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32 lines (29 loc) · 7.71 KB

File metadata and controls

32 lines (29 loc) · 7.71 KB

Packages Used By IsIdentifiable

Risk Assessment common to all:

  1. Packages on NuGet are virus scanned by the NuGet site.
  2. This package is widely used and is actively maintained.
  3. It is open source.
Package Source Code License Purpose
NLog GitHub BSD 3-Clause Flexible user configurable logging
Nunit GitHub MIT Unit testing
CommandLineParser GitHub MIT Allows command line arguments for main client application and CLI executables
coverlet.collector GitHub MIT Collects code coverage information
CsvHelper GitHub MS-PL / Apache 2.0 Enables reading/writing CSV files
fo-dicom.Imaging.ImageSharp GitHub MS-PL Support library for reading DICOM pixel data
HIC.BadMedicine GitHub GPL 3.0 Generate Test Datasets for tests/exericses
HIC.DicomTypeTranslation GitHub GPL 3.0 Translate dicom types into C# / database types
HIC.FAnsiSql GitHub GPL 3.0 DBMS abstraction layer
HIC.RDMP.Plugin GitHub GPL 3.0 API for RDMP plugin mode
IKVM GitHub GPL plus Classpath exception Converts Java bytecode to MSIL for integration in .Net
Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU GitHub Apache License v2 The .NET library for ImageMagick
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory GitHub Apache 2.0 Caching the results of evaluations already run to prevent constantly revalidating the same value(s)
Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing GitHub MIT File system globbing to find files matching a specified pattern
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk GitHub MIT Required for running tests
Moq 4 GitHub BSD 3 Mock objects during unit testing
NUnit3TestAdapter GitHub MIT Run unit tests from within Visual Studio
System.IO.Abstractions GitHub MIT Makes file system injectable in tests
System.IO.FileSystem GitHub MIT File I/O
Terminal.Gui GitHub MIT Console user-interface
Tesseract GitHub Apache License v2 Optical Character Recognition in Dicom Pixel data
YamlDotNet GitHub MIT Loading configuration files