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File metadata and controls

221 lines (165 loc) · 7.79 KB


User client

Nerthus provides a cli tool to help you work with services at the node level.

Current gotchas

There is a issue with the WebSocket client-server solution, so if an action does not execute propperly, try repeating it. This should be a very sparse issue, but can be especially precent when there has been a long time since any actions have been done.


Install the eXOReaction nexus package manager and nerthus-cli for all users

sudo curl -sSf | sh

Add crontab entries for brui and nerthus-cli

This currently requires sudo without password to update packages. There is currently no support for local user insallations. Look at brui for the most up to date information for the most up to date information.

curl -sSf | sh

Add config (Remove me)

This is a temporary solution until github loggin is added to nerthus.

touch ~/.config/.nerthus-cli.yaml

Environment configurations

The information here is not an exhaustive list of all options or modifications that are possible, but it will try to give a short and simple overview of the most important options that are available.



  • ansible Contains ansible scripts used by the nerthus service
  • roles Contains ansible scripts that are used for building scripts that are sent to the nerthus probes
  • services Contains local definitions of services
  • systems Contains configurations for the different tightly coupled systems your environment is built up of


  • config.yml Holds envionment spesific and top level configurations for the environment

config.yml (FIXME)

name: <string> (Used to identify the envionment)
domain: <string> (Used for loadbalancer and certs)
os_name: <[OSName](#OS_name)>
os_arch: <[Arch](#System_architecture)>
instance_type: <[InstanceSize](>
visuale_host: <string> (Used for health reporting)
nerthus_host: <string> (Used by nerthus probes to access nerthus)
vars: <map[string]string> (variable map with same rules as [Ansible](, these will be used by roles on nodes)
systems: <list<string>>


The ansible folder contains two files. These define the provisioning scripts. By default these will handle setting up the AWS envionment with all that follows.

  • provision.yml
  • loadbalancer.yml


The roles folder contains zero or more files that contain minimal ansible "roles". These are used to define the desired state on a node. Think of these as standalone playbooks that are chained together with a shared pool of vars.


The services folder contains zero or more local service declerations. Example

name: <string> (Used to identify the service on the nodes)
service_type: <[ServiceTypes](>
health_type: <[HealthTypes](#Health_types)
  id: <string> (maven artifact id)
  group: <string> (maven artifact group id)
  release: <string> (url to nexus release repo)
  snapshot: <string> (url to nexus snapshot repo)
  user: <string> (username used for nexus repo auth)
  password: <string> (password used for nexus repo auth)
  ram: <size> (WIP)
  disk: <size> (WIP)
  cpu: <uint> (WIP)
  properties_name: <string> (Should deprecate?)
  webserver_port_key: <string> (Should deprecate?)
  not_cluster_able: <bool> "DEFAULT: true" (Defining weather or not this service can be run in a cluster)
  is_frontend: <bool> "DEFAULT: false" (Defines if the service requires loadbalancer routing on base route)
  roles: <list <string>> (Defines the roles this service requires)
  services: <list <string>> (Defines the services this service requires tight coupling to)


The systems folder contains folders for each tightly coupled system.

System configurations

Configurations and information related to a tightly coupled system

  • files Contains files that is getting added to services on nodes.
  • roles Contains roles that are only used by the spesific system.
  • services
  • config.yml Contains configuration for all clusters and services in one tightly coupled system
name: <string> (Used for identifying this system)
cidr_base: <ip> "Ex: 10.1.255" (Used to create /24 subnets with the given prefix)
routing_method: <[RoutingMethod](#Routing_methods)> (Used to define strategy in the loadbalancer and for health reporting)
os_name: <[OSName](#OS_name)>
os_arch: <[Arch](#System_architecture)>
instance_type: <[InstanceSize](>
vars: <map[string]string> (variable map with same rules as [Ansible](, these will be used by roles on nodes)
clusters: <list<cluster>>
  - name: <string> (Used for identifying this cluster)
    os_name: <[OSName](#OS_name)>
    os_arch: <[Arch](#System_architecture)>
    instance_type: <[InstanceSize](>
      - name: <string> (Used for identifying this service)
        local: <filename> (Local service decleration file)
        git: <github_repo> "Ex:" (Github repo with service decleration file)
        branch: <string> (Branch to find nerhus.yml service decleration)
        webserver_port: <uint> (Used to expose service to loadbalancer)
          <relative path within files>: <path from service dir>
          \<path from service dir>:
             mode:  <unix permission> "Ex: 0640"
             content: <string>
    override: <map[string]string>
    expose: <map[string]uint> (Ports that gets exposed to services that requires this service)


The most important commands will be adding a certificate to a nerthus instance and accessing a node.

Add ssh key

To add a key to all servers use the following command.

nerthus-cli key add <profile> -o <your-name>

This will add your .ssh/ to your list of keys and verify that all keys on all nodes are up to date.


The base command for ssh is as follows. It will get the current ip for the requested node.

nerthus-cli ssh <profile> <node-name>

Future Getting started (as user of existing nerthus provisioned environment)

  • Log on to using the GitHub authentication method
  • Look at the current installation in the UI
  • To get synced access to nodes
    • Press the generate&download button to create and downlod the access-sync agent, and install this on the home-directory you want to have synced-access scripts for the nodes
    • Note: If someone trigger the "Break the glass"-action, all users will have to log-in and re-create their access-sync agent.
  • To add a new service

Setting up a new nerthus provisioned environment



  • All - will be replaced with _, so use _ in playbooks


region: ap-northeast-1
#os_name: Ubuntu Kinetic 22.10
os_name: Amazon Linux 2023
#os_name: Amazon Linux 2
#os_name: Debian 11
os_arch: arm64
instance_type: t4g.nano #t3.small
cidr_base: 10.100.0
service: nerthus
system: cantara-lab
zone: lab.cantara.infra
node_names: []
security_group_rules: []
is_frontend: false