├── BUILD.md
└── src
├── Makefile
└── draft-yang-tls-hybrid-sm2-mlkem-00.md
: Well, this file it self...src/Makefile
: Makefile used to build this draftsrc/draft-yang-tls-hybrid-sm2-mlkem-00.md
: The draft in markdown format
To build the normative RFC draft document, you need to install several helper tools on your local computer. At current stage we only need to build the document on Mac.
This draft is prepared in markdown format so we need a very cool tool called kramdown-rfc2629
, which you can found at: kramdown-rfc2629, to convert the markdown into proper format thus tools provisioned by IETF could work smoothly.
The idea behind this is you write the draft in markdown and then use kramdown-rfc2629
to turn the markdown doc into valid RFC-compatible XML file. Once you get the XML file ready, you need to use another tool called xml2rfc
to convert the raw XML file into a human readable style, like TXT, HTML, etc.
Besides, IETF also provides a nit-checking tool called idnits
for the RFC draft writers to check if there are any nits in the draft before submitting it to IETF working group.
So on a Mac computer, you need to install them as follows:
gem install kramdown-rfc2629
brew install idnits
pip install xml2rfc
For the ones whose Mac has a low version six
package in the original Mac python installation, you can update the six
package as follows:
1. Download the latest `six` package
2. Use this command to install it: python setup.py install
This will install the new version of six into another location which is prior in the search path than the Mac-shipped one.
To build the draft, just simply run:
cd src
This will generate two new files, in plain text and HTML format respectively.
You can use make clean
to remove the files built by make
After edting the draft markdown file, you should always check if there are any nits in the draft by using idnits
You can just simply run make nits
, and get a .nits
suffixed file (like draft-yang-tls-hybrid-sm2-mlkem-00.nits
) in which the content is similar to:
Checking boilerplate required by RFC 5378 and the IETF Trust (see
No issues found here.
Checking nits according to https://www.ietf.org/id-info/1id-guidelines.txt:
No issues found here.
Checking nits according to https://www.ietf.org/id-info/checklist :
No issues found here.
Miscellaneous warnings:
== Couldn't figure out when the document was first submitted -- there may
comments or warnings related to the use of a disclaimer for pre-RFC5378
work that could not be issued because of this. Please check the Legal
Provisions document at https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info to determine
if you need the pre-RFC5378 disclaimer.
Checking references for intended status: Informational
== Missing Reference: 'RFCXXXX' is mentioned on line 833, but not defined
'| 136 | 4.08 Request Entity Incomplete | [RFCXXXX] |...'
== Outdated reference: draft-ietf-core-coap has been published as RFC 7252
** Obsolete normative reference: RFC 2616 (Obsoleted by RFC 7230, RFC 7231,
RFC 7232, RFC 7233, RFC 7234, RFC 7235)
Summary: 1 error (**), 0 flaws (~~), 3 warnings (==), 0 comments (--).
All nits picked up by make nits
should be fixed before submitting the draft to IETF.
open draft-yang-tls-hybrid-sm2-mlkem.txt
open draft-yang-tls-hybrid-sm2-mlkem.html
You can also use make open
to open the text draft file.