A browser for Windows XP based on Firefox 68.
1.5gb memory limit on winxp, if the browser reaches the limit it crashes inevitably, singleporess mode crashes all, multiprocess only this which reaches 1.5gb, so it better here. I think this is OS limitation, nothing to do with this.
x64 does not run on winxp64, wont fix, there is an issue #35 about
Graphics error on some videocards, look further the issue #428
This browser does not run well on winxp SP2 and lower. If you do not want to install SP3, be ready for crashes and blue screens. If you are on SP2 and lower, there is no need to post a screenshot from blue_screen_view. And i suggest to apply postready updates of 2019. Some say that it runs fine on sp2 but it is no accurate data what to do.
Don't post a screenshot of the blue screen, as the screen isn't useful for troubleshooting. For more data look #3, and please do not make new duplicate reports. Suddenly restart may be also this error depends of the settings
Describe detailed how to reproduces the crash, do not forget to put the link. Do not post pictures of the crash, this is useless and a waste. Also put your pc specs: cpu, ram and graphics card If I don't reproduce the crash myself then you may to submit drwatson.log. Drwatson log is usually inside All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson. Minidump also may be usefull. Do not post any irrelevent logs. An issue without details cosider as invalid.
Report there. Put the actual link to the site Notice that I never would look to the site which requires the login, including any goolag sites. Please try to find what feature is missig by yourself by checking on newer firefoxes and find first version where it works. Actually I do not look every site, no time for this.
But only by crypto Look here