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eq des #1

JungHulk opened this issue Mar 17, 2022 · 5 comments

eq des #1

JungHulk opened this issue Mar 17, 2022 · 5 comments


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JungHulk commented Mar 17, 2022

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import os, numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from win32com.client import Dispatch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# from scipy import integrate
import pickle
import csv
import openpyxl
import sys
from ctREFPROP.ctREFPROP import REFPROPFunctionLibrary
from scipy import integrate

import Tank_information as T
Tank = T.Cargo_tank()

RP = REFPROPFunctionLibrary(os.environ['RPPREFIX'])

SI = RP.GETENUMdll(0,"SI WITH C").iEnum
Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P;Phase;"     # VISCOSITY 는 100만 나누어야 함.
Prop_index = np.array(Prop_list.replace(';',' ').split())

# df1 = pd.read_pickle('Pipetable.p')    
            Input Data

## Cargo Composition (Mole base)
Comp_name =          "Nitrogen;Methane;Ethane;Propane;Butane;Isobutane;Pentane;Isopentane;Oxygen;CO2;Water"
Name_index = np.array(Comp_name.split(';'))    

Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P;Phase;"     # VISCOSITY 는 100만 나누어야 함.
Prop_index = np.array(Prop_list.replace(';',' ').split())

## Composition list
Pure_methane  = np.array([0.0,         1,    0,    0,       0,        0,     0,        0,       0,    0,   0])
Pure_nitrogen = np.array([1.0,         0,    0,    0,       0,        0,     0,        0,       0,    0,   0])
SHI_standard  = np.array([0.35,       0.88,  0.078, 0.028,  0.0105,   0,     0,        0,       0,    0,   0])
LFV_standard  = np.array([0.0047,      0.9588,  0.0304, 0.005,  0.0011,   0,     0,        0,       0,    0,   0])
BOG_standard  = np.array([0.1,         0.9,   0,    0,       0,        0,     0,        0,       0,    0,   0])
Inert_gas     = np.array([0.85  ,         0,      0,     0,       0,   0,     0,        0,    0.01,  0.14,  0])

# Comp_list = [Pure_methane, SHI_standard, LFV_standard, BOG_standard, Inert_gas]

## Atmospheric Condition
T_atm = 30 # C 외기온도
P_atm = 0.101325 # MPaA 외기압력

Voyage_day = 16    # day (pump 사양 정할때 영향)

Heat_HDC_pipe = 125 # kW (Ship loading line on deck)
# Heat_HDC_Pump = 
Heat_HDC_onshore = 7000 # kW (Onshore Pipe + pump heat)
Heat_HDC = [Heat_HDC_pipe, Heat_HDC_onshore]

Cargo Tank Information
P_tank  = 0.106             # MPaA
T_BOG   = -140                # BOG from tank

T_gassing      = 20            # Gassing-up 시 gas 온도
T_inerting     = 20            # Inerting 시 gas 온도
T_drying       = 20
T_unloading    = -140          # Unloading 시 gas 온도

N_tank = 4           # Tank 개수

## Tank 정보는 Model 표 만들어서 거기서 가져오는것으로 만들기
Circle_ratio = Tank.Circle_ratio
BOR = Tank.BOR
FR  = Tank.FR
Vol_tank_1 = Tank.Vol_tank_list[0]           # m3
Vol_tank_2 = Tank.Vol_tank_list[1]           # m3
Vol_tank_3 = Tank.Vol_tank_list[2]           # m3
Vol_tank_4 = Tank.Vol_tank_list[3]           # m3
Vol_tank_list = Tank.Vol_tank_list
Vol_tank = np.sum(Vol_tank_list)

Area_tank_1 = Tank.Area_tank_list[0]         # m2
Area_tank_2 = Tank.Area_tank_list[1]         # m2
Area_tank_3 = Tank.Area_tank_list[2]         # m2
Area_tank_4 = Tank.Area_tank_list[3]         # m2
Area_tank_list = Tank.Area_tank_list
Area_tank = np.sum(Area_tank_list)

Ins_thick = Tank.Tank_prop[0]                # mm
M_wall    = Tank.Tank_prop[1]                # kg SUS weight
Cp_wall   = Tank.Tank_prop[2]                # kJ/kg/C
M_ins     = Tank.Tank_prop[3]                # kg Ins weight
Cp_ins    = Tank.Tank_prop[4]                # kJ/kg/C
D_ins     = Tank.Tank_prop[5]                # kg/m3
Cond_ins  = Tank.Tank_prop[6]                # kJ/h/m/C
ht_NG     = Tank.Tank_prop[7]                # kJ/h/m2/C
ht_atm    = Tank.Tank_prop[8]                # kJ/h/m2/C

# Type_tank_list = ['Membrane','Membrane-Flex', 'Type-B', 'Type-C']
# Type_tank = Type_tank_list[0]
# if Type_tank == Type_tank_list[3]:
#     Circle_ratio = 3
# else:
#     Circle_ratio = 1.7
# BOR = 0.1           # %/day
# FR = 98.5             # %
# Vol_tank_1 = 25997         # m3
# Vol_tank_2 = 49716         # m3
# Vol_tank_3 = Vol_tank_2    # m3
# Vol_tank_4 = Vol_tank_2    # m3
# Vol_tank_list = np.array([Vol_tank_1, Vol_tank_2, Vol_tank_3, Vol_tank_4])
# Vol_tank = np.sum(Vol_tank_list)
# Area_tank_1 = 5060         # m2
# Area_tank_2 = 7877         # m2
# Area_tank_3 = Area_tank_2  # m2
# Area_tank_4 = Area_tank_2  # m2
# Area_tank_list = np.array([Area_tank_1, Area_tank_2, Area_tank_3, Area_tank_4])
# Area_tank = np.sum(Area_tank_list)
# Ins_thick = 270            # mm
# M_wall = 383849            # kg SUS weight
# Cp_wall = 0.46             # kJ/kg/C
# M_ins = 1891303            # kg Ins weight
# Cp_ins = 1.071             # kJ/kg/C
# D_ins = 190                # kg/m3
# Cond_ins = 0.096           # kJ/h/m/C
# ht_NG = 37.46              # kJ/h/m2/C
# ht_atm = 16.8              # kJ/h/m2/C

Tank_info = [Vol_tank, Area_tank, BOR, FR, Ins_thick]
Tank_prop = [M_wall, Cp_wall, M_ins, Cp_ins, D_ins, Cond_ins, ht_NG, ht_atm]
 Operation Criteria
Time_drying     = 20           # hour
Time_inerting   = 20           # hour
Time_gassing    = 20           # hour
Time_cooling    = 15           # hour
Time_loading    = 13           # hour
Time_unloading  = 12           # hour
Time_warming    = 49           # hour
Time_aerating   = 20           # hour

Operation_list = ['Time_drying', 'Time_inerting', 'Time_gassing', 'Time_cooling', 'Time_loading', 'Time_unloading', 'Time_warming', 'Time_aerating']
Time_operation = []
for i in Operation_list:
# Time_operation = [Time_drying, Time_inerting, Time_gassing, Time_cooling, Time_loading, Time_unloading, Time_warming, Time_aerating]

T_CD = -130 # CD criteria
 Number of Equipmemt  개수와 temperature 가 함수 input 에 넣어야하는지... 이정도 input은 입력해 놔도 될지??
N_Cargopump = 2
N_HDC = 2

# def Pumphead (Comp_name, Comp_LNG, P_required, ):
# def Spraypump(: 

# def Heatleak():

def BOG_calculation(Tank_volume, Filling_Ratio, BOR, Comp_name, Comp_LNG): # methane, LNG, Revised_BOR
    Vol = Tank_volume
    d_methane = RP.REFPROPdll("Methane", "PQmass", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, [1.0]).Output[0]
    LH_methane = RP.REFPROPdll("Methane", "PQmass", "Heatvapz_P", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, [1.0]).Output[0]

    d = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PQmass", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, Comp_LNG).Output[0]

    ## LNG 기화된 Vap 의 LH 사용
    Comp_vap_LNG = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","XmassVAP",SI,1,0,P_tank,0.01,Comp_LNG).Output[0:len(Comp_LNG)]
    LH = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PQmass", "Heatvapz_P", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, Comp_vap_LNG).Output[0]
    # print(Comp_vap_LNG)
    # print(LH)
    BOG_methane = Vol * Filling_Ratio/100 * d * BOR /24 /100
    BOG_LNG     = BOG_methane * LH_methane * d_methane / LH / d

    Revised_BOR = BOR * LH_methane * d_methane / LH / d
    print("BOG Methane :", "%-5s" % round(BOG_methane,2), "%-5s" % "kg/h")
    print("BOG_LNG :", "%-5s" % round(BOG_LNG,2), "kg/h")
    return BOG_methane, BOG_LNG, Revised_BOR       # 메탄 BOG(kg/h) LNG BOG(kg/h), IMO 수정된 BOR

def MoletoMass(Name, Value): # mole to mass conversion

    Mole = []
    Comp_mass = []
    for k in Name:
        r = RP.REFPROPdll(k, 'PT', 'M', SI, 0, 0, 0.101325, 20, [1])
    Sum =, Value)
    for i in range (len(Name)):
    return Comp_mass
def Comp_check(Value): ## Composition summation check

    Composition = np.array(list(map(lambda x : round(x*1000000)/1000000, Value)))
    Comp_total = np.sum(Composition)
    Comp_nor_value = Composition # Normalize 초기값
    if Comp_total == 1:
        print("Composition Complete")
    else:# normalize
        for i in range(len(Composition)):
            Comp_nor_value[i] = round((Composition[i] / Comp_total)*1000000)/1000000 
        Comp_nor_total = np.sum(Comp_nor_value)
        if Comp_nor_total == 1:
            print("Proceeding Normalize")
            print("Total : {}".format(Comp_nor_total))
        else: # Normalize 후에도 소수 4자리 이상이 되면, 가장 큰 수에 나머지를 포함시킨다.
            Max = np.max(Comp_nor_value)
            Max_index = np.where(Max == Comp_nor_value)[0][0] # [0][0] 해준 이유는 두개의 괄호안에 있으므로 위치를 찾기위해서
            Comp_nor_value[Max_index] = Comp_nor_value + (1-Comp_nor_total)
            Comp_nor_total = np.sum(Comp_nor_value)
            print("Total : {}" .format(Comp_nor_total))
    return Comp_nor_value

def Properties(Comp_name, Comp_value, Input_prop, input1, input2):
    Prop = []
    Value = []
    for k in Prop_index:   # P;T;D;H;M;CP;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P;Phase;
        r = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, Input_prop, k, SI, 1, 0, input1, input2, Comp_value)
    DY = Value[2] * Value[11] / (100**2) # Dynamic viscousity
    df_prop = pd.DataFrame(Prop, index = Prop_index, columns=['Prop','Units','Values'])
    df_prop = df_prop.drop(['Prop'], axis=1)
    df_prop.loc['DV'] = ['kg/m-s', DY]
    return Value, df_prop # Value, dataframe 

def Cargopump(Time_operation, Vol_tank_list, BOG_cal, Voyage_day, N_Cargopump):
    Cargo_pump = 0
    BOG = BOG_cal[1]    # LNG 기준
    BOR = BOG_cal[2]    # LNG 기준
    Time_unloading = Time_operation[5]
    for i in Vol_tank_list:
        Arrival = i*FR/100 - (i * BOR/100 * Voyage_day)  # Vol_BOG_total = Vol_tank * BOR/100 * Voyage_day
        Capacity = Arrival / Time_unloading / N_Cargopump
        ##Unpumpable volume table 만들어야함!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        ## Unloading = Arrival - unpumpable
        if Capacity > Cargo_pump :
            Cargo_pump = Capacity
            Cargo_pump = Cargo_pump
    return Cargo_pump

def HDC (Time_operation, Tank_info, Comp_name, Comp_BOG, Comp_inert, T_BOG, Overall_heat_LD, Overall_heat_CD, Prop_l, BOG_cal, Heat_HDC, N_HDC, Circle_ratio):

    Time_loading = Time_operation[5]
    Vol_tank  = Tank_info[0]
    Area_tank = Tank_info[1]
    BOR       = Tank_info[2]
    FR        = Tank_info[3]
    Ins_thick = Tank_info[4]
    BOG_LNG = BOG_cal[0]
    LH = Prop_l[0][11]       # watson's 및 HYSYS 와 차이가 많이 남.(더 작음) LH가 작아지면 BOG가 많아짐.
    P_HDC = P_tank - 0.003   # 시스템 변경 시, dP 확인필요
    #####  CASE A : Loading
    Loading_rate = Vol_tank * FR /100 / Time_loading
    # Heat_HDC_pump = Loading_rate * 
    d = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_HDC, T_BOG, Comp_BOG).Output[0]    # BOG 밀도
    Q1 = Loading_rate * d                                                      # Q1 displaced volume of NG
    f_reduction = 30 # %, Cool-down 이후 loading 시
    Q2 = Overall_heat_LD * f_reduction /100 / LH *1000 / Time_loading             # Insulation cool-down
    Q3 = BOG_cal[1] * 0.76   # 0.76 은 50% filling 시 BOR 의 76% 적용           # BOR의 76%
    Q4 = Heat_HDC[0] * 3600 / LH                                                      # heat in leak Pipe on ship, BOG LH로 해야할지 고민중..
    Q5 = Heat_HDC[1] * 3600 / LH                                                      # Heat in leak Pipe/Pump onshore
    Q_list = np.array([Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5])
    Q_sum = np.sum(Q_list)
    HDC_loading = Q_sum / d / N_HDC
    HDC_caseA = [HDC_loading, Loading_rate, Q_list, Q_sum, d]

    #####   CASE B :Cool-down
    Required_spray_LNG = round((Overall_heat_CD*1000 / LH),-2) * 0.63 # kg
    Spray_rate = Required_spray_LNG / Time_operation[3]  # Max. Spray rate (kg/h) ==> CD 계산시 사용
    print("Spray rate :   ", Spray_rate)
    # HDC_spray = Max.(Vol_exhaust) / N_HDC   # Cool-down 을 먼저 진행해서 input 으로 받기
    # HDC_caseB = [HDC_spray, Vol_exhaust, ]
    #####  CASE C :Warm-up
    ## Refer to Warm-up Heater
    #####  CASE D :Inert gas return during gassing-up
    Exhaust_inert = Vol_tank * Circle_ratio / Time_operation[1]
    d_tank_inert = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_inerting, Comp_inert).Output[0]    # Inert gas 밀도
    d_HDC_inert = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_HDC, T_inerting, Comp_inert).Output[0]    # Inert gas 밀도
    Exhaust_mass_inert = Exhaust_inert * d_tank_inert
    HDC_inert = Exhaust_mass_inert / d_HDC_inert  # m3/h, 1대로만 구동
    return HDC_caseA

def LNGvaporizer(Time_operation, Comp_name, Comp_LNG, Comp_inert, Circle_ratio, Tank_info, Cargo_pump_capacity):
    Time_gassing = Time_operation[2]
    Time_inerting = Time_operation[0]
    Tank_vol = Tank_info[0]
    ##### CASE A : Gassing-up
    d_gassing = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_gassing, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
    Mass_gassing = Tank_vol * Circle_ratio / Time_gassing * d_gassing  # kg/h
    h_gassing_in = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "Pliq", "h", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
    h_gassing_out = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "h", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_gassing, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
    Power_gassing = Mass_gassing * (h_gassing_out - h_gassing_in) / 3600  # kW
    LNGV_caseA = [Mass_gassing, Power_gassing]
    ##### CASE B : Unloading
    CP_capa = Cargo_pump_capacity
    Total_N_CP = N_Cargopump * N_tank                                         # C/P 총 개수
    Vol_max = CP_capa * Total_N_CP                                             # 최대 unloading volume flowrate
    d_unloading = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_unloading, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
    Mass_unloading = Vol_max * d_unloading
    h_unloading_in = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "Pliq", "h", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
    h_unloading_out = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "h", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_unloading, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
    Power_unloading = Mass_unloading * (h_unloading_out - h_unloading_in) / 3600  # kW
    LNGV_caseB = [Mass_unloading, Power_unloading]
    ##### CASE C : Inerting with LN2
    d_inerting = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_inerting, Comp_nitrogen).Output[0]
    Mass_inerting = Tank_vol * Circle_ratio / Time_inerting * d_inerting  # kg/h
    h_inerting_in = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "Pliq", "h", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, Comp_nitrogen).Output[0]
    h_inerting_out = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "h", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, T_inerting, Comp_nitrogen).Output[0]
    Power_inerting = Mass_inerting * (h_inerting_out - h_inerting_in) / 3600  # kW
    LNGV_caseC = [Mass_inerting, Power_inerting]
    return LNGV_caseA, LNGV_caseB, LNGV_caseC

def IGG(Time_operation, Comp_name, Comp_inert, Tank_info, Circle_ratio):
    Vol_tank = Tank_info[0]
    Time_drying = Time_operation[0]
    Time_inerting = Time_operation[1]
    Time_aeration = Time_operation[7]
    T_operation = 15     # 왜 15도 인지는 잘 모르겠음..
    ##### CASE A : DRYING
    d_drying = RP.REFPROPdll("Air", "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, T_operation,[1.0] ).Output[0]
    d_drying_nominal = RP.REFPROPdll("Air", "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, 0 ,[1.0] ).Output[0]
    IGG_drying = Vol_tank * Circle_ratio / Time_drying * d_drying / d_drying_nominal

    d_inerting = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, T_operation, Comp_inert ).Output[0]
    d_inerting_nominal = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, 0 , Comp_inert ).Output[0]
    IGG_inerting = Vol_tank * Circle_ratio / Time_inerting * d_inerting / d_inerting_nominal    
    T_after_WU = 5
    d_inerting_after_WU = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, T_after_WU, Comp_inert ).Output[0]
    IGG_inerting_after_WU = Vol_tank * Circle_ratio / Time_inerting * d_inerting_after_WU / d_inerting_nominal
    ##### CASE D : AERATION
    d_aerating = RP.REFPROPdll("Air", "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, T_operation,[1.0] ).Output[0]
    d_aerating_nominal = RP.REFPROPdll("Air", "PT", "D", SI, 1, 0, P_atm, 0 ,[1.0] ).Output[0]
    IGG_aerating = Vol_tank * Circle_ratio / Time_aerating * d_aerating / d_aerating_nominal        
    return IGG_drying, IGG_inerting, IGG_inerting_after_WU 

Comp_mole = LFV_standard                                                       # Composition setting
Comp_mass = MoletoMass(Name_index,Comp_mole)                                   # Mole to Mass conversion
Comp_LNG = Comp_check(Comp_mass)                                               # Composition sum 1 check

Comp_mole = BOG_standard                                                       # Composition setting
Comp_mass = MoletoMass(Name_index,Comp_mole)                                    # Mole to Mass conversion
Comp_BOG = Comp_check(Comp_mass)                                               # Composition sum 1 check

Comp_mole = Inert_gas
Comp_mass = MoletoMass(Name_index,Comp_mole)
Comp_inert = Comp_check(Comp_mass)

Comp_nitrogen = Pure_nitrogen
### Composition 결정 후 계산되는 값
Prop_l = Properties(Comp_name, Comp_LNG, "PQmass", P_tank, 0)

T_boiling = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "Pliq", "T", SI, 1, 0, P_tank, 0, Comp_LNG).Output[0]
Overall_heat_LD = ( M_wall * Cp_wall * (T_atm - T_boiling) + M_ins * Cp_ins * (T_atm - (T_atm + T_boiling)/2) )/1000 # MJ
Overall_heat_CD = ( M_wall * Cp_wall * (T_atm - T_CD) + M_ins * Cp_ins * (T_atm - (T_atm + T_CD)/2) )/1000 # MJ
print("Overall heat Capacity : {}" .format(Overall_heat_LD))
print("Overall heat for Cool-down : {}" .format(round(Overall_heat_CD*1000 / Prop_l[0][11],2) * 0.63 / Time_operation[3]))

BOG_cal = BOG_calculation(Vol_tank, FR, BOR, Comp_name, Comp_LNG)

Cargo_pump_capacity = Cargopump(Time_operation, Vol_tank_list, BOG_cal, Voyage_day, N_Cargopump)
HDC_capacity = HDC (Time_operation, Tank_info, Comp_name, Comp_BOG, Comp_inert, T_BOG, Overall_heat_LD, Overall_heat_CD, Prop_l, BOG_cal, Heat_HDC, N_HDC, Circle_ratio)
LNGV_capacity = LNGvaporizer(Time_operation, Comp_name, Comp_LNG, Comp_inert, Circle_ratio, Tank_info, Cargo_pump_capacity)
IGG_capacity = IGG(Time_operation, Comp_name, Comp_inert, Tank_info, Circle_ratio)

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JungHulk commented Mar 18, 2022

def Properties(Comp_name, Comp_value, Input_prop, input1, input2):
    Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Phase;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P"     # VISCOSITY 는 100만 나누어야 함.
    Prop_index = np.array(Prop_list.replace(';',' ').split())
    Prop = []
    Value = []
    for k in Prop_index:   # P;T;D;H;M;CP;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P
        r = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, Input_prop , k, SI, 0,0, input1, input2, Comp_value)
    DY = Value[2] * Value[11] / (100**2) # Dynamic viscousity
    df_prop = pd.DataFrame(Prop, index = Prop_index, columns=['Prop','Units','Values'])
    df_prop = df_prop.drop(['Prop'], axis=1)
    df_prop.loc['DV'] = ['kg/m-s', DY]
    return Value, df_prop # Value, dataframe 

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JungHulk commented Mar 25, 2022

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22. 03. 17

import os, numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from win32com.client import Dispatch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# from scipy import integrate
import pickle
import csv
import openpyxl
import sys
from ctREFPROP.ctREFPROP import REFPROPFunctionLibrary
import scipy.integrate as int

RP = REFPROPFunctionLibrary(os.environ['RPPREFIX'])

SI = RP.GETENUMdll(0,"SI WITH C").iEnum
# Property = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Phase;Qmass"
# Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Phase;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P"    
# Property_total = "T;P;D;H;CP;Phase;Qmass;"
Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Phase;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P"     # VISCOSITY 는 100만 나누어야 함.
Prop_index = np.array(Prop_list.replace(';',' ').split())

# df1 = pd.read_pickle('Pipetable.p')    

Initial Condition
Comp_name =        "Nitrogen;Methane;Ethane;Propane;Butane;Isobutane;Pentane;Isopentane;Oxygen;CO2;Water"    
Comp_init = np.array([0.0,   100.0,    0,    0,   0,        0,    0,        0,      0,  0,   0])

T_atm = 45 # C  
P_init = 0.11 # Mpa

Volume = 14012 # m3
Surface =  3365 # m2
Filling = 98 # %

Vol_liq = Volume * Filling/100
Vol_vap = Volume - Vol_liq

Equilibrium Mode

Qmass = 0.00010902809999999928 # initial value
Step = 0.01 
LastStep = 0.000000000001
Target = 0
direction = 0  

D_tank = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","D",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
D_liq = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dliq",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
D_vap = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dvap",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]

Mass_tank = Volume * D_tank
Mass_liq = Vol_liq * D_liq
Mass_vap = Vol_vap * D_vap

Mass_conv = Mass_tank - Mass_liq - Mass_vap # 질량보존 확인항

if Mass_conv < Target:
    direction = 1
    direction = -1
if  Mass_conv == Target:
    sys.exit(0) # sys.exit(0) 프로그램 정상 종료, (1) 강제 종료
if  Filling == 0:
    # Qmass = 1
    T_vap = T_atm
    T_lng = T_atm
    T_liq = T_atm
    T_wall = T_atm
    T_ins = T_atm
    # Filling 이 0일때 property, compostion 계산하는 항 만들기.
    for i in range(1,10000,1):
        Qmass = Qmass + Step * direction
        if Mass_conv < Target:
            if direction == 1:
                if Step > LastStep:
                    Step = Step / 10
                    direction = direction * -1          
                # else:
                #     exit()
            if direction == -1:
                if Step > LastStep:
                    Step = Step / 10
                    direction = direction * -1
                # else:
                #     exit()
        if Step < LastStep:
        D_tank = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","D",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
        D_liq = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dliq",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
        D_vap = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dvap",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
        Mass_tank = Volume * D_tank
        Mass_liq = Vol_liq * D_liq
        Mass_vap = Vol_vap * D_vap
        # pri``nt (Mass_tank, Mass_liq, Mass_vap, D_liq, D_tank, D_vap)

        Mass_conv = Mass_tank-Mass_liq-Mass_vap

        # print (Qmass)
    Comp_liq_mole = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","xmoleliq",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
    Comp_vap_mole = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","xmolevap",SI,0,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])

    Pro_lng_mole = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass",Prop_list,SI,0,0,P_init,0,Comp_init).Output[0:Prop_list.count(';')])
    Pro_liq_mole = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"Pliq",Prop_list,SI,0,0,P_init,0,Comp_liq_mole).Output[0:Prop_list.count(';')])
    Pro_vap_mole = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"Pvap",Prop_list,SI,0,0,P_init,0,Comp_vap_mole).Output[0:Prop_list.count(';')])

T_vap = Pro_vap_mole[0]
T_wall = T_vap # 초기 조건

ht_NG = 20.93 # kJ/h/m2/C
ht_atm = 10.47 # kJ/h/m2/C
Select Mode
Mode_list = ['Inerting', 'Inerting_N', 'Gassing-up', 'Cool-down', 'Cool-down_N', 'Warm-up', 'Warm-up_N', 'Aeration']
Mode_pressure = "Constant" # Constant, Variable

 Insulation information 
M_wall = 383849 # kg
Cp_wall = 0.46 # kJ/kg/C
T_wall = Pro_lng_mole[0] # C

M_ins = 1891303 # kg
Cp_ins = 1.07 # kJ/kg/C
D_ins = 190 # kg/m3

Cond_ins = 0.0963 # kJ/h/m/C
Ins_thick = 270 # mm

 Insulation Initial condition
n = 12  # Insulation node 수
len_interval = Ins_thick/1000 / n # Node 별 거리
T2 = (T_wall + (ht_atm * Ins_thick/1000/Cond_ins)*T_atm) / (1+(ht_atm*Ins_thick /1000/Cond_ins))
#Ins Outer temp.
T_ins_step = (T2 - T_wall) / (Ins_thick/1000/len_interval) # ins del_T
# step_node = np.arange(start = 0, stop = Ins_thick/1000 + 0.0000001, step = Ins_thick/n/1000)

T_ins = np.zeros((1,n+1))
# Insulation 초기온도 조건
if T_ins_step == 0:
    T_ins = np.full((1,n+1), T_ins)
    T_ins = np.linspace(T_wall, T2, n+1)
T_ins = T_ins.T

# df_Tins = pd.DataFrame(T_ins, columns =step_node) # Column을 step_node 로
#df_ins = df_ins.rename(columns=df_ins.iloc[0]) # 첫 행을 columns name 으로

dt_ins = 0

diffusivity = Cond_ins / (Cp_ins * D_ins)

# 제공 초기조건
Input_prop = "PQmass" # 2가지 고르기 (input에서)
Input1 = 0.2 # MPaA  Input 1 값
Input2 = 0   # Input 2 값
# Supply 조건 지정.

#  ### BOR check 하는 function 만들기
time = 12 # hours
t_step = 0.01 # hour

def Properties(Comp_name, Comp_value, Input_prop, input1, input2):
    Prop = []
    Value = []
    for k in Prop_index:   # P;T;D;H;M;CP;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P
        r = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, Input_prop , k, SI, 0,0, input1, input2, Comp_value)
    DY = Value[2] * Value[11] / (100**2) # Dynamic viscousity
    df_prop = pd.DataFrame(Prop, index = Prop_index, columns=['Prop','Units','Values'])
    df_prop = df_prop.drop(['Prop'], axis=1)
    df_prop.loc['DV'] = ['kg/m-s', DY]
    return Value, df_prop # Value, dataframe 

# Mode_list = ['Inerting', 'Inerting_N', 'Gassing-up', 'Cool-down', 'Cool-down_N', 'Warm-up', 'Warm-up_N', 'Aeration']
def Supply_condition(Comp_name, Mode_operation, Input_prop, Input1, Input2):
    if Mode_operation == Mode_list[0]:
        Comp_supply = np.array([85.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 14, 0])  
    elif Mode_operation == Mode_list[1] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[4] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[6]:
        Comp_supply = np.array([100.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    elif Mode_operation == Mode_list[2] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[3] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[5]:
        Comp_supply = Comp_init
    else: # Aeration
        Comp_supply = np.array([78.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 1, 0]) 

    Value = Properties(Comp_name, Comp_supply, Input_prop, Input1, Input2)[0]
    return Comp_supply, Value

####  우선 압력 고정일 때,
## Mass_supply 를 dt 에 대한 배열로 입력하는것도 고려해보기

def Heat_transfer(Comp_tank, Comp_supply, Mass_supply, P_mode):
    dh = (-1 * (Mass_supply * (h - h_supply) + ht_NG * Surface * (T_vap - T_wall)) * dt) / Mass_tank
    dT_wall = ((ht_NG * Surface * (T_vap - T_wall) + ht_atm * Surface_area * (T_atm - T2)) * dt - M_ins * Cp_ins* T_ins_var) / (M_wall * Cp_wall)

    h = h + dh
    T_wall = T_wall + dT_wall
    Mass_exhaust_init = 100 # 100 kg/h
    # 아래 항을 mole 로 바로 계산할 수 있으면 좋을텐데? Comp_init 은 mass base
    # Comp = (Comp_init * Tank_mass + Comp_supply * Mass_supply * dt) / (Tank_mass)
    Comp = list(map(lambda x, y: (x * Mass_tank + y * Mass_supply * dt) / (Mass_tank + Mass_supply*dt), Comp, Comp_supply)) 

    # 압력항에 대한 것도 같이 넣어줘야 할것 같음. 
    if P_mode == 0: # 0: Const, 1: Various
        d = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PH" , "D", SI, 0,0, P_init, h, Comp).Output[0]
        d = D_tank
    # Mass_conv = Mass_supply * dt + Mass_tank - Mass_exhaust
    Mass_tank = Volume * d

    # for i in len()
    #     ins_T[i] = Thermal diffusivity x dt / Interval length * (ins 거리0 - ins 거리2) + (1- 2 x (Thermal diffusivity x dt / Interval length **2)) x Ins 거리 1

# for i in range (0,12/3600+t_step,t_step):

Supply = Supply_condition(Comp_name, Mode_list[1], Input_prop, Input1, Input2)
Prop = Properties(Comp_name, Comp_init, "PT", 0.12, 0)

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Owner Author

JungHulk commented Jul 6, 2022

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spyder Editor

This is a temporary script file.

22. 06. 27

import os, numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from win32com.client import Dispatch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# from scipy import integrate
import pickle
import csv
import openpyxl
import sys
from ctREFPROP.ctREFPROP import REFPROPFunctionLibrary
from scipy import integrate

RP = REFPROPFunctionLibrary(os.environ['RPPREFIX'])

SI = RP.GETENUMdll(0,"SI WITH C").iEnum
# Property = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Phase;Qmass"
# Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Phase;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P"    
# Property_total = "T;P;D;H;CP;Phase;Qmass;"
Prop_list = "P;T;D;H;M;CP;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P;Phase;"     # VISCOSITY 는 100만 나누어야 함.
Prop_index = np.array(Prop_list.replace(';',' ').split())

# df1 = pd.read_pickle('Pipetable.p')    

        Initial Condition
Comp_name =          "Nitrogen;Methane;Ethane;Propane;Butane;Isobutane;Pentane;Isopentane;Oxygen;CO2;Water"    
Comp_init = np.array([0.0,         1,    0,    0,       0,        0,     0,        0,       0,    0,   0])
# Comp_init = np.array([0.0079, 0.9205, 0.0547, 0.0133, 0.0037, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # Mass base
T_atm = 40 # C  
P_init = 0.13 # Mpa
T_set_vapor = 40

Volume = 18000 # m3
Surface = 4200 # m2
Filling = 0 # %

Vol_liq = Volume * Filling/100
Vol_vap = Volume - Vol_liq

      Insulation information 
M_wall = 60205 # kg
Cp_wall = 0.35 # kJ/kg/C
# T_wall = T_vap # 초기 조건

M_ins = 424071 # kg
Cp_ins = 1.07 # kJ/kg/C
D_ins = 118 # kg/m3

Cond_ins = 0.08 # kJ/h/m/C
Ins_thick = 400 # mm

ht_NG = 37.46  # kJ/h/m2/C
ht_atm = 16.8 # kJ/h/m2/C

         Equilibrium Mode
# Qmass = 0.1 # initial value funcion 에 기입
Step = 0.01 
LastStep = 0.000000000001
Target = 0.001
# direction = 0  

x_axis = []
y_axis = []
y_axis2 = []
y_axis3 = []

####################### Definition ###########################

# Mode_list = ['Inerting', 'Inerting_N', 'Gassing-up', 'Cool-down', 'Cool-down_N', 'Warm-up', 'Warm-up_N', 'Aeration']
# Input_prop = 'PT', 'PH' 등등

def Supply_condition(Comp_name, Mode_operation, Input_prop, Input1, Input2, Mass_supply, Calculation):
    if Mode_operation == Mode_list[0]:
        Comp_supply = np.array([0.85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.14, 0])  
    elif Mode_operation == Mode_list[1] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[4] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[6]:
        Comp_supply = np.array([1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    elif Mode_operation == Mode_list[2] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[3] or Mode_operation == Mode_list[5]:
        Comp_supply = Comp_init
    else: # Aeration
        Comp_supply = np.array([0.78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.21, 0.01, 0]) 

    Value = Properties(Comp_name, Comp_supply, Input_prop, Input1, Input2)[0]
    Volume_supply = Mass_supply / Value[2]
    ## Supply ramp-up
    Cal_time = Calculation
    Supply_mass = np.full(Cal_time, Mass_supply)
    for i in range (11):
        if i < 6:
            Supply_mass[i] = 1/(10-i) * Mass_supply
            Supply_mass[i] = (i-5) / 5 * Mass_supply

    return Comp_supply, Value, Supply_mass, Volume_supply, Mode_operation

def Properties(Comp_name, Comp_value, Input_prop, input1, input2):
    Prop = []
    Value = []
    for k in Prop_index:   # P;T;D;H;M;CP;Qmass;VIS;TCX;PRANDTL;KV;Heatvapz_P;Phase;
        r = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, Input_prop, k, SI, 1, 0, input1, input2, Comp_value)
    DY = Value[2] * Value[11] / (100**2) # Dynamic viscousity
    df_prop = pd.DataFrame(Prop, index = Prop_index, columns=['Prop','Units','Values'])
    df_prop = df_prop.drop(['Prop'], axis=1)
    df_prop.loc['DV'] = ['kg/m-s', DY]
    return Value, df_prop # Value, dataframe 

def Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target):
    Qmass = 0.1  # Initial Qmass
    direction = 0 # Try and Error Initial direction
    D_tank = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","D",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
    D_liq = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dliq",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
    D_vap = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dvap",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
# (hFld, hIn, hOut, iUnits, iMass, iFlag, a, b, z, Output, hUnits, iUCode, x, y, x3, q, ierr, herr, hFld_length, hIn_length, hOut_length, hUnits_length, herr_length)

    Mass_tank = Volume * D_tank
    Mass_liq = Vol_liq * D_liq
    Mass_vap = Vol_vap * D_vap

    Mass_conv = Mass_tank - Mass_liq - Mass_vap # 질량보존 확인항

    if Mass_conv < Target:
        direction = 1
        direction = -1
    if  Mass_conv == Target:
        sys.exit(0) # sys.exit(0) 프로그램 정상 종료, (1) 강제 종료
    if  Filling == 0:
        Comp_liq_mass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PT","xmassliq",SI,1,0,P_init,T_set_vapor,Comp_init).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
        Comp_vap_mass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PT","xmassvap",SI,1,0,P_init,T_set_vapor,Comp_init).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
        Pro_init_mass = np.array(Properties(Comp_name, Comp_init, "PT", P_init, T_set_vapor)[0])
        Pro_liq_mass = Pro_init_mass
        Pro_vap_mass = Pro_init_mass       
        Phase = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PT","Phase",SI,1,0,P_init,T_set_vapor,Comp_init).hUnits
        for i in range(1,10000,1):
            Qmass = Qmass + Step * direction  
            if Mass_conv < Target:
            ### Qmass 가 음수가 되는 경우 피하기 위한 함수
                if Qmass < 0:
                   if direction == -1:
                       if Step > LastStep:
                           Step = Step / 10
                           direction = 1
                elif direction == 1:
                    if Step > LastStep:
                        Step = Step / 10
                        direction = direction * -1          

                if direction == -1:
                    if Step > LastStep:
                        Step = Step / 10
                        direction = direction * -1
            if Step < LastStep:
            # print(Qmass, Mass_conv, D_tank, D_liq, D_vap)
            D_tank = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","D",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
            D_liq = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dliq",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
            D_vap = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Dvap",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0]
            Mass_tank = Volume * D_tank
            Mass_liq = Vol_liq * D_liq
            Mass_vap = Vol_vap * D_vap
            Mass_conv = Mass_tank-Mass_liq-Mass_vap
        Comp_liq_mass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","xmassliq",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
        Comp_vap_mass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","xmassvap",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
        Pro_init_mass = np.array(Properties(Comp_name, Comp_init, "PQmass", P_init, Qmass)[0])
        Pro_liq_mass = np.array(Properties(Comp_name, Comp_liq_mass, "PQmass", P_init, 0)[0])
        Pro_vap_mass = np.array(Properties(Comp_name, Comp_vap_mass, "PQmass", P_init, 1)[0])
        Phase = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"PQmass","Phase",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp_init).hUnits

    return Comp_liq_mass, Comp_vap_mass, Pro_init_mass, Pro_liq_mass, Pro_vap_mass, Phase

T_vap = Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)[4][1]
T_lng = Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)[2][1]
T_liq = Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)[3][1]
T_wall = T_vap

Mass_tank = Volume * Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)[2][2]
Mass_liq = Volume * Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)[3][2]
Mass_vap = Volume * Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)[4][2]
Select Mode
Mode_list = ['Inerting', 'Inerting_N', 'Gassing-up', 'Cool-down', 'Cool-down_N', 'Warm-up', 'Warm-up_N', 'Aeration']
Mode_pressure = "Constant" # Constant, Variable

 Insulation Initial condition
n = 12  # Insulation node 수
Ins_interval = Ins_thick/1000 / n # Node 별 거리
Ins_node = np.arange(0,Ins_thick/1000+Ins_interval,Ins_interval) # Insulation 각 위치
T2 = (T_wall + (ht_atm * Ins_thick/1000/Cond_ins)*T_atm) / (1+(ht_atm*Ins_thick /1000/Cond_ins))
#Ins Outer temp.
T_ins_step = (T2 - T_wall) / (Ins_thick/1000/Ins_interval) # ins del_T
# step_node = np.arange(start = 0, stop = Ins_thick/1000 + 0.0000001, step = Ins_thick/n/1000)

T_ins = np.zeros(n+1)
# Insulation 초기온도 조건
if T_ins_step == 0:
    T_ins = np.full(n+1, T_wall)
    T_ins = np.linspace(T_wall, T2, n+1)
# T_ins = T_ins.T

def simpson(array, n): # simpson's rule
    integration = array[0] + array[-1]
    for i in range(1,n):
        if i%2 ==0:
            integration = integration + 2*array[i]
            integration = integration + 4*array[i]
    integration = integration / (len(array)-1) /3
    return integration

T_ins_ave = simpson(T_ins,n)
# df_Tins = pd.DataFrame(T_ins, columns =step_node) # Column을 step_node 로
#df_ins = df_ins.rename(columns=df_ins.iloc[0]) # 첫 행을 columns name 으로

dt_ins = 0

diffusivity = Cond_ins / (Cp_ins * D_ins)

## 제어기? 혹은 기준설정 후 자동으로 종료되게 만들기
# def Operation_criteria(Mode_list, Operation, Temperature, Composition):
# ### [0] Inerting 
# ### [1] Inerting_N
# ### [2] Gassing-up
# ### [3] Cool-down
# ### [4] Cool-down_N
# ### [5] Warm-up
# ### [6] Warm-up_N
# ### [7] Aeration
#     Operation = Mode_list
#     if Operation.find("Cool") is not -1:
#         if Temperature < -140:
#             break
#     elif Operation.find("Inert") is not -1:
#         if Composition < 0.02:
#             break

def Heat_transfer(Supply_condition, Init_cond, P_mode, T_ins, T_ins_ave, Ins_node):
    #################### Initial Calculation condition
    Init_cond = Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)
    T_vap = Init_cond[4][1]
    h = Init_cond[4][3]
    d = Init_cond[4][2]
    Phase = Init_cond[5]
    Qmass = Init_cond[2][6]
    Comp = Comp_init
    Comp_liq = Init_cond[0]
    Comp_vap = Init_cond[1]
    Supply = Supply_condition
    T_wall = T_vap
    Mass_tank = Volume * Init_cond[2][2]
    T_ins_var = 0
    T_ins = T_ins
    Ins_node = Ins_node
    T_ins_temp = np.zeros(len(T_ins))
    ################### Data save #############################################
    T_ins_table = np.append(T_ins,T_ins_ave) 
    # print(T_ins_table)
    Prop_table = np.array([P_init, T_vap, T_wall, d, h, Mass_tank, Phase, Qmass])
    Comp_table = np.array([Comp_init, Comp_liq, Comp_vap])
    # print(Comp_table)

    for i in range (Calculation):
        # if Operation == "Cool-down":
        #     if T_vap < -140:
        #         break
        # elif Operation == "Cool-down":
        dh = (-1 * (Supply[2][i] * (h - Supply[1][3]) + ht_NG * Surface * (T_vap - T_wall)) * dt) / Mass_tank
        dT_wall = ((ht_NG * Surface * (T_vap - T_wall) + ht_atm * Surface * (T_atm - T2)) * dt - M_ins * Cp_ins* T_ins_var) / (M_wall * Cp_wall)
        # h = float(int((h + dh)*1000)/1000)
        h = h + dh
        T_wall = T_wall + dT_wall
        Mass_exhaust_init = 100 # 100 kg/h
        # 아래 항을 mole 로 바로 계산할 수 있으면 좋을텐데? Comp_init 은 mass base
        # Comp = (Comp_init * Tank_mass + Comp_supply * Mass_supply * dt) / (Tank_mass)
        Comp = list(map(lambda x, y: (x * Mass_tank + y * Supply[2][i] * dt) / (Mass_tank + Supply[2][i]*dt), Comp, Supply[0])) 
        # Comp = np.array(Comp)
        # 압력항에 대한 것도 같이 넣어줘야 할것 같음. 
        if P_mode == 0: # 0: Const, 1: Various
            d = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "PH" , "D", SI, 1, 0, P_init, h, Comp).Output[0]
            Mass_tank = Volume * d
            P = P_init
            Mass_tank = Mass_tank + Supply[2][i]*dt
            d = Mass_tank / Volume
            P = RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name, "DH" , "P", SI, 1, 0, d, h, Comp).Output[0]
        # Prop = Properties(Comp_name, Comp, "DH", d, h)[0]
        # Prop = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"DH",Prop_list,SI,1,0,d,h,Comp).Output[0:Prop_list.count(';')])
        T_vap = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"DH","T",SI,1,0,d,h,Comp).Output[0])
        Qmass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"DH","Qmass",SI,1,0,d,h,Comp).Output[0])
        Phase = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"DH","Phase",SI,1,0,d,h,Comp).hUnits)
        print(i*dt, dh, T_vap, T_wall)
        Comp_liq_mass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"DH","xmassliq",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
        Comp_vap_mass = np.array(RP.REFPROPdll(Comp_name,"DH","xmassvap",SI,1,0,P_init,Qmass,Comp).Output[0:Comp_name.count(';')])
        Comp_table = np.vstack([Comp_table, [Comp, Comp_liq, Comp_vap]])        
        # Prop_table = np.array([P, Prop[1], d, h, T_wall, Mass_tank, Comp]) 

        for j in range (len(T_ins)-2):
            k = j+1
            T_ins_temp[0] = T_wall
            T_ins_temp[k] = diffusivity * dt / Ins_interval**2 * (T_ins[j] + T_ins[j+2]) + (1- 2* (diffusivity * dt / Ins_interval**2)) * T_ins[j+1]
            T_ins_temp[len(T_ins)-1] = Cond_ins/ ht_atm * (T_ins[len(T_ins)-2] - T_ins[len(T_ins)-1]) / (Ins_node[len(T_ins)-1] - Ins_node[len(T_ins)-2]) + T_atm
        T_ins_temp_ave = simpson(T_ins_temp,len(T_ins)-1)
        T_ins_temp_table = np.append(T_ins_temp, T_ins_temp_ave)

        T_ins_table = np.vstack([T_ins_table, T_ins_temp_table]) # Time step 별 Insul node 별 테이블화
        # Prop_table = np.array([P_init, T_vap, T_wall, d, h, Mass_tank, Phase, Qmass])
        Prop_tank = np.array([P, T_vap, T_wall, d, h, Mass_tank, Phase, Qmass])
        Prop_table = np.vstack([Prop_table, Prop_tank])
        T_ins_var = T_ins_temp_ave - T_ins_ave
        # print(T_ins_temp_ave, T_ins_ave, T_ins_var)
        T_ins = T_ins_temp
        T_ins_ave = T_ins_temp_ave
        ################################ Plot ###########################################
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
        ax = fig.add_subplot()
        x_axis.append(i * dt)
        ax.plot(x_axis,y_axis, color = 'b', linewidth = 4.0)
        ax.plot(x_axis,y_axis2, color = 'r', linewidth = 4.0)
        ax.plot(x_axis,y_axis3, color = 'green', linewidth = 4.0)
        ax.patch.set_facecolor('#c6d9f1') # axes 배경색
        # plt.setp(line, color = 'b', linewidth = 4.0)
        plt.xlabel('Time (hr)', size=15)
        plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)', size=15)
        # plt.rc('axes', labelsize = 70)


    return Prop_table, T_ins_table, Comp_table

    # Exhaust vapor 계산하기
    # Mass_conv = Mass_supply * dt + Mass_tank - Mass_exhaust
    # for i in (len(T_ins)-1):
    #     k = i+1
    #     T_ins_temp[i] = T_wall
    #     T_ins_temp[k] = diffusivity * dt / Ins_interval**2 * (T_ins[i] + T_ins[i+2]) + (1- 2* (diffusivity * dt / Ins_interval**2)) * T_ins[i+1]  

# for i in range (0,12/3600+t_step,t_step):

# Prop = Properties(Comp_name, Comp_init, "PT", 0.12, 0)
# Supply 조건 지정.
Input_prop = "PQmass" # 2가지 고르기 (input에서)
Input1 = 0.2 # MPaA  Input 1 값
Input2 = 0   # Input 2 값

#  ### BOR check 하는 function 만들기
time = 17 # hours
dt = 0.05 # hour
Calculation = round(time / dt)

Mass_supply = 2800    ## kg/h
# time_range = np.arange(dt, time + dt, dt)

####  우선 압력 고정일 때,
## Mass_supply 를 dt 에 대한 배열로 입력하는것도 고려해보기

### Mode_list = ['Inerting', 'Inerting_N', 'Gassing-up', 'Cool-down', 'Cool-down_N', 'Warm-up', 'Warm-up_N', 'Aeration']
Operation = Mode_list[3]

Supply = Supply_condition(Comp_name, Operation, "PQmass", 0.128, 0, Mass_supply, Calculation)

Init_cond = Init_condition(Comp_name, Comp_init, P_init, Surface, Filling, Vol_liq, Vol_vap, Step, LastStep, Target)
# Heat_transfer(Supply_condition, Init_cond, Mass_supply, P_mode, T_ins, T_ins_ave, Ins_node):
## 계산 Heat_transfer(Supply, Init_cond, 0, T_ins, T_ins_ave, Ins_node)
Cooldown = Heat_transfer(Supply, Init_cond, 0, T_ins, T_ins_ave, Ins_node)

@JungHulk JungHulk changed the title Tank modeling-1 eq des Sep 7, 2022
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