Releases: Clinical-Genomics/preClinVar
Releases · Clinical-Genomics/preClinVar
Added parsing of genomic coordinates and fixed parsing of multiple condition IDs
- Parsing of
fields from CSV/TSV files - Genome assembly can be passed as an optional param to tsv_2_json and csv_to_json to create submission containing chromosome coordinates
- Link to demo service instance at clinical genomics
- Parsing of multiple condition IDs from csv/tsv files
Fix parsing of condition ID type and HGVS
- Parsing of
Condition ID type
- Do not include HGVS field in submission if it is null
Changes reflecting ClinVar API updates and improvements
- A new tsv_2_json endpoint to convert TSV files in json submission objects
Keep a Changelog
GitHub actionBlack
GitHub actionFlake8 Lint
GitHub actionVulture
GitHub actionWoke
GitHub action- Badges showing the status of GitHub actions on README page
- File conversion endpoints accept optional parameters to set the following key/values:
submissionName, clinvarSubmissionReleaseStatus, assertionCriteria
- New API schema introduced on 2022-11-21
- Modified file parsing code to create submission jsons compliant with the new API
- Renamed the old demo CSV files to FILENAME_before_221121.csv
- Demo json submission file to include
- Do not crash when parsing Variant CSV files with no assertion criteria
- Simplify and fix CSV and TSV files parsing
Prevent StopIteration error when provided CSV files are empty
- Prevent CSV file parsing StopIteration error when provided files are empty
Fixed COPY command error in Dockerfile
- Fixed Dockerfile building error resulting in prod image release failed to be pushed to Docker Hub
CSV to json converter, validate and dry-run proxy endpoints
- Poetry install
- file with first functions
- .gitignore and CHANGELOG files
- json submission_schema and demo submission object
- tests folder
- Basic howto on
- submission_from_csv endpoint and function to read csv files
- Add custom logging formatting
- Tests and coverage GitHub workflow
- Proxy endpoint to interrogate the submission dry run endpoint of ClinVar API
- Proxy endpoint to interrogate the submission validate endpoint of ClinVar API
- Dockerfile
- Docker-compose file
- GitHub actions to build Docker images (prod and stage) and push them to Docker Hub
- Codecov coverage badge
- Version number in CHANGELOG file and heartbeat endpoint
- Updated submission schema in resources following new release of schema by ClinVar (draft-07)
- Improved README files with description of endpoints and how to test it
- Increased test coverage
- Pass ClinVar API KEY as a form field and not a query argument
- Parsing of CaseData csv with more than one individuals associated to the same variant
- dry-run enpoint, to return success when ClinVar returns a 204 successful response
- Dockerfile returning
__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'send' error