
      width 50
      height 30
  # ... more widgets follow
# ...
# ...
composite {
  grid_layout 3, false # grid layout with 3 columns not of equal width
  label {
    # layout data followed by arguments passed to SWT GridData constructor
    layout_data :fill, :end, true, false
# ...
# ...
composite {
  grid_layout 3, false # grid layout with 3 columns not of equal width
  label {
    # layout data with explicit setting of properties instead of relying on arguments
    layout_data {
      horizontal_alignment :fill # could be :beginning, :center or :end too
      vertical_alignment :center # could be :beginning, :fill, or :end too
      grab_excess_horizontal_space true
      grab_excess_vertical_space false
# ...
# ...
composite {
  grid_layout 3, false # grid layout with 3 columns not of equal width
  label {
    # layout data set explicitly via an object (helps in rare cases that break convention)
    layout_data, swt(:end), true, false)
# ...

If you data-bind any layout data properties, when they change, the shell containing their widget re-packs its children (calls #pack method automatically) to ensure proper relayout of all widgets.

Also, if you ever want a widget to be excluded from layout entirely (in addition to having visible false on the widget), you can set layout_data { exclude true } or data-bind exclude property of layout_data to have a widget included/excluded automatically based on a condition.

Here is a re-implementation of the Login sample that hides/shows login/logout buttons upon login/logout (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class LoginPresenter

  attr_accessor :user_name
  attr_accessor :password
  attr_accessor :status

  def initialize
    @user_name = ""
    @password = ""
    @status = "Logged Out"

  def status=(status)
    @status = status
  def valid?
    !@user_name.to_s.strip.empty? && !@password.to_s.strip.empty?

  def logged_in?
    self.status == "Logged In"

  def logged_out?

  def login!
    return unless valid?
    self.status = "Logged In"

  def logout!
    self.user_name = ""
    self.password = ""
    self.status = "Logged Out"


class Login
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell

  before_body do
    @presenter =

  body {
    shell {
      text "Login"
      composite {
        grid_layout(2, false) #two columns with differing widths

        label { text "Username:" } # goes in column 1
        @user_name_text = text {   # goes in column 2
          layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
          text <=> [@presenter, :user_name]
          enabled <= [@presenter, :logged_out?, computed_by: :status]
          on_key_pressed { |event|
            @password_text.set_focus if event.keyCode == swt(:cr)

        label { text "Password:" }
        @password_text = text(:password, :border) {
          layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
          text <=> [@presenter, :password]
          enabled <= [@presenter, :logged_out?, computed_by: :status]
          on_key_pressed { |event|
            @presenter.login! if event.keyCode == swt(:cr)

        label { text "Status:" }
        label {
          layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
          text <= [@presenter, :status]

        button {
          layout_data {
            exclude <= [@presenter, :logged_in?, computed_by: :status]
          text "Login"
          visible <= [@presenter, :logged_out?, computed_by: :status]
          on_widget_selected { @presenter.login! }
          on_key_pressed { |event|
            if event.keyCode == swt(:cr)

        button {
          layout_data {
            exclude <= [@presenter, :logged_out?, computed_by: :status]
          text "Logout"
          visible <= [@presenter, :logged_in?, computed_by: :status]
          on_widget_selected { @presenter.logout! }
          on_key_pressed { |event|
            if event.keyCode == swt(:cr)


Login (with exclude data-binding) - Logged Out

Login Exclude Logged Out

Login (with exclude data-binding) - Logged In

Login Exclude Logged In

NOTE: Layout data must never be reused between widgets. Always specify or clone again for every widget.

This is a great guide for learning more about SWT layouts:

Also, for a reference, check the SWT API:

Canvas Shape DSL

While other GUI toolkits only offer a way to draw graphics imperatively (e.g. draw_arc, draw_rectangle, move_to, line_to, etc...), Glimmer DSL for SWT breaks away from the mold by enabling software engineers to draw graphics declaratively. Simply declare all the shapes you want to see with their attributes, like background/foreground colors, and Glimmer DSL for SWT takes care of the rest, painting graphics on a blank canvas widget or amending/decorating an existing widget. This is accomplished through the Canvas Shape DSL, a sub-DSL of the Glimmer GUI DSL, which makes it possible to draw graphics declaratively with very understandable and maintainable syntax. Still, for the rare cases where imperative logic is needed, Glimmer DSL for SWT supports imperative painting of graphics through direct usage of SWT.

Canvas Shape DSL Line Canvas Shape DSL Rectangle Canvas Shape DSL Oval Canvas Shape DSL Arc Canvas Shape DSL Polyline Canvas Shape DSL Polygon Canvas Shape DSL Text

canvas has the :double_buffered SWT style by default on platforms that need it (Windows & Linux) to ensure flicker-free rendering. If you need to disable it for whatever reason, just pass the :none SWT style instead (e.g. canvas(:none))

Shape keywords and their args (including defaults) are listed below (they basically match method names and arguments on minus the draw or fill prefix in downcase):

  • arc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle, fill: false) arc is part of a circle within an oval area, denoted by start angle (degrees) and end angle (degrees)
  • focus(x, y, width, height) this is just like rectangle but its foreground color is always that of the OS widget focus color (useful when capturing user interaction via a shape)
  • image(image, x = 0, y = 0) sets image, which could be an object or just a file path string
  • image(image, source_x, source_y, source_width, source_height, destination_x, destination_y, destination_width, destination_height) sets part of an image and scales it to fit destination dimensions on parent canvas/widget
  • line(x1, y1, x2, y2) line
  • oval(x, y, width, height, fill: false) oval if width does not match heigh and circle if width matches height. Can be optionally filled.
  • point(x, y) point
  • polygon(pointArray, fill: false) polygon consisting of points, which close automatically to form a shape that can be optionally filled (when points only form a line, it does not show up as filled)
  • polyline(pointArray) polyline is just like a polygon, but it does not close up to form a shape, remaining open (unless the points close themselves by having the last point or an intermediate point match the first)
  • rectangle(x, y, width, height, fill: false) standard rectangle, which can be optionally filled
  • rectangle(x, y, width, height, arcWidth = 60, arcHeight = 60, fill: false, round: true) round rectangle, which can be optionally filled, and takes optional extra round angle arguments
  • rectangle(x, y, width, height, vertical = true, fill: true, gradient: true) gradient rectangle, which is always filled, and takes an optional extra argument to specify true for vertical gradient (default) and false for horizontal gradient
  • text(string, x, y, is_transparent = true) text with optional is_transparent to indicate if background is transparent (default is true)
  • text(string, x, y, flags) text with optional flags (flag format is swt(comma_separated_flags) where flags can be :draw_delimiter (i.e. new lines), :draw_tab, :draw_mnemonic, and :draw_transparent as explained in GC API)

Shape keywords that can be filled with color can take a keyword argument fill: true (or filled: true). Defaults to false when not specified unless background is set with no foreground (or foreground is set with no background), in which case a smart default is applied. Smart defaults can be applied to automatically infer gradient: true (rectangle with both foreground and background) and round: true (rectangle with more than 4 args, the extra args are numeric) as well.

Optionally, a shape keyword takes a block that can set any attributes from (methods starting with set), which enable setting the background for filling and foreground for drawing.

Here is a list of supported attributes nestable within a block under shapes:

  • advanced enables advanced graphics subsystem (boolean value). Typically gets enabled automatically when setting alpha, antialias, patterns, interpolation, clipping. Rendering sometimes differs between advanced and non-advanced mode for basic graphics too, so you could enable manually if you prefer its look even for basic graphics.
  • alpha sets transparency (integer between 0 and 255)
  • antialias enables antialiasing (SWT style value of :default (or nil), :off (or false), :on (or true) whereby :default applies OS default, which varies per OS)
  • background sets fill color for fillable shapes (standard color symbol (e.g. :red), rgb(red_integer, green_integer, blue_integer) color, or Color/ColorProxy object directly)
  • background_pattern sets fill gradient/image pattern for fillable shape background (takes the same arguments as the SWT Pattern class [e.g. background_pattern 2.3, 4.2, 5.4, 7.2, :red, :blue] / note: this feature isn't extensively tested yet)
  • clipping clips area of painting (numeric values for (x, y, width, height))
  • fill_rule sets filling rule (SWT style value of :fill_even_odd or :fill_winding)
  • font sets font (Hash of :name, :height, and :style just like standard widget font property, or Font/FontProxy object directly)
  • foreground sets draw color for drawable shapes (standard color symbol (e.g. :red), rgb(red_integer, green_integer, blue_integer) color, or Color/ColorProxy object directly)
  • foreground_pattern sets foreground gradient/image pattern for drawable shape lines (takes the same arguments as the SWT Pattern class [e.g. foreground_pattern 2.3, 4.2, 5.4, 7.2, :red, :blue] / note: this feature isn't extensively tested yet)
  • interpolation sets the interpolation value (SWT style value of :default, :none, :low, :high)
  • line_cap sets line cap (SWT style value of :flat, :round, or :square, with aliases :cap_flat, :cap_round, and :cap_square)
  • line_dash line dash float values (automatically sets line_style to SWT style value of :line_custom)
  • line_join line join style (SWT style value of :miter, :round, and :bevel, with aliases :join_miter, :join_round, or :join_bevel)
  • line_style line join style (SWT style value of :solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot, or :custom while requiring line_dash attribute (or alternatively with line_ prefix as per official SWT docs like :line_solid for :solid)
  • line_width line width in integer (used in draw operations)
  • text_anti_alias enables text antialiasing (SWT style value of :default, :off, :on whereby :default applies OS default, which varies per OS)
  • transform sets transform object using Canvas Transform DSL syntax

If you specify the x and y coordinates as :default, nil, or leave them out, they get calculated automatically by centering the shape within its parent canvas.

If you specify the width and height parameters as :max, they get calculated from the parent's size, filling the parent maximally (and they are auto-calculated on parent resize).

Note that you could shift a shape off its centered position within its parent canvas by setting x to [:default, x_delta] and y to [:default, y_delta]

Keep in mind that ordering of shapes matters as it is followed in painting. For example, it is recommended you paint filled shapes first and then drawn ones.

Example of line (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    line(30, 30, 170, 170) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Line

Example of rectangle (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    rectangle(30, 50, 140, 100) {
      background :yellow
    rectangle(30, 50, 140, 100) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Rectangle

Example of rectangle with round corners having 60 degree angles by default (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    rectangle(30, 50, 140, 100, round: true) {
      background :yellow
    rectangle(30, 50, 140, 100, round: true) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Rectangle Round

Example of rectangle with round corners having different horizontal and vertical angles (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    rectangle(30, 50, 140, 100, 40, 80) {
      background :yellow
    rectangle(30, 50, 140, 100, 40, 80) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Rectangle Round Angles

Example of oval (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    oval(30, 50, 140, 100) {
      background :yellow
    oval(30, 50, 140, 100) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Oval

Example of arc (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    arc(30, 30, 140, 140, 0, 270) {
      background :yellow
    arc(30, 30, 140, 140, 0, 270) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Arc

Example of polyline (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    polyline(30, 50, 50, 170, 70, 120, 90, 150, 110, 30, 130, 100, 150, 50, 170, 135) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Polyline

Example of polygon (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    polygon(30, 90, 80, 20, 130, 40, 170, 90, 130, 140, 80, 170, 40, 160) {
      background :yellow
    polygon(30, 90, 80, 20, 130, 40, 170, 90, 130, 140, 80, 170, 40, 160) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Polygon

Example of text (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    text(" This is \n rendered text ", 30, 50) {
      background :yellow
      foreground :red
      font height: 25, style: :italic
      rectangle { # automatically scales to match text extent
        foreground :red
        line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Text

Example of image (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 512, 542
  canvas {
    background :white
    image(File.expand_path('icons/scaffold_app.png', __dir__), 0, 5)

Canvas Shape DSL Image

Example of image pre-built with a smaller height (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

@image_object = image(File.expand_path('icons/scaffold_app.png', __dir__), height: 200)

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 230
  canvas {
    background :white
    image(@image_object, 0, 5)

Canvas Shape DSL Image

Example of setting background_pattern attribute to a horizontal gradient (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    oval(30, 30, 140, 140) {
      background_pattern 0, 0, 200, 0, rgb(255, 255, 0), rgb(255, 0, 0)

Canvas Shape DSL Oval Background Pattern Gradient

Example of setting foreground_pattern attribute to a vertical gradient (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    oval(30, 30, 140, 140) {
      foreground_pattern 0, 0, 0, 200, :blue, :green
      line_width 10

Canvas Shape DSL Oval Foreground Pattern Gradient

Example of setting line_style attribute to :dashdot (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    oval(30, 50, 140, 100) {
      background :yellow
    oval(30, 50, 140, 100) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 3
      line_style :dashdot

Canvas Shape DSL Oval

Example of setting line_width attribute to 10, line_join attribute to :miter (default) and line_cap attribute to :flat (default) (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    polyline(30, 50, 50, 170, 70, 120, 90, 150, 110, 30, 130, 100, 150, 50, 170, 135) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 10
      line_join :miter
      line_cap :flat

Canvas Shape DSL Polyline Line Join Miter Line Cap Flat

Example of setting line_width attribute to 10, line_join attribute to :round and line_cap attribute to :round (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    polyline(30, 50, 50, 170, 70, 120, 90, 150, 110, 30, 130, 100, 150, 50, 170, 135) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 10
      line_join :round
      line_cap :round

Canvas Shape DSL Polyline Line Join Round Line Cap Round

Example of setting line_width attribute to 10, line_join attribute to :bevel and line_cap attribute to :square (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    polyline(30, 50, 50, 170, 70, 120, 90, 150, 110, 30, 130, 100, 150, 50, 170, 135) {
      foreground :red
      line_width 10
      line_join :bevel
      line_cap :square

Canvas Shape DSL Polyline Line Join Miter Line Cap Flat

Shape declaration parameters perfectly match the method parameters in the SWT API. This is useful for developers coming to Glimmer DSL for SWT from SWT.

Glimmer DSL for SWT also supports an alternative syntax for specifying shape parameters by nesting underneath the shape instead of passing as args. This syntax in fact offers the extra-benefit of data-binding for shape parameter values (meaning you could use <= syntax with them instead of setting values directly)

Example of alternative syntax for specifying shape parameters (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Shape DSL'
  minimum_size 200, 220
  canvas {
    background :white
    rectangle {
      x 30
      y 50
      width 140
      height 100
      arc_width 40
      arc_height 80
      background :yellow
    rectangle {
      x 30
      y 50
      width 140
      height 100
      arc_width 40
      arc_height 80
      foreground :red
      line_width 3

Canvas Shape DSL Rectangle Round Angles

Example of canvas shape parameter data-binding (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class HelloCanvasDataBinding
  class PathShape
    attr_accessor :foreground_red, :foreground_green, :foreground_blue, :line_width_value, :line_style_value
    def foreground_value
      [foreground_red, foreground_green, foreground_blue]
    def line_style_value_options
      [:solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot]
  class LinePathShape < PathShape
    attr_accessor :x1_value, :y1_value, :x2_value, :y2_value
  class QuadPathShape < PathShape
    attr_accessor :x1_value, :y1_value, :cx_value, :cy_value, :x2_value, :y2_value
    def point_array
      [x1_value, y1_value, cx_value, cy_value, x2_value, y2_value]
  class CubicPathShape < PathShape
    attr_accessor :x1_value, :y1_value, :cx1_value, :cy1_value, :cx2_value, :cy2_value, :x2_value, :y2_value
    def point_array
      [x1_value, y1_value, cx1_value, cy1_value, cx2_value, cy2_value, x2_value, y2_value]
  include Glimmer::GUI::Application # alias for Glimmer::UI::CustomShell / Glimmer::UI::CustomWindow
  before_body do
    @line =
    @line.x1_value = 5
    @line.y1_value = 5
    @line.x2_value = CANVAS_WIDTH - 5
    @line.y2_value = CANVAS_HEIGHT - 5
    @line.foreground_red = 28
    @line.foreground_green = 128
    @line.foreground_blue = 228
    @line.line_width_value = 3
    @line.line_style_value = :dash
    @quad =
    @quad.x1_value = 5
    @quad.y1_value = CANVAS_HEIGHT - 5
    @quad.cx_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)/2.0
    @quad.cy_value = 5
    @quad.x2_value = CANVAS_WIDTH - 5
    @quad.y2_value = CANVAS_HEIGHT - 5
    @quad.foreground_red = 28
    @quad.foreground_green = 128
    @quad.foreground_blue = 228
    @quad.line_width_value = 3
    @quad.line_style_value = :dot
    @cubic =
    @cubic.x1_value = 5
    @cubic.y1_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)/2.0
    @cubic.cx1_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)*0.25
    @cubic.cy1_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)*0.25
    @cubic.cx2_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)*0.75
    @cubic.cy2_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)*0.75
    @cubic.x2_value = CANVAS_WIDTH - 5
    @cubic.y2_value = (CANVAS_WIDTH - 10)/2.0
    @cubic.foreground_red = 28
    @cubic.foreground_green = 128
    @cubic.foreground_blue = 228
    @cubic.line_width_value = 3
    @cubic.line_style_value = :dashdot
  body {
    shell(:no_resize) {
      text 'Hello, Canvas Data-Binding!'
      tab_folder {
        tab_item {
          grid_layout(6, true) {
            margin_width 0
            margin_height 0
            horizontal_spacing 0
            vertical_spacing 0
          text 'Line'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'x1'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'y1'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@line, :x1_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@line, :y1_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'x2'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'y2'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@line, :x2_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@line, :y2_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground red'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground green'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground blue'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@line, :foreground_red]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@line, :foreground_green]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@line, :foreground_blue]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'line width'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'line style'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum 255
            selection <=> [@line, :line_width_value]
          combo(:read_only) {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            selection <=> [@line, :line_style_value]
          @line_canvas = canvas {
            layout_data(:center, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 6
              width_hint CANVAS_WIDTH
              height_hint CANVAS_WIDTH
            background :white
            line {
              x1         <= [@line, :x1_value]
              y1         <= [@line, :y1_value]
              x2         <= [@line, :x2_value]
              y2         <= [@line, :y2_value]
              foreground <= [@line, :foreground_value, computed_by: [:foreground_red, :foreground_green, :foreground_blue]]
              line_width <= [@line, :line_width_value]
              line_style <= [@line, :line_style_value]
            @line_oval1 = oval {
              x          <= [@line, :x1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@line, :y1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :black
            @line_oval2 = oval {
              x          <= [@line, :x2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@line, :y2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :black
            on_mouse_down do |mouse_event|
              @selected_shape = @line_canvas.shape_at_location(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y)
              @selected_shape = nil unless @selected_shape.is_a?(Glimmer::SWT::Custom::Shape::Oval)
              @line_canvas.cursor = :hand if @selected_shape
            on_drag_detected do |drag_detect_event|
              @drag_detected = true
              @drag_current_x = drag_detect_event.x
              @drag_current_y = drag_detect_event.y
            on_mouse_move do |mouse_event|
              if @drag_detected && @selected_shape
                delta_x = mouse_event.x - @drag_current_x
                delta_y = mouse_event.y - @drag_current_y
                case @selected_shape
                when @line_oval1
                  @line.x1_value += delta_x
                  @line.y1_value += delta_y
                when @line_oval2
                  @line.x2_value += delta_x
                  @line.y2_value += delta_y
                @drag_current_x = mouse_event.x
                @drag_current_y = mouse_event.y
            on_mouse_up do |mouse_event|
              @line_canvas.cursor = :arrow
              @drag_detected = false
              @selected_shape = nil
        tab_item {
          grid_layout(6, true) {
            margin_width 0
            margin_height 0
            horizontal_spacing 0
            vertical_spacing 0
          text 'Quad'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'x1'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'y1'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :x1_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :y1_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'control x'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'control y'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :cx_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :cy_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'x2'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'y2'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :x2_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :y2_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground red'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground green'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground blue'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@quad, :foreground_red]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@quad, :foreground_green]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@quad, :foreground_blue]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'line width'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'line style'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum 255
            selection <=> [@quad, :line_width_value]
          combo(:read_only) {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            selection <=> [@quad, :line_style_value]
          @quad_canvas = canvas {
            layout_data(:center, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 6
              width_hint CANVAS_WIDTH
              height_hint CANVAS_WIDTH
            background :white
            path {
              foreground  <= [@quad, :foreground_value, computed_by: [:foreground_red, :foreground_green, :foreground_blue]]
              line_width  <= [@quad, :line_width_value]
              line_style  <= [@quad, :line_style_value]
              quad {
                point_array <= [@quad, :point_array, computed_by: [:x1_value, :y1_value, :cx_value, :cy_value, :x2_value, :y2_value]]
            @quad_oval1 = oval {
              x          <= [@quad, :x1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@quad, :y1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :black
            @quad_oval2 = oval {
              x          <= [@quad, :cx_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@quad, :cy_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :dark_gray
            @quad_oval3 = oval {
              x          <= [@quad, :x2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@quad, :y2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :black
            on_mouse_down do |mouse_event|
              @selected_shape = @quad_canvas.shape_at_location(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y)
              @selected_shape = nil unless @selected_shape.is_a?(Glimmer::SWT::Custom::Shape::Oval)
              @quad_canvas.cursor = :hand if @selected_shape
            on_drag_detected do |drag_detect_event|
              @drag_detected = true
              @drag_current_x = drag_detect_event.x
              @drag_current_y = drag_detect_event.y
            on_mouse_move do |mouse_event|
              if @drag_detected && @selected_shape
                delta_x = mouse_event.x - @drag_current_x
                delta_y = mouse_event.y - @drag_current_y
                case @selected_shape
                when @quad_oval1
                  @quad.x1_value += delta_x
                  @quad.y1_value += delta_y
                when @quad_oval2
                  @quad.cx_value += delta_x
                  @quad.cy_value += delta_y
                when @quad_oval3
                  @quad.x2_value += delta_x
                  @quad.y2_value += delta_y
                @drag_current_x = mouse_event.x
                @drag_current_y = mouse_event.y
            on_mouse_up do |mouse_event|
              @quad_canvas.cursor = :arrow
              @drag_detected = false
              @selected_shape = nil
        tab_item {
          grid_layout(6, true) {
            margin_width 0
            margin_height 0
            horizontal_spacing 0
            vertical_spacing 0
          text 'Cubic'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'x1'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'y1'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :x1_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :y1_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'control 1 x'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'control 1 y'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :cx1_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :cy1_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'control 2 x'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'control 2 y'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :cx2_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :cy2_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'x2'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'y2'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_WIDTH
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :x2_value]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum CANVAS_HEIGHT
            increment 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :y2_value]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground red'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground green'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            text 'foreground blue'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@cubic, :foreground_red]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@cubic, :foreground_green]
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 2
            maximum 255
            increment 10
            selection <=> [@cubic, :foreground_blue]
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'line width'
          label {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            text 'line style'
          spinner {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            maximum 255
            selection <=> [@cubic, :line_width_value]
          combo(:read_only) {
            layout_data(:fill, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 3
            selection <=> [@cubic, :line_style_value]
          @cubic_canvas = canvas {
            layout_data(:center, :center, false, false) {
              horizontal_span 6
              width_hint CANVAS_WIDTH
              height_hint CANVAS_WIDTH
            background :white
            path {
              foreground  <= [@cubic, :foreground_value, computed_by: [:foreground_red, :foreground_green, :foreground_blue]]
              line_width  <= [@cubic, :line_width_value]
              line_style  <= [@cubic, :line_style_value]
              cubic {
                point_array <= [@cubic, :point_array, computed_by: [:x1_value, :y1_value, :cx1_value, :cy1_value, :cx2_value, :cy2_value, :x2_value, :y2_value]]
            @cubic_oval1 = oval {
              x          <= [@cubic, :x1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@cubic, :y1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :black
            @cubic_oval2 = oval {
              x          <= [@cubic, :cx1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@cubic, :cy1_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :dark_gray
            @cubic_oval3 = oval {
              x          <= [@cubic, :cx2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@cubic, :cy2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :dark_gray
            @cubic_oval4 = oval {
              x          <= [@cubic, :x2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              y          <= [@cubic, :y2_value, on_read: ->(val) {val - 5}]
              width 10
              height 10
              background :black
            on_mouse_down do |mouse_event|
              @selected_shape = @cubic_canvas.shape_at_location(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y)
              @selected_shape = nil unless @selected_shape.is_a?(Glimmer::SWT::Custom::Shape::Oval)
              @cubic_canvas.cursor = :hand if @selected_shape
            on_drag_detected do |drag_detect_event|
              @drag_detected = true
              @drag_current_x = drag_detect_event.x
              @drag_current_y = drag_detect_event.y
            on_mouse_move do |mouse_event|
              if @drag_detected && @selected_shape
                delta_x = mouse_event.x - @drag_current_x
                delta_y = mouse_event.y - @drag_current_y
                case @selected_shape
                when @cubic_oval1
                  @cubic.x1_value += delta_x
                  @cubic.y1_value += delta_y
                when @cubic_oval2
                  @cubic.cx1_value += delta_x
                  @cubic.cy1_value += delta_y
                when @cubic_oval3
                  @cubic.cx2_value += delta_x
                  @cubic.cy2_value += delta_y
                when @cubic_oval4
                  @cubic.x2_value += delta_x
                  @cubic.y2_value += delta_y
                @drag_current_x = mouse_event.x
                @drag_current_y = mouse_event.y
            on_mouse_up do |mouse_event|
              @cubic_canvas.cursor = :arrow
              @drag_detected = false
              @selected_shape = nil


Glimmer Example Canvas Data-Binding

If you ever have special needs for optimization, you could always default to direct SWT painting via instead. Learn more at the SWT Graphics Guide and SWT Image Guide.

Example of manual drawing without relying on the declarative Glimmer Shape DSL (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

image_object = image(File.expand_path('./icons/scaffold_app.png'), width: 100)

shell {
  text 'Canvas Manual Example'
  minimum_size 320, 400

  canvas {
    background :dark_yellow
    on_paint_control do |paint_event|
      gc = paint_event.gc
      gc.background = color(:dark_red).swt_color
      gc.fill_rectangle(0, 0, 220, 400)
      gc.background = color(:yellow).swt_color
      gc.fill_round_rectangle(50, 20, 300, 150, 30, 50)
      gc.background = color(:dark_red).swt_color
      gc.foreground = color(:yellow).swt_color
      gc.fill_gradient_rectangle(150, 200, 100, 70, true)
      gc.font = font(height: 25, style: :bold).swt_font
      gc.foreground = color(:black).swt_color
      gc.draw_text('Glimmer', 208, 83, true)
      gc.foreground = rgb(0, 0, 0).swt_color
      gc.line_width = 3
      gc.draw_rectangle(200, 80, 108, 36)
      gc.draw_image(image_object.swt_image, 70, 50)

Glimmer Example Canvas

Shapes inside a Shape

Shapes can be nested within each other. If you nest a shape within another, its coordinates are assumed to be relative to its parent.

As such, if you move the parent, it moves all its children with it.

If you specify the x and y coordinates as :default, nil, or leave them out, they get calculated automatically by centering the shape within its parent shape relatively (and auto-recalculated on parent resize).

If you specify the width and height parameters as :default, nil, or leave them out, they get calculated automatically from the shape's nested children shapes if any (e.g calculating the dimensions of a text from its extent according to its font size) or from the parent's size otherwise.

If you specify the width and height parameters as :max, they get calculated from the parent's size, filling the parent maximally (and auto-recalculated on parent resize).

Note that you could shift a shape off its centered position within its parent shape by setting x to [:default, x_delta] and y to [:default, y_delta]

Check Hello, Canvas! for an example that nests lines, points, a polyline, and an image within a drawn rectangle parent:

        rectangle(205, 50, 88, 96) {
          foreground :yellow
          3.times { |n|
            line(45, 70 + n*10, 65 + n*10, 30 + n*10) {
              foreground :yellow
          10.times {|n|
            point(15 + n*5, 50 + n*5) {
              foreground :yellow
          polyline(45, 60, 55, 20, 65, 60, 85, 80, 45, 60)
          image(@image_object, 0, 5)

Shapes inside a Widget

Keep in mind that the Shape DSL can be used inside any widget, not just canvas. Unlike shapes on a canvas, which are standalone graphics, when included in a widget, which already has its own look and feel, shapes are used as a decorative add-on that complements its look by getting painted on top of it. For example, shapes were used to decorate composite blocks in the Tetris sample to have a more bevel look. In summary, Shapes can be used in a hybrid approach (shapes inside a widget), not just standalone in a canvas.

Shapes inside an Image

You can build an image using the Canvas Shape DSL (including setting the icon of the application).

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Image Shape DSL Example'
  label {
    bevel_constant = 20
    icon_block_size = 64
    icon_bevel_size = icon_block_size.to_f / 25.to_f
    icon_bevel_pixel_size = 0.16*icon_block_size.to_f
    icon_size = 8
    icon_pixel_size = icon_block_size * icon_size
    image(icon_pixel_size, icon_pixel_size) {
      icon_size.times { |row|
        icon_size.times { |column|
          colored = row >= 1 && column.between?(1, 6)
          color = colored ? color([:white, :red, :blue, :green, :yellow, :magenta, :cyan, :dark_blue].sample) : color(:white)
          x = column * icon_block_size
          y = row * icon_block_size
          rectangle(x, y, icon_block_size, icon_block_size) {
            background color
          polygon(x, y, x + icon_block_size, y, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size) {
            background rgb( + 4*bevel_constant, + 4*bevel_constant, + 4*bevel_constant)
          polygon(x + icon_block_size, y, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_block_size, y + icon_block_size) {
            background rgb( - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant)
          polygon(x + icon_block_size, y + icon_block_size, x, y + icon_block_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size) {
            background rgb( - 2*bevel_constant, - 2*bevel_constant, - 2*bevel_constant)
          polygon(x, y, x, y + icon_block_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size) {
            background rgb( - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant)

Image Shape DSL

Example setting the icon of the application (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Image Shape DSL Example'
  label {
    text 'Image Shape DSL Example'
    font height: 30
  bevel_constant = 20
  icon_block_size = 64
  icon_bevel_size = icon_block_size.to_f / 25.to_f
  icon_bevel_pixel_size = 0.16*icon_block_size.to_f
  icon_size = 8
  icon_pixel_size = icon_block_size * icon_size
  image(icon_pixel_size, icon_pixel_size) {
    icon_size.times { |row|
      icon_size.times { |column|
        colored = row >= 1 && column.between?(1, 6)
        color = colored ? color([:white, :red, :blue, :green, :yellow, :magenta, :cyan, :dark_blue].sample) : color(:white)
        x = column * icon_block_size
        y = row * icon_block_size
        rectangle(x, y, icon_block_size, icon_block_size) {
          background color
        polygon(x, y, x + icon_block_size, y, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size) {
          background rgb( + 4*bevel_constant, + 4*bevel_constant, + 4*bevel_constant)
        polygon(x + icon_block_size, y, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_block_size, y + icon_block_size) {
          background rgb( - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant)
        polygon(x + icon_block_size, y + icon_block_size, x, y + icon_block_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size) {
          background rgb( - 2*bevel_constant, - 2*bevel_constant, - 2*bevel_constant)
        polygon(x, y, x, y + icon_block_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_block_size - icon_bevel_pixel_size, x + icon_bevel_pixel_size, y + icon_bevel_pixel_size) {
          background rgb( - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant, - bevel_constant)

Image Shape DSL

Custom Shapes

Glimmer enables defining custom shape keywords, which represent shapes made up of other nested shapes.

Custom shapes expand a software engineer's Glimmer GUI DSL vocabulary in their app development to be able to represent higher visual concepts like vehicles, scenes, and characters with a single keyword (e.g. car, beach, player), which embody and abstract all the details relating to the visual concept. This enables orders of magnitudes in increased productivity and readability/maintainability as a result.

Just like custom widgets, custom shapes can be defined in one of two ways:

  • method-based custom shapes: Use the shape keyword as a parent to represent a shape composite (similar to widget composite) and include other shapes like rectangles, polygons, and lines within.
  • class-based custom shapes: Include the Glimmer::UI::CustomShape supermodule and define the options, body {} block, and before_body/after_body hooks (similar to how it is down with custom widgets)

Check out Hello, Shape! and Hello, Custom Shape! for examples of both approaches.

Canvas Shape API

These Canvas Shape API methods help with manipulating shapes upon user interaction, such as mouse clicking a specific shape.

They are implemented with the help of the highly robust Java built-in shape geometry algorithms.

  • WidgetProxy#shape_at_location(x, y) : returns shape object at x, y location from a widget proxy like canvas
  • Shape#contain?(x, y) : indicates if shape contains x, y point
  • Shape#include?(x, y) : indicates if shape includes x, y point on the edge if drawn or inside if filled (include uses contain for filled shapes)
  • Shape#move_by(x_delta, y_delta) : moves shape object at x, y location
  • Shape#rotate(angle) : rotates around center by an angle (not cumulative, reseting angle on every call)
  • Shape#rotatation_angle : current rotation angle (according to use of rotate method)
  • Shape#dispose : disposes of shape, removing it form its parent canvas, widget, or shape
  • Shape#content {} : reopens a shape to add more content inside it using the Glimmer GUI DSL (e.g. Canvas Shape DSL) just like WidgetProxy#content {}.
  • Shape#size : calculated size for shape bounding box (e.g. a polygon with an irregular shape will have its bounding box width and height calculated)
  • Shape#bounds : calculated bounds (x, y, width, height) for shape bounding box (e.g. a polygon with an irregular shape will have its bounding box top-left x, y, width and height calculated)
  • Shape#width : static (including :default) or derived width for shape (including irregular geometric shapes like Polygon)
  • Shape#height : static (including :default) or derived height for shape (including irregular geometric shapes like Polygon)
  • Shape#default_width? : whether :default or [:default, delta] is set for static width
  • Shape#default_height? : whether :default or [:default, delta] is set for static height
  • Shape#max_width? : whether :max or [:max, delta] is set for static width
  • Shape#max_height? : whether :max or [:max, delta] is set for static height
  • Shape#calculated_width : calculated width for shape when set to :default to indicate it is sized by its children (e.g. in the case of containing text with a specific font size not knowing its width/height dimensions in advance)
  • Shape#calculated_height : calculated height for shape when set to :default to indicate it is sized by its children (e.g. in the case of containing text with a specific font size not knowing its width/height dimensions in advance)
  • Shape#x : top-left corner x position, static or :default (could be relative if shape is nested within another shape)
  • Shape#y : top-left corner y position, static or :default (could be relative if shape is nested within another shape)
  • Shape#absolute_x : absolute top-left corner x position
  • Shape#absolute_y : absolute top-left corner y position
  • Shape#default_x? : whether x is specified via :default style to indicate centering within parent (or [:default, offset])
  • Shape#default_y? : calculated top-left corner y position
  • Shape#calculated_x : calculated top-left corner x position when default/delta is set (i.e. centered within parent)
  • Shape#calculated_y : calculated top-left corner y position when default/delta is set (i.e. centered within parent)
  • Shape#center_x : center x
  • Shape#center_y : center y
  • Shape#x_end : right-most included x coordinate
  • Shape#y_end : bottom-most included y coordinate

Check Hello, Canvas! for an example.

Pixel Graphics

If you need to paint pixel graphics, use the optimized pixel keyword alternative to point, which takes foreground as a hash argument and bypasses the Glimmer DSL Engine chain of responsibility, thus rendering faster when having very large pixel counts.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  canvas {
    250.times {|y|
      250.times {|x|
        pixel(x, y, foreground: [y%255, x%255, (x+y)%255])


glimmer example pixel graphics

If you are strictly dealing with pixels (no other shapes), you could even avoid the pixel keyword altogether and just provide direct foreground colors by passing a block that receives x, y coordinates:

include Glimmer
shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  canvas { |x, y|
    [y%255, x%255, (x+y)%255]

Remember that you could always default to direct SWT painting via too for even faster performance when needed in rare circumstances. Learn more at the SWT Graphics Guide and SWT Image Guide.

Example of manually doing the same things as in the previous example without relying on the declarative Glimmer Shape DSL (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  canvas {
    on_paint_control do |paint_event|
      gc = paint_event.gc
      250.times do |y|
        250.times do |x|
          gc.foreground =, x%255, (x+y)%255)
          gc.draw_point(x, y)

(the code could be optimized further if you are repeating colors by simply reusing Color objects instead of re-constructing them)

The only downside with the approach above is that it repaints all pixels on repaints to the window (e.g. during window resize). To get around that, we can rely on a technique called Image Double-Buffering. That is to buffer the graphics on an Image first and then set it on the Canvas so that resizes of the shell dont cause a repaint of all the pixels. Additionally, this gives us the added benefit of being able to use the image as a Shell icon via its image property.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

@the_image = image(250, 250)
250.times {|y|
  250.times {|x|
    @the_image.gc.foreground =, x%255, (x+y)%255)
    @the_image.gc.draw_point(x, y)

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  image @the_image
  canvas {
    image @the_image

If you need a transparent background for the image, replace the image construction line with the following:

@the_image = image(250, 250)
@the_image.image_data.alpha = 0
@the_image = image(@the_image.image_data)

That way, wherever you don't draw a point, you get transparency (seeing what is behind the image).

Alternatively, with a very minor performance penalty, Glimmer enables you to build the image pixel by pixel with a friendly Ruby syntax by passing a block that takes the x and y coordinates and returns a foreground color rgb array or Color/ColorProxy object.

include Glimmer

@the_image = image(250, 250) {|x, y|
  [y%255, x%255, (x+y)%255]

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  image @the_image
  canvas {
    image @the_image

If you don't need a shell image (icon), you can nest the image directly under the canvas by passing in the top_level keyword to treat image as a top-level keyword (pretending it is built outside the shell).

include Glimmer

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  canvas {
    image image(250, 250, top_level: true) {|x, y|
      [y%255, x%255, (x+y)%255]

If you don't need a shell image (icon) and pixel performance is enough, you can automatically apply Image Double-Buffering with the :image_double_buffered SWT style (custom Glimmer style not available in SWT itself)

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  canvas(:image_double_buffered) {
    250.times {|y|
      250.times {|x|
        pixel(x, y, foreground: [y%255, x%255, (x+y)%255])

Of course, you could also take advantage of the pixel-less terser syntax:

include Glimmer

shell {
  minimum_size 250, 265
  text 'Pixel Graphics Example'
  canvas(:image_double_buffered) { |x, y|
    [y%255, x%255, (x+y)%255]

As they say, there are many ways to skin a cat! This is in line with the Ruby way of providing more ways than one. Pick and choose the right tool for the job just like true software engineers.

Canvas Path DSL

Unlike common imperative GUI graphing toolkits, Glimmer enables declarative rendering of paths with the Canvas Path DSL via the new path { } keyword and by nesting one of the following path segment keywords underneath:

  • point(x1, y1): renders a Point (Dot) as part of a path.
  • line(x1, y1, x2=nil, y2=nil): renders a Line as part of a path. If you drop x2, y2, it joins to the previous point automatically. You may repeat for a series of lines forming a curve.
  • quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3=nil, y3=nil): renders a Quadratic Bezier Curve. If you drop x3 and y3, it joins to the previous point automatically.
  • cubic(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4=nil, y4=nil): renders a Cubic Bezier Curve. If you drop x4 and y4, it joins to the previous point automatically.


include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Path Example'
  minimum_size 300, 300
  canvas {
    path {
      foreground :black
      250.times {|n|
        cubic(n + n%30, n+ n%50, 40, 40, 70, 70, n + 20 + n%30, n%30*-1 * n%50)

Canvas Path Example

Learn more at the Hello, Canvas Path! and Stock Ticker samples.

Stock Ticker

Canvas Path API

Every path segment object (mixing in Glimmer::SWT::Custom::PathSegment like path, point, line, quad, and cubic) has the following API methods:

  • #path: indicates which path the segment is part of.
  • #path_root: indicates the root path the segment is part of.
  • #dispose: disposes a path segment from its path
  • #content {} : reopens a path to add more segments inside it using the Glimmer GUI DSL (e.g. Canvas Path DSL) just like WidgetProxy#content {}.
  • #first_path_segment?: indicates if the path segment is the first in the path

Canvas Transform DSL

The transform DSL builds objects with a nice declarative syntax.

transform keyword builds a Transform object. It optionally takes the transformation matrix elements: (m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy)

The first 2 values represent the 1st row, the second 2 values represent the 2nd row, and the last 2 values represent translation on the x and y axes

Additionally, Transform operation keywords may be nested within the transform keyword to set its properties:

  • identity resets transform to identity (no transformation)
  • invert (alias: inversion) inverts a transform
  • multiply(&transform_properties_block) (alias: multiplication) multiplies by another transform (takes a block representing properties of another transform, no need for using the word transform again)
  • rotate(angle) (alias: rotation) rotates by angle degrees
  • scale(x, y) scales a shape (stretch)
  • shear(x, y) shear effect
  • translate(x, y) (alias: translation) translate x and y coordinates (move)
  • elements(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) resets all values of the transform matrix (first 2 values represent the 1st row, second 2 values represent the 2nd row, the last 2 values represent translation on x and y axes)

Also, setting transform to nil after a previous transform has been set is like calling identity. It resets the transform.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Transform Example'
  minimum_size 330, 352
  canvas { |canvas_proxy|
    background :white

    text('glimmer', 0, 0) {
      foreground :red
      transform {
        translate 220, 100
        scale 2.5, 2.5
        rotate 90
    text('glimmer', 0, 0) {
      foreground :dark_green
      transform {
        translate 0, 0
        shear 2, 3
        scale 2, 2
    text('glimmer', 0, 0) {
      foreground :blue
      transform {
        translate 0, 220
        scale 3, 3

Canvas Transform Example

Top-Level Transform Fluent Interface

When using a transform at the top-level (outside of shell), you get a fluent interface to faciliate manual construction and use.


include Glimmer # make sure it is included in your class/module before using the fluent interface

transform(1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4).
  multiply(1, 2, 3, 4,3,4).
  scale(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
  scale(2, 4).
  shear(2, 4).
  translate(3, 7)

Learn more at the Hello, Canvas Transform! Sample.

Canvas Animation DSL


(note: this is a very new feature of Glimmer. It may change a bit while getting battle tested. As always, you could default to basic SWT usage if needed.)

Glimmer provides built-in support for animations via a declarative Animation DSL, another sub-DSL of the Glimmer GUI DSL.

Animations take advantage of multi-threading, with Glimmer DSL for SWT automatically running each animation in its own independent thread of execution while updating the GUI asynchronously.

Multiple simultaneous animations are supported per canvas (or widget) parent.

canvas has the :double_buffered SWT style by default on platforms other than the Mac to ensure flicker-free rendering (Mac does not need it). If you need to disable it for whatever reason, just pass the :none SWT style instead (e.g. canvas(:none))

This example says it all (it moves a tiny red square across a blue background) (you may copy/paste in girb):

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Canvas Animation Example'
  minimum_size 400, 400

  canvas {
    animation {
      every 0.1
      frame { |index|
        background rgb(index%100, index%100 + 100, index%55 + 200)
        rectangle(index, index, 20, 20) {
          background :red


Canvas Animation Example


  • animation declares an animation under a canvas, which renders frames using a frame block indefinitely or finitely depending on (cycle_count/frame_count) properties
  • every specifies delay in seconds between every two frame renders (an alternative to fps, cannot use together)
  • fps (alias: frame_rate) specifies frame rate as frames per second (an alternative to every, cannot use together)
  • frame {|index, cycle_var| } a block that can contain Shape DSL syntax that is rendered dynamically with variables calculated on the fly
  • cycle an optional property that takes an array to cycle into a second variable for the frame block
  • cycle_count an optional cycle count limit after which the animation stops (finishes)
  • frame_count an optional frame count limit after which the animation stops (finishes)
  • duration_limit an optional duration limit in seconds after which the animation stops (finishes)
  • started/started? a boolean indicating if the animation is started right away or stopped waiting for manual startup via #start method
  • finished/finished? a boolean indicating if the animation finished (for finite animations only)

API of Animation Object (returned from animation keyword):

  • #start starts an animation that is indefinite or has never been started before (i.e. having started: false option). Otherwise, resumes a stopped animation that has not been completed.
  • #stop stops animation. Maintains progress when frame_count, cycle_count, or duration_limit are set and haven't finished. That way, if #start is called, animation resumes from where it stopped exactly to completion.
  • #restart restarts animation, restarting progress of frame_count, cycle_count, and duration_limit if set.
  • #started? returns whether animation started
  • #stopped? returns whether animation stopped
  • #indefinite? (alias infinite?) returns true if animation does not have frame_count, cycle_count, or duration_limit
  • #finite? returns true if animation has frame_count, cycle_count (with cycle), or duration_limit
  • #frame_count_limited? returns true if frame_count is specified
  • #cycle_enabled? returns true if cycle is specified
  • #cycle_limited? returns true if cycle_count is specified
  • #duration_limited? returns true if duration_limit is specified

Learn more at the Hello, Canvas Animation! and Hello, Canvas Animation Data Binding! samples.

If there is anything missing you would like added to the Glimmer Animation DSL that you saw available in the SWT APIs, you may report an issue or implement yourself and contribute via a Pull Request.

Animation via Data-Binding

Animation could be alternatively implemented without the animation keyword through a loop that invokes model methods inside sync_exec {} (or async_exec {}), which indirectly cause updates to the GUI via data-binding.

The Glimmer Tetris sample provides a good example of that.


Data-binding is done with either the Shine syntax <=> (bidirectional data-binding) & <= (unidirectional data-binding) or via the bind keyword, following widget property to bind and taking model and bindable attribute as arguments.

General Examples

text <=> [contact, :first_name]

This example binds the text property of a widget like label to the first name of a contact model using Shine data-binding syntax (recommended).

text bind(contact, :first_name)

This example binds the text property of a widget like label to the first name of a contact model (older style of data-binding, not recommended).

text <=> [contact, 'address.street']

This example binds the text property of a widget like label to the nested street of the address of a contact. This is called nested property data binding.

text <=> [contact, 'address.street', on_read: :upcase, on_write: :downcase]

This example adds on the one above it by specifying converters on read and write of the model property, like in the case of a text widget. The text widget will then displays the street upper case and the model will store it lower case. When specifying converters, read and write operations must be symmetric (to avoid an infinite update loop between the widget and the model since the widget checks first if value changed before updating)

text <=> [contact, 'address.street', on_read: ->(s) { s[0..10] }]

This example also specifies a converter on read of the model property, but via a lambda, which truncates the street to 10 characters only. Note that the read and write operations are assymetric. This is fine in the case of formatting data for a read-only widget like label

text bind(contact, 'address.street') { |s| s[0..10] }

This is a block shortcut version of the syntax above it. It facilitates formatting model data for read-only widgets since it's a very common view concern. It also saves the developer from having to create a separate formatter/presenter for the model when the view can be an active view that handles common simple formatting operations directly (older style of data-binding, not recommended).

text <= [contact, 'address.street']

This is read-ohly data-binding. It doesn't update contact.address.street when widget text property is changed.

text bind(contact, 'address.street', read_only: true)

This is read-ohly data-binding. It doesn't update contact.address.street when widget text property is changed (older style of data-binding, not recommended).

text <=> [contact, 'addresses[1].street']

This example binds the text property of a widget like label to the nested indexed address street of a contact. This is called nested indexed property data binding.

text <=> [contact, :age, computed_by: :date_of_birth]

This example demonstrates computed value data binding whereby the value of age depends on changes to date_of_birth.

text <=> [contact, :name, computed_by: [:first_name, :last_name]]

This example demonstrates computed value data binding whereby the value of name depends on changes to both first_name and last_name.

text <=> [contact, 'profiles[0].name', computed_by: ['profiles[0].first_name', 'profiles[0].last_name']]

This example demonstrates nested indexed computed value data binding whereby the value of profiles[0].name depends on changes to both nested profiles[0].first_name and profiles[0].last_name.

text <=> [contact, 'address.street', sync_exec: true]

This example forces GUI updates via sync_exec assuming they are coming from another thread (different from the GUI thread)

text <=> [contact, 'address.street', async_exec: true]

This example forces GUI updates via async_exec assuming they are coming from another thread (different from the GUI thread)

Example from samples/hello/hello_combo.rb sample (you may copy/paste in girb):


The new Shine syntax for View/Model Attribute Mapping allows data-binding visually with simple arrow operators in Ruby.

Use <=> [model, attribute, options] for bidirectional (two-way) data-binding instead of bind(model, attribute, options). Use <= [model, attribute, options] for unidirectional (one-way) data-binding instead of bind(model, attribute, read_only: true, more_options)

One thing special with the table widget is that <=, which makes data-binding unidirectional, stops the table from supporting automatic sorting by default since that involves modifying the model collection ordering (albeit not the content). To enable automatic sorting in a table, but still not permit edit actions to the data itself, you simply use <=> for bidirectional data-binding, but without passing the :editable style to the table.


text <=> [@contact, :first_name]
text <=> [@contact, :last_name]
text <= [@contact, :name, computed_by: [:first_name, :last_name]]

Given that Shine is new, if you encounter any issues, you can use bind instead.

Check out sample code for more examples of Shine syntax in action, such as Hello, Computed!.


The combo widget provides a dropdown of options. By default, it also allows typing in a new option. To disable that behavior, you may use with the :read_only SWT style.

When data-binding a combo widget, Glimmer can automatically deduce available options from data-bound model by convention: {attribute_name}_options method.

Hello Combo

Hello Combo

class Person
  attr_accessor :country, :country_options

  def initialize
    self.country_options=["", "Canada", "US", "Mexico"] = "Canada"

  def reset_country = "Canada"

class HelloCombo
  include Glimmer
  def launch
    person =
    shell {
      composite {
        combo(:read_only) {
          selection bind(person, :country)
        button {
          text "Reset"
          on_widget_selected do

combo widget is data-bound to the country of a person. Note that it expects the person object to have the :country attribute and :country_options attribute containing all available countries (aka options). Glimmer reads these attributes by convention.


Example from samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection.rb sample:

Hello List Single Selection

shell {
  composite {
    list {
      selection bind(person, :country)
    button {
      text "Reset"
      on_widget_selected do

list widget is also data-bound to the country of a person similarly to the combo widget. Not much difference here (the rest of the code not shown is the same).

Nonetheless, in the next example, a multi-selection list is declared instead allowing data-binding of multiple selection values to the bindable attribute on the model.

Example from samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection.rb sample (you may copy/paste in girb):

Hello List Multi Selection

class Person
  attr_accessor :provinces, :provinces_options

  def initialize
      "British Columbia",
      "Nova Skotia",
    self.provinces = ["Quebec", "Manitoba", "Alberta"]

  def reset_provinces
    self.provinces = ["Quebec", "Manitoba", "Alberta"]

class HelloListMultiSelection
  include Glimmer
  def launch
    person =
    shell {
      composite {
        list(:multi, :border) {
          selection bind(person, :provinces)
        button {
          text "Reset"
          on_widget_selected do

The Glimmer code is not much different from above except for passing the :multi style to the list widget. However, the model code behind the scenes is quite different as it is a provinces array bindable to the selection of multiple values on a list widget. provinces_options contains all available province values just as expected by a single selection list and combo.

Note that in all the data-binding examples above, there was also an observer attached to the button widget to trigger an action on the model, which in turn triggers a data-binding update on the list or combo. Observers will be discussed in more details in the next section.

You may learn more about Glimmer's data-binding syntax by reading the code under the samples directory.


The SWT Tree widget renders a multi-column data table, such as a contact listing or a sales report.

To data-bind a Table, you need the main model and the collection property. The text for each row cell will be inferred from column names as underscored model attributes. For example, for a column named "Full Name", it is assumed by convention that the model has a full_name attribute.

Data-binding involves using the <= operator (one-way data-binding) or <=> operator (two-way data-binding), and an optional column_attributes kwarg (alias: column_properties) that takes an array that maps table columns to model attributes or a hash that maps column name strings to model attributes.

It assumes you have already defined table columns via the table_column table-nested widget.

Example (automatically inferring table items' [rows'] model attributes by convention from column names):

shell {
  @table = table {
    table_column {
      text "Name"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Age"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Adult"
      width 120
    items <=> [group, :people]
    selection <=> [group, :selected_person]
    on_mouse_up do |event|
      @table.edit_table_item(event.table_item, event.column_index)

The code above includes two data-bindings and a listener:

  • Table items, which first data-binds to the model collection property (group.people), and then maps each column to a model attribute (name, age, adult) for displaying each table item column.
  • Table selection, which data-binds the single table item (row) selected by the user to the model attribute denoted by <=> (or data-binds multiple table items to a model attribute array value for a table with :multi SWT style)
  • The on_mouse_up event handler invokes @table.edit_table_item(event.table_item, event.column_index) to start edit mode on the clicked table item cell, and then saves or cancel depending on whether the user hits ENTER or ESC once done editing (or focus-out after either making a change or not making any changes.)

Example (specifying column_attributes explicitly because some diverge from column names):

shell {
  @table = table {
    table_column {
      text "Full Name"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Age in Years"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Adult"
      width 120
    items <=> [group, :people, column_attributes: {'Full Name' => :name, 'Age in Years' => :age}]
    selection <=> [group, :selected_person]
    on_mouse_up do |event|
      @table.edit_table_item(event.table_item, event.column_index)

Example (specifying column_attributes explicitly because all diverge from column names):

shell {
  @table = table {
    table_column {
      text "Full Name"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Age in Years"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Is Adult"
      width 120
    items <=> [group, :people, column_attributes: [:name, :age, :adult]]
    selection <=> [group, :selected_person]
    on_mouse_up do |event|
      @table.edit_table_item(event.table_item, event.column_index)

Additionally, Table items data-binding automatically stores each row model in the SWT TableItem object representing it, by using the set_data method. This enables things like searchability.

The table widget in Glimmer is represented by a subclass of Glimmer::SWT::WidgetProxy called Glimmer::SWT::TableProxy. Glimmer::SWT::TableProxy includes a search method that takes a block to look for a table item.


found_array = { |table_item| table_item.getData == company.owner }

This finds a person. The array is a Java array. This enables easy passing of it to SWT Table#setSelection method, which expects a Java array of TableItem objects.

To edit a table, you must invoke TableProxy#edit_selected_table_item(column_index, before_write: nil, after_write: nil, after_cancel: nil) or TableProxy#edit_table_item(table_item, column_index, before_write: nil, after_write: nil, after_cancel: nil). This automatically leverages the SWT TableEditor custom class behind the scenes, displaying a text widget to the user to change the selected or passed table item text into something else. It automatically persists the change to items data-bound model on ENTER/FOCUS-OUT or cancels on ESC/NO-CHANGE.

Note that table is useful with a maximum of about 100 rows only, not more than that, or otherwise it will not offer a user-friendly experience due to requiring users to scroll through a lot of data. If you need to display a table with more than 100 rows, then you need to employ pagination. That is already supported in the Refined Table (refined_table) custom widget documented below.

Table Item Properties

When data-binding a table's items, extra TableItem properties are data-bound automatically by convention for background color, foreground color, font, and image if corresponding properties (attributes) are available on the model.

That means that if column_attributes were [:name, :age, :adult], then the following TableItem properties are also data-bound by convention:

  • background to :name_background, :age_background, :adult_background model attributes
  • foreground to :name_foreground, :age_foreground, :adult_foreground model attributes
  • font to :name_font, :age_font, :adult_font model attributes
  • image to :name_image, :age_image, :adult_image model attributes

Here are the expected values for each TableItem property:

  • background: Standard color symbol/string (e.g. :red), rgb array (e.g. [24, 21, 239]), or rgba array (e.g. [128, 0, 128, 50])
  • foreground: Standard color symbol/string (e.g. :red), rgb array (e.g. [24, 21, 239]), or rgba array (e.g. [128, 0, 128, 50])
  • font: font data hash having :name, :height, and/or :style keys (e.g. {name: 'Courier New', height: 25, style: [:bold, :italic]})
  • image: image URL with or without image options (e.g. '/usr/image1.png' or ['/usr/image1.png', width: 20, height: 20])

Hello Table game booked rows

Table Selection

Table Selection data-binding is simply done via the selection property.

selection bind(group, :selected_person)

If it's a multi-selection table (table(:multi)), then the data-bound model property oughta be a collection.

selection bind(group, :selected_people)
Table Editing

Glimmer provides a custom SWT style for table editing called :editable to obviate the need for an on_mouse_up listener.

For example, the code above could be simplified as:

shell {
  @table = table(:editable) {
    table_column {
      text "Name"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Age"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Adult"
      width 120
    items <=> [group, :people]
    selection bind(group, :selected_person)

Additionally, Glimmer supports the idea of custom editors or no editor per column.


shell {
  @table = table(:editable) {
    table_column {
      text "Name"
      width 120
    table_column {
      text "Age"
      width 120
      editor :spinner
    table_column {
      text "Adult"
      width 120
      editor :checkbox
    items <=> [group, :people]
    selection bind(group, :selected_person)

The example above uses a spinner widget editor for the age column since it's an Integer and a checkbox widget (button(:check)) editor for the adult column since it's a Boolean

Here are all the supported types of table editors:

  • text: expects a String property
  • combo: expects a String property accompanied by a matching property_options property by convention to provide items to present in the combo
  • checkbox: expects a Boolean property
  • radio: expects a Boolean property
  • spinner: expects an Integer property
  • date: expects a DateTime property
  • date_drop_down: expects a DateTime property
  • time: expects a DateTime property

An editor may also take additional arguments (SWT styles such as :long for the date field) that are passed to the editor widget, as well as hash options to customize the property being used for editing (e.g. property: :raw_name for a :formatted_name field) in case it differs from the property used to display the data in the table.


shell {
  @table = table(:editable) {
    table_column {
      text "Date of Birth"
      width 120
      editor :date_drop_down, property: :date_time
    table_column {
      text "Industry"
      width 120
      # assume there is a `Person#industry_options` property method on the model to provide items to the `combo`
      editor :combo, :read_only # passes :ready_only SWT style to `combo` widget
    items <=> [group, :people, column_attributes: {'Date of Birth' => :formatted_date}]
    selection bind(group, :selected_person)

Check out Hello, Table! for an actual example including table editors.

Are We There Yet? is an actual production Glimmer application that takes full advantage of table capabilities, storing model data in a database via ActiveRecord and SQLite DB. As such, it's an excellent demonstration of how to use Glimmer DSL for SWT with a database. Contact Manager is an external sample application that also utilizes a table with ActiveRecord and SQLite DB. It comes with a blog post that provides a step by step guide on how to build such an application.

Table Sorting

Glimmer automatically adds sorting support to the SWT Table widget.

Check out the Contact Manager sample for an example. You may click on any column and it will sort by ascending order first and descending if you click again.

Glimmer automatic table sorting supports String, Integer, and Float columns out of the box as well as any column data that is comparable.

In cases where data is nil, depending on the data-type, it is automatically converted to Float with to_f, Integer with to_i, or String with to_s.

Should you have a special data type that could not be compared automatically, Glimmer s the following 3 alternatives for custom sorting:

  • sort_property: this may be set to an alternative property to the one data-bound to the table column. For example, a table column called 'adult', which returns true or false may be sorted with sort_property :dob instead. This also support multi-property (aka multi-column) sorting (e.g. sort_property :dob, :name).
  • sort_by(&block): this works just like Ruby Enumerable sort_by. The block receives the table column data as argument.
  • sort(&comparator): this works just like Ruby Enumerable sort. The comparator block receives two objects from the table column data.

These alternatives could be used inside table_column for column-clicked sorting or in the table body directly to set the initial default sort.

You may also set additional_sort_properties on the parent table widget to have secondary sorting applied. For example, if you set additional_sort_properties :name, :project_name, then whenever you sort by :name, it additionally sorts by :project_name afterwards, and vice versa. This only works for columns that either have no custom sort set or have a sort_property with one property only (but no sort or sort_by block)


# ...
  table {
    table_column {
      text 'Task'
      width 120
    table_column {
      text 'Project'
      width 120
    table_column {
      text 'Duration (hours)'
      width 120
      sort_property :duration_in_hours
    table_column {
      text 'Priority'
      width 120
      sort_by { |value| ['High', 'Medium', 'Low'].index(value) }
    table_column {
      text 'Start Date'
      width 120
      sort { |d1, d2| d1.to_date <=> d2.to_date }
    additional_sort_properties :project_name, :duration_in_hours, :name
    items <=> [Task, :list, column_attributes: [:name, :project_name, :duration, :priority, :start_date]]
    # ...
# ...

Here is an explanation of the example above:

  • Task and Project table columns are data-bound to the :name and :project_name properties and sorted through them automatically
  • Task Duration table column is data-bound to the :duration property, but sorted via the :duration_in_hours property instead
  • Task Priority table column has a custom sort_by block
  • Task Start Date table column has a custom sort comparator block
  • Additional (secondary) sort properties are applied when sorting by Task, Project, or Duration in the order specified

<= [model, :property, read_only_sort: true] could be used with items to make sorting not propagate sorting changes to model.

Refined Table


refined_table is a custom widget that can handle very large amounts of data by applying pagination and filtering.

Just use like a standard table, but data-bind models to the model_array property instead of items. refined_table will take care of the rest.


  • per_page (default: 10): specifies how many rows to display per page
  • page (default: 1 if table is filled and 0 otherwise): specifies initial page
  • query (default: ''): specifies filter query term (empty shows all results)

When click columns (headers) in a refined_table, it sorts the entire model_array, not just the visible rows.

Also, upon filtering with a query term, moving in pages, and then unfiltering (backspacing)/refiltering, it remembers the last query term's page and results (through caching) and goes back to them, thus ensuring better performance.

Example taken from Hello, Refined Table!:

hello refined table

      refined_table(:editable, :border, per_page: 20) { # also `page: 1` by default
        table_column {
          width 100
          text 'Date'
          editor :date_drop_down
        table_column {
          width 200
          text 'Ballpark'
          editor :none
        table_column {
          width 150
          text 'Home Team'
          editor :combo, :read_only # read_only is simply an SWT style passed to combo widget
        table_column {
          width 150
          text 'Away Team'
          editor :combo, :read_only # read_only is simply an SWT style passed to combo widget
        menu {
          menu_item {
            text 'Book'
            on_widget_selected do
              message_box {
                text 'Game Booked!'
                message "The game \"#{@baseball_season.selected_game}\" has been booked!"
        model_array <=> [@baseball_season, :games, column_attributes: {'Home Team' => :home_team_name, 'Away Team' => :away_team_name}]
        selection <=> [@baseball_season, :selected_game]


The SWT Tree widget visualizes a tree data-structure, such as an employment or composition hierarchy.

To data-bind a Tree, you need the root model, the children querying method, and the text display attribute on each child.

This involves using the bind keyword mentioned above in addition to a special tree_properties keyword that takes the children and text attribute methods.


shell {
  @tree = tree {
    items <= [company, :owner, tree_properties: {children: :coworkers, text: :name}]
    selection <=> [company, :selected_coworker]

The code above includes two data-bindings:

  • Tree items, which first bind to the root node (company.owner), and then dig down via coworkers children method, using the name text attribute for displaying each tree item.
  • Tree selection, which binds the single tree item selected by the user to the attribute denoted by the bind keyword

Additionally, Tree items data-binding automatically stores each node model unto the SWT TreeItem object via setData method. This enables things like searchability.

The tree widget in Glimmer is represented by a subclass of WidgetProxy called TreeProxy. TreeProxy includes a depth_first_search method that takes a block to look for a tree item.


found_array = @tree.depth_first_search { |tree_item| tree_item.getData == company.owner }

This finds the root node. The array is a Java array. This enables easy passing of it to SWT Tree#setSelection method, which expects a Java array of TreeItem objects.

To edit a tree, you must invoke TreeProxy#edit_selected_tree_item or TreeProxy#edit_tree_item. This automatically leverages the SWT TreeEditor custom class behind the scenes, displaying a text widget to the user to change the selected or passed tree item text into something else. It automatically persists the change to items data-bound model on ENTER/FOCUS-OUT or cancels on ESC/NO-CHANGE.

Learn more at the Hello, Tree! and Gladiator samples.


date_time represents the SWT DateTime widget.

Glimmer s the following alias keywords for it for convenience:

  • date: date_time(:date)
  • date_drop_down: date_time(:date, :drop_down)
  • time: date_time(:time)
  • calendar: date_time(:calendar)

You can data-bind any of these properties:

  • date_time <=> [model, :property]: produces a Ruby DateTime object
  • date <=> [model, :property]: produces a Ruby Date object
  • time <=> [model, :property]: produces a Ruby Time object
  • year <=> [model, :property]: produces an integer
  • month <=> [model, :property]: produces an integer
  • day <=> [model, :property]: produces an integer
  • hours <=> [model, :property]: produces an integer
  • minutes <=> [model, :property]: produces an integer
  • seconds <=> [model, :property]: produces an integer

Learn more at the Hello, Date Time! sample.

If you need a better widget with the ability to customize the date format pattern, check out the Nebula CDateTime Glimmer Custom Widget


Glimmer comes with the Observer mixin module, which is used internally for data-binding, but can also be used externally for custom use of the Observer Pattern. It is hidden when observing widgets, and used explicitly when observing models. In bidirectional data-binding, Observer is automatically unregistered from models once a widget is disposed to avoid memory leaks and worrying about managing them yourself.

Observing Widgets

Glimmer supports observing widgets with two main types of events:

  1. on_{swt-listener-method-name}: where {swt-listener-method-name} is replaced with the lowercase underscored event method name on an SWT listener class (e.g. on_verify_text for
  2. on_swt_{swt-event-constant}: where {swt-event-constant} is replaced with an org.eclipse.swt.SWT event constant (e.g. on_swt_show for SWT.Show to observe when widget becomes visible)

Additionally, there are two more types of events:

  • SWT display supports global listeners called filters that run on any widget. They are hooked via on_swt_{swt-event-constant}
  • SWT display supports Mac application menu item observers (on_about and on_preferences), which you can read about under Miscellaneous.

Number 1 is more commonly used in SWT applications, so make it your starting point. Number 2 covers events not found in number 1, so look into it if you don't find an SWT listener you need in number 1.

Regarding number 1, to figure out what the available events for an SWT widget are, check out all of its add***Listener API methods, and then open the listener class argument to check its "event methods".

For example, if you look at the Button SWT API:

It has addSelectionListener. Additionally, under its Control super class, it has addControlListener, addDragDetectListener, addFocusListener, addGestureListener, addHelpListener, addKeyListener, addMenuDetectListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMoveListener, addMouseTrackListener, addMouseWheelListener, addPaintListener, addTouchListener, and addTraverseListener

Suppose, we select addSelectionListener, which is responsible for what happens when a user selects a button (clicks it). Then, open its argument SelectionListener SWT API, and you find the event (instance) methods: widgetDefaultSelected and widgetSelected. Let's select the second one, which is what gets invoked when a button is clicked.

Now, Glimmer simplifies the process of hooking into that listener (observer) by neither requiring you to call the addSelectionListener method nor requiring you to implement/extend the SelectionListener API.

Instead, simply add a on_widget_selected followed by a Ruby block containing the logic to perform. Glimmer figures out the rest.

Let's revisit the Tic Tac Toe example shown near the beginning of the page:

shell {
  text "Tic-Tac-Toe"
  minimum_size 150, 178
  composite {
    grid_layout 3, true
    (1..3).each { |row|
      (1..3).each { |column|
        button {
          layout_data :fill, :fill, true, true
          text        bind(@tic_tac_toe_board[row, column], :sign)
          enabled     bind(@tic_tac_toe_board[row, column], :empty)
          on_widget_selected do
            @tic_tac_toe_board.mark(row, column)

Note that every Tic Tac Toe grid cell has its text and enabled properties data-bound to the sign and empty attributes on the TicTacToe::Board model respectively.

Next however, each of these Tic Tac Toe grid cells, which are clickable buttons, have an on_widget_selected observer, which once triggered, marks the cell on the TicTacToe::Board to make a move.

Regarding number 2, you can figure out all available events by looking at the org.eclipse.swt.SWT API:

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

SWT.Show - hooks a listener for showing a widget (using on_swt_show in Glimmer) SWT.Hide - hooks a listener for hiding a widget (using on_swt_hide in Glimmer)

shell {
  @button1 = button {
    text "Show 2nd Button"
    visible true
    on_swt_show do
    on_widget_selected do
  @button2 = button {
    text "Show 1st Button"
    visible false
    on_swt_show do
    on_widget_selected do

Gotcha: SWT.Resize event needs to be hooked using on_swt_Resize because org.eclipse.swt.SWT has 2 constants for resize: RESIZE and Resize, so it cannot infer the right one automatically from the underscored version on_swt_resize

Alternative Syntax

Instead of declaring a widget observer using on_*** syntax inside a widget content block, you may also do so after the widget declaration by invoking directly on the widget object.

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

@shell = shell {
  label {
    text "Hello, World!"
@shell.on_shell_iconified do

The shell declared above has been modified so that the minimize button works just like the close button. Once you minimize the shell (iconify it), it closes.

The alternative syntax can be helpful if you prefer to separate Glimmer observer declarations from Glimmer GUI declarations, or would like to add observers dynamically based on some logic later on.

Observing Models

Glimmer DSL includes an observe keyword used to register an observer by passing in the observable and the property(ies) to observe, and then specifying in a block what happens on notification.

class TicTacToe
  include Glimmer

  def initialize
    # ...
    observe(@tic_tac_toe_board, :game_status) do |game_status|
      display_win_message if game_status == Board::WIN
      display_draw_message if game_status == Board::DRAW
  # ...

Observers can be a good mechanism for displaying dialog messages in Glimmer (using SWT's MessageBox class).

Look at samples/elaborate/tictactoe/tic_tac_toe.rb for more details starting with the code included below.

class TicTacToe
  include Glimmer
  include Observer

  def initialize
    # ...
    observe(@tic_tac_toe_board, :game_status) do |game_status|
      display_win_message if game_status == Board::WIN
      display_draw_message if game_status == Board::DRAW

  def display_win_message
    display_game_over_message("Player #{@tic_tac_toe_board.winning_sign} has won!")

  def display_draw_message

  def display_game_over_message(message)
    message_box(@shell) {
      text 'Game Over'
      message message_text
  # ...

Software Architecture

Glimmer DSL for SWT supports both MVC (Model View Controller) and MVP (Model View Presenter) architectural patterns.


Model View Controller architectural pattern is embodied by this diagram.

model view controller


Model View Presenter architectural pattern is embodied by this diagram.

model view presenter

Software Architecture Examples

Here are 4 different ways of implementing the Hello, Button! sample (other than the included default implementation).

Hello Button

MVC Example - Explicit Controller

(you may copy/paste in girb)

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class Counter
  attr_accessor :count
  def initialize
    self.count = 0
  def increment
    self.count += 1

class CounterController
  def initialize(counter)
    @counter = counter
  def increment_count

class HelloButton
  include Glimmer::UI::Application
  before_body do
    @counter =
    @counter_controller =
  after_body do
    observe(@counter, :count) do |changed_count|
      @button.text = "Click To Increment: #{changed_count}  "
  body {
    shell {
      text 'Hello, Button!'
      @button = button {
        text "Click To Increment: 0  "
        on_widget_selected do

MVC Example - Implicit Controller

(you may copy/paste in girb)

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class Counter
  attr_accessor :count
  def initialize
    self.count = 0
  def increment
    self.count += 1

class HelloButton
  include Glimmer::UI::Application
  before_body do
    @counter =
  after_body do
    observe(@counter, :count) do |changed_count|
      @button.text = "Click To Increment: #{changed_count}  "
  body {
    shell {
      text 'Hello, Button!'
      @button = button {
        text "Click To Increment: 0  "
        on_widget_selected do

MVP Example - Explicit Presenter

(you may copy/paste in girb)

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class Counter
  attr_accessor :count
  def initialize
    self.count = 0
  def increment
    self.count += 1

class CounterPresenter
  include Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer
  def initialize
    @counter =
    Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer.proc do |changed_count|
    end.observe(@counter, :count)
  def count
  def increment_count

class HelloButton
  include Glimmer::UI::Application
  before_body do
    @counter_presenter =
  body {
    shell {
      text 'Hello, Button!'
      button {
        text <= [@counter_presenter, :count, on_read: ->(value) { "Click To Increment: #{value}  " }]
        on_widget_selected do

MVP Example - Implicit Presenter

(you may copy/paste in girb)

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class Counter
  attr_accessor :count
  def initialize
    self.count = 0
  def increment
    self.count += 1

class HelloButton
  include Glimmer::UI::Application
  before_body do
    @counter =
  body {
    shell {
      text 'Hello, Button!'
      button {
        text <= [@counter, :count, on_read: ->(value) { "Click To Increment: #{value}  " }]
        on_widget_selected do
          @counter.count += 1

MVP Example - Implicit Presenter with Bidirectional Data-Binding

Hello Button

This version diverges in behavior to demonstrate bidirectional data-binding through a text field that is data-bound bidirectionally to the same attribute that the button is data-bound to for the click count.

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

class Counter
  attr_accessor :count
  def initialize
    self.count = 0
  def increment
    self.count += 1

class HelloButton
  include Glimmer::UI::Application
  before_body do
    @counter =
  body {
    shell {
      text 'Hello, Button!'
      text {
        text <=> [@counter, :count, on_read: :to_s, on_write: :to_i]
      button {
        text <= [@counter, :count, on_read: ->(value) { "Click To Increment: #{value}  " }]
        on_widget_selected do
          @counter.count += 1


Custom Widgets

Custom widgets are brand new Glimmer DSL keywords that represent aggregates of existing widgets (e.g. address_form), customized existing widgets (e.g. greeting_label), or brand new widgets (e.g. oscilloscope)

You can find out about published Glimmer Custom Widgets by running the glimmer list:gems:customwidget command

Glimmer supports two ways of creating custom widgets with minimal code:

  1. Method-based Custom Widgets (for single-view-internal reuse): Extract a method containing Glimmer DSL widget syntax. Useful for quickly eliminating redundant code within a single view.
  2. Class-based Custom Widgets (for multiple-view-external reuse): Create a class that includes the Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget module and Glimmer DSL widget syntax in a body {} block. This will automatically extend Glimmer's DSL syntax with an underscored lowercase keyword matching the class name by convention. Useful in making a custom widget available in many views.

Approach #1 is a casual Ruby-based approach. Approach #2 is the official Glimmer approach. Typically, when referring to Custom Widgets, we are talking about Class-based Custom Widgets.

A developer might start with approach #1 to eliminate duplication in a view and later upgrade it to approach #2 when needing to export a custom widget to make it available in many views.

Class-based Custom Widgets offer a number of benefits over method-based custom widgets, such as built-in support for passing SWT style, nested block of extra widgets and properties, and before_body/after_body hooks.

Simple Example

Method-Based Custom Widget Example

(you may copy/paste in girb)

Definition and usage in the same file:

def red_label(label_text)
  label {
    text label_text
    background :red

shell {
  red_label('Red Label')
Class-Based Custom Widget Example

Simply create a new class that includes Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget and put Glimmer DSL code in its #body block (its return value is stored in #body_root attribute). Glimmer will then automatically recognize this class by convention when it encounters a keyword matching the class name converted to underscored lowercase (and namespace double-colons :: replaced with double-underscores __)

(you may copy/paste in girb)


class RedLabel
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget

  body {
    label(swt_style) {
      background :red


shell {
  red_label(:center) {
    text 'Red Label'
    foreground :green

As you can see, RedLabel became the Glimmer DSL keyword red_label and worked just like a standard label by taking in SWT style and nested properties. As such, it is a first-class citizen of the Glimmer GUI DSL.

Custom Widget Lifecycle Hooks

You may execute code before or after evaluating the body with these lifecycle hooks:

  • before_body: takes a block that executes in the custom widget instance scope before calling body. Useful for initializing variables to later use in body
  • after_body: takes a block that executes in the custom widget instance scope after calling body. Useful for setting up observers on widgets built in body (set in instance variables) and linking to other shells.

Lifecycle Hooks Example

(you may copy/paste in girb)


module Red
  class Composite
    include Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget

    before_body {
      @color = :red

    body {
      composite(swt_style) {
        background @color


shell {
  red__composite {
    label {
      foreground :white
      text 'This is showing inside a Red Composite'

Notice how Red::Composite became red__composite with double-underscore, which is how Glimmer Custom Widgets signify namespaces by convention. Additionally, the before_body lifecycle hook was utilized to set a @color variable and use inside the body.

Keep in mind that namespaces are not needed to be specified if the Custom Widget class has a unique name, not clashing with a basic SWT widget or another custom widget name.

Custom Widget Listeners

If you need to declare a custom listener on a custom widget, you must override these methods:

  • can_handle_observation_request?(event, &block): returns if an event is supported or delegates to super otherwise (to ensure continued support for built-in events)
  • handle_observation_request(event, &block): handles event by storing the block in a list of block handlers to invoke at the right time in the custom widget code

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-swt'

# This class declares a `greeting_label` custom widget (by convention)
class GreetingLabel
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget
  # multiple options without default values
  options :name, :colors
  # single option with default value
  option :greeting, default: 'Hello'
  # internal attribute (not a custom widget option)
  attr_accessor :label_color
  def can_handle_observation_request?(event, &block)
    event.to_s == 'on_color_changed' || super
  def handle_observation_request(event, &block)
    if event.to_s == 'on_color_changed'
      @color_changed_handlers ||= []
      @color_changed_handlers << block
  before_body do
    @font = {height: 24, style: :bold}
    @label_color = :black
  after_body do
    return if colors.nil? {
      colors.cycle { |color|
        self.label_color = color
        @color_changed_handlers&.each {|handler|}
  body {
    # pass received swt_style through to label to customize (e.g. :center to center text)
    label(swt_style) {
      text "#{greeting}, #{name}!"
      font @font
      foreground <=> [self, :label_color]

# including Glimmer enables the Glimmer DSL syntax, including auto-discovery of the `greeting_label` custom widget
include Glimmer

shell {
  fill_layout :vertical
  minimum_size 215, 215
  text 'Hello, Custom Widget!'
  # custom widget options are passed in a hash
  greeting_label(name: 'Sean')
  # pass :center SWT style followed by custom widget options hash
  greeting_label(:center, name: 'Laura', greeting: 'Aloha') #
  greeting_label(:right, name: 'Rick') {
    # you can nest attributes under custom widgets just like any standard widget
    foreground :red
  # the colors option cycles between colors for the label foreground every second
  greeting_label(:center, name: 'Mary', greeting: 'Aloha', colors: [:red, :dark_green, :blue]) {
    on_color_changed do |color|
      puts "Label color changed: #{color}"

Custom Widget API

Custom Widgets have the following attributes available to call from inside the #body method:

  • #parent: Glimmer object parenting custom widget
  • #swt_style: SWT style integer. Can be useful if you want to allow consumers to customize a widget inside the custom widget body
  • #options: a hash of options passed in parentheses when declaring a custom widget (useful for passing in model data) (e.g. calendar(events: events)). Custom widget class can declare option names (array) with ::options class method as shown below, which generates attribute accessors for every option (not to be confused with #options instance method for retrieving options hash containing names & values)
  • #content: nested block underneath custom widget. It will be automatically called at the end of processing the custom widget body. Alternatively, the custom widget body may call at the place where the content is needed to show up as shown in the following example.
  • #body_root: top-most (root) widget returned from #body method.
  • #swt_widget: actual SWT widget for body_root

Additionally, custom widgets can call the following class methods:

  • ::options(*option_names): declares a list of options by taking an option name array (symbols/strings). This generates option attribute accessors (e.g. options :orientation, :bg_color generates #orientation, #orientation=(v), #bg_color, and #bg_color=(v) attribute accessors)
  • ::option(option_name, default: nil): declares a single option taking option name and default value as arguments (also generates attribute accessors just like ::options)

Content/Options Example

(you may copy/paste in girb)


class Sandwich
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget

  options :orientation, :bg_color
  option :fg_color, default: :black

  body {
    composite(swt_style) { # gets custom widget style
      fill_layout orientation # using orientation option
      background bg_color # using container_background option
      label {
        text 'SANDWICH TOP'
      } # this is where content block is called
      label {
        text 'SANDWICH BOTTOM'


shell {
  sandwich(:no_focus, orientation: :vertical, bg_color: :red) {
    label {
      background :green

Notice how :no_focus was the swt_style value, followed by the options hash {orientation: :horizontal, bg_color: :white}, and finally the content block containing the label with 'SANDWICH CONTENT'

Custom Widget Gotchas

Beware of defining a custom attribute that is a common SWT widget property name. For example, if you define text= and text methods to accept a custom text and then later you write this body:

# ...
def text
  # ...

def text=(value)
  # ...

body {
  composite {
    label {
      text "Hello"
    label {
      text "World"
# ...

The text method invoked in the custom widget body will call the one you defined above it. To avoid this gotcha, simply name the text property above something else, like custom_text.

Built-In Custom Widgets

Checkbox Group Custom Widget

checkbox_group (or alias check_group) is a Glimmer built-in custom widget that displays a list of checkbox buttons (button(:check)) based on its items property.

checkbox_group consists of a root composite (with grid_layout 1, false by default) that holds nested checkbox (button(:check)) widgets.

The selection property determines which checkbox buttons are checked. It expects an Array of String objects The selection_indices property determines which checkbox button indices are checked. It expects an Array of index Integer objects that are zero-based. The checkboxes property returns the list of nested checkbox widgets.

When data-binding selection, the model property should have a matching property with _options suffix (e.g. activities_options for activities) to provide an Array of String objects for checkbox buttons.

You may see an example at the Hello, Checkbox Group! sample.

Hello Checkbox Group

Radio Group Custom Widget

radio_group is a Glimmer built-in custom widget that displays a list of radio buttons (button(:radio)) based on its items property, which expects an Array of String objects.

radio_group consists of a root composite (with grid_layout 1, false by default) that holds nested radio widgets.

The selection property determines which radio button is selected. It expects a String The selection_index property determines which radio button index is selected. It expects an index integer that is zero-based. The radios property returns the list of nested radio widgets.

When data-binding selection, the model property should have a matching property with _options suffix (e.g. country_options for country) to provide text for radio buttons.

This custom widget is used in the Glimmer Meta-Sample (The Sample of Samples):

Glimmer Meta-Sample

Glimmer Meta-Sample Code Example:

# ...
radio_group { |radio_group_proxy|
  row_layout(:vertical) {
    fill true
  selection bind(sample_directory, :selected_sample_name)
  font height: 24

# ...

You may see another example at the Hello, Radio Group! sample.

Code Text Custom Widget

code_text is a Glimmer built-in custom widget that displays syntax highlighted code (e.g. Ruby/JavaScript/HTML code) for 204 languages (see options for the full list) by automating customizations for the SWT StyledText widget, including ability to zoom font in and out, or restore original font height (more details below).

To utilize, simply use code_text in place of the multi-line text and styled_text widgets. If you set the code_text text property value to multi-line code content (e.g. Ruby/JavaScript/HTML code), it automatically styles it with syntax highlighting.

code_text attempts to use a monospace font if available, seeking font names in the following order (specified in Glimmer::SWT::Custom::CodeText::FONT_NAMES_PREFERRED):

  1. 'Consolas'
  2. 'Courier'
  3. 'Monospace'
  4. 'Liberation Mono'
  5. First available font that contains the word mono (case-insensitive)
  6. Default system font (if no other font in the list is found)

It is used in the Glimmer Meta-Sample (The Sample of Samples):

Glimmer Meta-Sample

Dark Mode:

Glimmer Meta-Sample

Code Text Simple Example (default language is Ruby):

code_text {
  text bind(SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code', read_only: true)
  editable bind(SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable')

Code Text Specified Language Example:

code_text(language: 'html') {
  text bind(SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code', read_only: true)
  editable bind(SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable')

Code Text Lines and Margins Example:

code_text(lines: true) {
  text <=> [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code']
  editable <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable']
  left_margin 7
  right_margin 7

Code Text Customized Lines Width and Background Example:

code_text(lines: {width: 3}) {
  line_numbers {
    background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white
  text <=> [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code']
  editable <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable']
  left_margin 7
  right_margin 7

Code Text Customized Root Composite Margins/Spacing Background Example:

code_text(lines: true) {
  root {
    grid_layout(2, false) {
      horizontal_spacing 0
      margin_left 0
      margin_right 0
      margin_top 0
      margin_bottom 0
  line_numbers {
    background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white
  text <=> [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code']
  editable <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable']
  left_margin 7
  right_margin 7

Code Text Example with lines enabled, setting a property on main code body styled_text without also applying to outer composite, by nesting underneath code element:

code_text(lines: true) {
  line_numbers {
    background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white
  code {
    background :yellow
  text <=> [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code']
  editable <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable']
  left_margin 7
  right_margin 7
Code Text Options

lines (default: false)

Shows line numbers when set to true.

If set to a hash like {width: 4}, it sets the initial width of the line numbers lane in character count (default: 4)

Keep in mind that if the text grows and required a wider line numbers area, it grows automatically regardless of initial width.

When lines are enabled, code_text ends up with multiple widgets underneath, which can be customized through these nested elements:

  • root {...} customizes the root composite widget
  • line_numbers {...} customizes the line numbers styled_text widget
  • code {...} customizes the code styled_text widget

If you include properties directly under code_text while lines are enabled, then they are applied to both the root composite and code styled_text if applicable to each widget.

theme (default: 'glimmer')

Changes syntax color highlighting theme. Can be one of the following:

  • 'glimmer'
  • 'glimmer_dark' (always applied when OS is in Dark Mode unless you set another custom theme that has the word dark in its name, see more details below)
  • 'github'
  • 'pastie'

Or you can simply implement a new Rouge custom theme just like the github theme or the glimmer theme: lib/ext/rouge/themes/glimmer.rb

language (default: 'ruby')

Sets the code language, which can be one of the following rouge gem supported languages:

  • abap
  • actionscript
  • ada
  • apache
  • apex
  • apiblueprint
  • apple_script
  • armasm
  • augeas
  • awk
  • batchfile
  • bbcbasic
  • bibtex
  • biml
  • bpf
  • brainf*ck
  • brightscript
  • bsl
  • c
  • ceylon
  • cfscript
  • clean
  • clojure
  • cmake
  • cmhg
  • coffeescript
  • common_lisp
  • conf
  • console
  • coq
  • cpp
  • crystal
  • csharp
  • css
  • csvs
  • cuda
  • cypher
  • cython
  • d
  • dart
  • datastudio
  • diff
  • digdag
  • docker
  • dot
  • ecl
  • eex
  • eiffel
  • elixir
  • elm
  • email
  • epp
  • erb
  • erlang
  • escape
  • factor
  • fortran
  • freefem
  • fsharp
  • gdscript
  • ghc_cmm
  • ghc_core
  • gherkin
  • glsl
  • go
  • gradle
  • graphql
  • groovy
  • hack
  • haml
  • handlebars
  • haskell
  • haxe
  • hcl
  • hlsl
  • hocon
  • hql
  • html
  • http
  • hylang
  • idlang
  • igorpro
  • ini
  • io
  • irb
  • isbl
  • j
  • janet
  • java
  • javascript
  • jinja
  • jsl
  • json
  • json_doc
  • jsonnet
  • jsp
  • jsx
  • julia
  • kotlin
  • lasso
  • liquid
  • literate_coffeescript
  • literate_haskell
  • livescript
  • llvm
  • lua
  • lustre
  • lutin
  • m68k
  • magik
  • make
  • markdown
  • mason
  • mathematica
  • matlab
  • minizinc
  • moonscript
  • mosel
  • msgtrans
  • mxml
  • nasm
  • nesasm
  • nginx
  • nim
  • nix
  • objective_c
  • objective_cpp
  • ocaml
  • ocl
  • openedge
  • opentype_feature_file
  • pascal
  • perl
  • php
  • plain_text
  • plist
  • pony
  • postscript
  • powershell
  • praat
  • prolog
  • prometheus
  • properties
  • protobuf
  • puppet
  • python
  • q
  • qml
  • r
  • racket
  • reasonml
  • rego
  • rescript
  • robot_framework
  • ruby
  • rust
  • sas
  • sass
  • scala
  • scheme
  • scss
  • sed
  • shell
  • sieve
  • slice
  • slim
  • smalltalk
  • smarty
  • sml
  • solidity
  • sparql
  • sqf
  • sql
  • ssh
  • supercollider
  • swift
  • systemd
  • tap
  • tcl
  • terraform
  • tex
  • toml
  • tsx
  • ttcn3
  • tulip
  • turtle
  • twig
  • typescript
  • vala
  • varnish
  • vb
  • velocity
  • verilog
  • vhdl
  • viml
  • vue
  • wollok
  • xml
  • xojo
  • xpath
  • xquery
  • yaml
  • yang
  • zig

default_behavior (default: true)


This adds some default keyboard shortcuts:

  • CMD+A (CTRL+A on Windows/Linux) to select all
  • CTRL+A on Mac to jump to beginning of line
  • CTRL+E on Mac to jump to end of line
  • CMD+= (CTRL+= on Windows/Linux) to zoom in (bump font height up by 1)
  • CMD+- (CTRL+- on Windows/Linux) to zoom out (bump font height down by 1)
  • CMD+0 (CTRL+0 on Windows/Linux) to restore to original font height
  • Attempts to add proper indentation upon adding a new line when hitting ENTER (currently supporting Ruby only)

If you prefer it to be vanilla with no default key event listeners, then pass the default_behavior: false option.

Learn more at Hello, Code Text!

Video Custom Custom Widget

Video Widget

Glimmer supports a video custom widget not in SWT, which was originally a Glimmer built-in custom widget, but has been later extracted into its own Ruby gem.

Simply install the glimmer-cw-video gem.

Custom Widget Final Notes

This Eclipse guide for how to write custom SWT widgets is also applicable to Glimmer Custom Widgets written in Ruby. I recommend reading it:

Also, you may check out Hello, Custom Widget! for another example.

Custom Shells

Custom shell is a kind of a custom widget that has shell (window) as the body root widget. It can be used to represent an application or a reusable window that may be opened/hidden/closed independently of the main application.

Except in the case of small demos, it is always recommended to build Glimmer DSL for SWT applications as custom shells.

Custom shells may also be chained in a wizard fashion in some cases.

You can find out about published Glimmer Custom Shells by running the glimmer list:gems:customshell command

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

class WizardStep
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell

  options :number, :step_count

  before_body {
    @title = "Step #{number}"

  body {
    shell {
      text "Wizard - #{@title}"
      minimum_size 200, 100
      fill_layout :vertical
      label(:center) {
        text @title
        font height: 30
      if number < step_count
        button {
          text "Go To Next Step"
          on_widget_selected do

class Wizard
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell

  body {
    shell { |app_shell|
      text "Wizard"
      minimum_size 200, 100
      @current_step_number = 1
      @wizard_steps = { |n|
        wizard_step(number: n+1, step_count: 5) {
          on_swt_hide do
            if @current_step_number < 5
              @current_step_number += 1
              @wizard_steps[@current_step_number - 1].open
      button {
        text "Start"
        font height: 40
        on_widget_selected do
          @wizard_steps[@current_step_number - 1].open


If you use a Custom Shell as the top-level app shell, you may invoke the class method .launch instead of open to avoid building an app class yourself or including Glimmer into the top-level namespace (e.g. Tetris.launch instead of include Glimmer;

You may check out Hello, Custom Shell! for another example.

Drag and Drop

As a first option, Glimmer's Drag and Drop support requires no more than adding drag_source true and drop_target true for the most basic case concerning list, label, text, and spinner, thanks to SWT and Glimmer's lightweight DSL syntax.


  label {
    text 'Text To Drag and Drop'
    drag_source true

  label {
    text 'Text To Replace'
    drop_target true

As a second option, you may customize the data being transferred through drag and drop:

  1. On the drag source widget, add on_drag_set_data DragSourceListener event handler block at minimum (you may also add on_drag_start and on_drag_finished if needed)
  2. Set to transfer via drag and drop inside the on_drag_set_data event handler block (defaults to transfer type of :text, as in a Ruby String)
  3. On the drop target widget, add on_drop DropTargetListener event handler block at minimum (you may also add on_drag_enter [must set event.detail if added], on_drag_over, on_drag_leave, on_drag_operation_changed and on_drop_accept if needed)
  4. Read and consume it (e.g. change widget text) inside the on_drop event handler block.

Example (taken from samples/hello/hello_drag_and_drop.rb / you may copy/paste in girb):

class Location
  attr_accessor :country
  def country_options
    %w[USA Canada Mexico Columbia UK Australia Germany Italy Spain]

@location =

include Glimmer

shell {
  text 'Hello, Drag and Drop!'
  list {
    selection bind(@location, :country)
    on_drag_set_data do |event|
      list = event.widget.control = list.selection.first
  label(:center) {
    text 'Drag a country here!'
    font height: 20
    on_drop do |event|
      event.widget.control.text =

Hello Drag and Drop

As a third most advanced option, you may:

  • Set a transfer property (defaults to :text). Values may be: :text (default), :html :image, :rtf, :url, and :file, or an array of multiple values. The transfer property will automatically convert your option into a Transfer object as per the SWT API.
  • Specify drag_source_style operation (may be: :drop_copy (default), :drop_link, :drop_move, :drop_none, or an array of multiple operations)
  • Specify drag_source_effect (Check DragSourceEffect SWT API for details)
  • Specify drop_target_style operation (may be: :drop_copy (default), :drop_link, :drop_move, :drop_none, or an array of multiple operations)
  • Specify drop_target_effect (Check DropTargetEffect SWT API for details)
  • Set drag operation in event.detail (e.g. DND::DROP_COPY) inside on_drag_enter

You may learn more about advanced SWT Drag and Drop cases over here:


Multi-DSL Support

Glimmer is a DSL engine that supports multiple DSLs (Domain Specific Languages):

  • SWT: Glimmer DSL for SWT (Desktop GUI)
  • Opal: Glimmer DSL for Opal (Web GUI Adapter for Desktop Apps)
  • XML: Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML) - Useful with SWT Browser Widget
  • CSS: Glimmer DSL for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - Useful with SWT Browser Widget

Glimmer automatically recognizes top-level keywords in each DSL and activates DSL accordingly. Glimmer allows mixing DSLs, which comes in handy when doing things like using the SWT Browser widget with XML and CSS. Once done processing a nested DSL top-level keyword, Glimmer switches back to the prior DSL automatically.


The SWT DSL was already covered in detail. However, for the sake of mixing DSLs, you need to know that the SWT DSL has the following top-level keywords:

  • shell
  • display
  • color
  • observe
  • async_exec
  • sync_exec

Full instructions are found in the Opal DSL page.

The Opal DSL is simply a web GUI adapter for desktop apps written in Glimmer. As such, it supports all the DSL keywords of the SWT DSL and shares the same top-level keywords.


Simply start with html keyword and add HTML inside its block using Glimmer DSL syntax. Once done, you may call to_s, to_xml, or to_html to get the formatted HTML output.

Here are all the Glimmer XML DSL top-level keywords:

  • html
  • tag: enables custom tag creation for exceptional cases by passing tag name as '_name' attribute
  • name_space: enables namespacing html tags

Element properties are typically passed as a key/value hash (e.g. section(id: 'main', class: 'accordion')) . However, for properties like "selected" or "checked", you must leave value nil or otherwise pass in front of the hash (e.g. input(:checked, type: 'checkbox') )

Example (basic HTML / you may copy/paste in girb):

@xml = html {
  head {
    meta(name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=2.0")
  body {
    h1 { "Hello, World!" }
puts @xml


<html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=2.0" /></head><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>

Example (explicit XML tag / you may copy/paste in girb):

puts tag(:_name => "DOCUMENT")



Example (XML namespaces using name_space keyword / you may copy/paste in girb):

@xml = name_space(:w3c) {
  html(:id => "thesis", :class => "document") {
    body(:id => "main") {
puts @xml


<w3c:html id="thesis" class="document"><w3c:body id="main"></w3c:body></w3c:html>

Example (XML namespaces using dot operator / you may copy/paste in girb):

@xml = tag(:_name => "DOCUMENT") {
  document.body( => "main") {
puts @xml


<DOCUMENT><document:body document:id="main"></document:body></DOCUMENT>

Simply start with css keyword and add stylesheet rule sets inside its block using Glimmer DSL syntax. Once done, you may call to_s or to_css to get the formatted CSS output.

css is the only top-level keyword in the Glimmer CSS DSL

Selectors may be specified by s keyword or HTML element keyword directly (e.g. body) Rule property values may be specified by pv keyword or underscored property name directly (e.g. font_size)

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

@css = css {
  body {
    font_size '1.1em'
    pv 'background', 'white'
  s('body > h1') {
    background_color :red
    pv 'font-size', '2em'
puts @css
Listing / Enabling / Disabling DSLs

Glimmer provides a number of methods on Glimmer::DSL::Engine to configure DSL support or inquire about it:

  • Glimmer::DSL::Engine.dsls: Lists available Glimmer DSLs
  • Glimmer::DSL::Engine.disable_dsl(dsl_name): Disables a specific DSL. Useful when there is no need for certain DSLs in a certain application.
  • `Glimmer::DSL::Engine.disabled_dsls': Lists disabled DSLs
  • Glimmer::DSL::Engine.enable_dsl(dsl_name): Re-enables disabled DSL
  • Glimmer::DSL::Engine.enabled_dsls=(dsl_names): Disables all DSLs except the ones specified.

Application Menu Items (About/Preferences)

Mac applications always have About and Preferences menu items. Glimmer provides widget observer hooks for them on the display:

  • on_about: executes code when user selects App Name -> About
  • on_preferences: executes code when user selects App Name -> Preferences or hits 'CMD+,' on the Mac

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

class Example
  include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell
  before_body do
    display {
      on_about do
        message_box(@shell_proxy) {
          text 'About'
          message 'About Application'
      on_preferences do
        preferences_dialog = dialog {
          text 'Preferences'
          row_layout {
            type :vertical
            margin_left 15
            margin_top 15
            margin_right 15
            margin_bottom 15
          label {
            text 'Check one of these options:'
          button(:radio) {
            text 'Option 1'
          button(:radio) {
            text 'Option 2'
  body {
    shell {
      fill_layout {
        margin_width 15
        margin_height 15
      text 'Application Menu Items'
      label {
        text 'Application Menu Items'
        font height: 30


App Name and Version

Application name (shows up on the Mac in top menu bar) and version may be specified upon packaging by specifying "-Bmac.CFBundleName" and "-Bmac.CFBundleVersion" options.

Still, if you would like proper application name to show up on the Mac top menu bar during development, you may do so by invoking the SWT Display.app_name= method before any Display object has been instantiated (i.e. before any Glimmer widget like shell has been declared).

Example (you may copy/paste in girb):

Display.app_name = 'Glimmer Demo'

shell(:no_resize) {
  text "Glimmer"
  label {
    text "Hello, World!"

Also, you may invoke Display.app_version = '1.0.0' if needed for OS app version identification reasons during development, replacing '1.0.0' with your application version.

Performance Profiling

JRuby comes with built-in support for performance profiling via the --profile option (with some code shown below), which can be accepted by the glimmer command too:

glimmer --profile path_to_glimmer_app.rb

Additionally, add this code to monitor Glimmer app performance around its launch method:

require 'jruby/profiler'
profile_data = JRuby::Profiler.profile do

profile_printer =
ps =

When monitoring app startup time performance, make sure to add a hook to the top-level shell on_swt_show event that exits the app as soon as the shell shows up to end performance profiling and get the results.


shell {
  # some code
  on_swt_show do

You may run glimmer with the --profile.graph instead for a more detailed output.

Learn more at the JRuby Performance Profile WIKI page.



Copyright (c) 2007-2024 - Andy Maleh.