#Get the documentation for pod manifests
kubectl explain pods
#Get total nodes in cluster
kubectl get nodes
#Get pods in current namespace
kubectl get pods
#List all namespaces
kubectl get namespaces
#List contexts added in .kube config
kubectl config list-contexts
#List the running Pods:
kubectl get pods
#Select the context to use
kubectl config use-context <context name>
#Get the password for the e2e user
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[?(@.name == "e2e")].user.password}'
#Get all pods in all namespaces and list from most resource hungry to less
kubectl top pod --all-namespaces | sort --reverse --key 3 --numeric | less
#Describe specific pod in deployment that is in the selected namespace with a bit more detail
kubectl -n <namespace> describe deployments.apps <pod name>
#Delete resources
kubectl delete
#Get a deployment's status subresource
kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment --subresource=status
#List all services in the namespace
kubectl get services
#Create temporary curl pod with interactive shell session for troubleshooting
kubectl run -it --tty --rm curlpod --image=curlimages/curl -- sh -n <namespace>