- Packages on NuGet are virus scanned by the NuGet site.
- This package is widely used and is actively maintained.
- It is open source.
Package | Source Code | License | Purpose |
NLog | GitHub | BSD 3-Clause | Flexible user configurable logging |
Nunit | GitHub | MIT | Unit testing |
CommandLineParser | GitHub | MIT | Allows command line arguments for main client application and CLI executables |
coverlet.collector | GitHub | MIT | Collects code coverage information |
CsvHelper | GitHub | MS-PL / Apache 2.0 | Enables reading/writing CSV files |
fo-dicom.Imaging.ImageSharp | GitHub | MS-PL | Support library for reading DICOM pixel data |
HIC.BadMedicine | GitHub | GPL 3.0 | Generate Test Datasets for tests/exericses |
HIC.DicomTypeTranslation | GitHub | GPL 3.0 | Translate dicom types into C# / database types |
HIC.FAnsiSql | GitHub | GPL 3.0 | DBMS abstraction layer |
HIC.RDMP.Plugin | GitHub | GPL 3.0 | API for RDMP plugin mode |
IKVM | GitHub | GPL plus Classpath exception | Converts Java bytecode to MSIL for integration in .Net |
Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU | GitHub | Apache License v2 | The .NET library for ImageMagick |
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory | GitHub | Apache 2.0 | Caching the results of evaluations already run to prevent constantly revalidating the same value(s) |
Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing | GitHub | MIT | File system globbing to find files matching a specified pattern |
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk | GitHub | MIT | Required for running tests |
Moq 4 | GitHub | BSD 3 | Mock objects during unit testing |
NUnit3TestAdapter | GitHub | MIT | Run unit tests from within Visual Studio |
System.IO.Abstractions | GitHub | MIT | Makes file system injectable in tests |
System.IO.FileSystem | GitHub | MIT | File I/O |
Terminal.Gui | GitHub | MIT | Console user-interface |
Tesseract | GitHub | Apache License v2 | Optical Character Recognition in Dicom Pixel data |
YamlDotNet | GitHub | MIT | Loading configuration files |