The changelog is continued on the Github releases page
- New database fields for RatePay orders
- IP address in API log is now anonymized
- Amazon Pay is not displayed in backend to avoid template error (fixes #207)
- Added RatePay Direct Debit
- Order reversal is now possible even if order can't be reversed at Payone API
- Amazon's widgets.js is now loaded correctly
- Store ID is now fixed from order table if not in tx-status table (thanks @alphanyx)
- Shopgate orders are now recognized correctly (#181, thanks @sprankhub)
- CVC code can now be hidden again
- Updated iDeal bank groups
- Fixed some cases of "backwards browser button" orders being handled the wrong way
- Fixed several typos (thanks @Ersian)
- RatePay B2B Invoice added
- In case of guaratee rejection, Payone Safe Invoice is not displayed again to the customer
- Enforce Amazon Pay redirect mode for in-app browsers (#161, thanks @gndk)
- Sending the overcapture flag for PayDirekt now possible
- RatePay backend orders are now possible
- Automatically recognize credit card type after 6 digits of PAN
- Fixed wrong license identifier in composer.json
- Fixed missing modman directive (#176, thanks @tim-bezhashvyly)
- Fixed "undefined index" problems (#152, thanks @norgeindian; #168, thanks @Schrank)
- Headers are now set correctly when using FastCGI
- Fixed some bugs introduced with Mage 1.9.3.x (#165)
- Re-activated the conversion of reference parameters for PayDirekt to honor disallowed chars
- Removed HTML from backend labels for compat
- Handle Ratepay unauthorized payment response by disabling the payment method for the customer
- Allow to send registration number instead of birthdate for B2B cases
- Completed Amazon Pay background processes
- RatePay orders can now be properly reversed
- New payment methods
- Invoice with payment gurantee
- Amazon Pay
- Allow quote as parameter in Payone_Core_Model_Payment_Method_Abstract
- Add functionality for recurring payment
- Improve the handling of external payment providers
- Set correct model for default mapping
- Correctly handle payment fee calculation
- Fixed default payment titles for giropay & idl
- Payone_Core_Model_Mapper_ApiRequest_Payment_Authorize_Abstract getCustomerIp() will no return the last ip like described in the comment
- Fixed php notice because array key does not exist
- Payone_Core_Model_Observer_Sales_Order paymentPlaceEnd() will now validate if the user exists
- Fixed url-encoding