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410 lines (340 loc) · 8.71 KB

File metadata and controls

410 lines (340 loc) · 8.71 KB

JSON Go Format (JGF) specification


  //Game record information
  "record": {

    "format": "JGF",

    //JGF version
    "version": 2,

    //Character set of the file
    "charset": "UTF-8",

    //The application that was used to generate the game record file
    "generator": "Seki v1.0.0",

    //The person (or program) who created the game record file
    "transcriber": "Adam Reis"

  //Source of the game record
  "source": {

    //The name of the source
		"name": "Go magazine",

    //The URL of the source, if applicable
    "url": "",

		//Any copyright notice
		"copyright": "Copyright 2014",

	//Game information
	"game": {

		//The type of game
		"type": "go",

		//The game name
		"name": "Lee Sedol beats Lee Chang-Ho",

		//The game result, using the following format:
		//  W+4.5 (white wins by 4.5 points)
		//  B+R (black wins by resignation)
		//  W+T (white wins by time)
		//  B+F (black wins by forfeit)
		//  0 (draw / jigo)
		//  ? (unknown result)
		//  <empty string> (no result or suspended play)
		"result": "W+4.5",

    //Date this game was played on in ISO format
    "date": "2023-06-12",

		//If played on more than one date, specify an array of date values
		"dates": [

		//Opening used
		"opening": "Low chinese",

		//The annotator/commentator of the game
		"annotator": "An Younggil",

		//General game description
		"description": "This is a general description about this game"

  //Players involved
  "players": [

    //For maximum flexibility, this is an array with player objects. This allows
    //for more than 2 players, and for colors other than black and white.
      //Player color (full color name in english, all lowercase)
      "color": "black",

      //Player name
      "name": "Lee Chang-Ho",

      //Player rank at time of the game, e.g. 15k, 4d, 2p
      "rank": "9p",

      //Player team, if any
      "team": "",

      //Player country, if any
      "country": "South Korea",
      "color": "white",
      "name": "Lee Sedol",
      "rank": "9p",
      "country": "South Korea",

  //Event information
  "event": {

    //The name of the event this game was played fo
		"name": "3rd Fujitsu cup",

    //Where the event was held
		"location": "Seoul",

		//The round of the event
		"round": "Semi finals",

  //Game rules
  "rules": {

    //The ruleset used
		"ruleset": "Japanese",

    //Whether suicide moves are allowed
    "allowSuicide": false,

    //Whether any board position is disallowed to repeat (as opposed to just ko's)
    "disallowRepeats": false,

    //Komi used (can be negative)
		"komi": 6.5,

		//Handicap used (does not imply any particular way of handicap stone placement)
		"handicap": 0,

    //Main time (in seconds)
    "time": 7200,

    "overtime": "3x20 byo-yomi",

	//Board properties
	"board": {

    //Board size (if square)
    "size": 19,

		//The board size can also specified by width and height separately, to
		//allow support for non-square boards
		"width": 19,
		"height": 19,

		//Cut-off part of the grid (for displaying problems)
    "cutOffTop": 5, //Will cut off 5 rows from the top
    "cutOffBottom": 0,
    "cutOffLeft": 10, //Will cut off 10 columns from the left
    "cutOffRight": 0,

  //Instructions for the game record player
	"settings": {

    //Show the last played move
    "showLastMove": false,

    //Show the next move when replaying
    "showNextMove": false,

    //Show solutions for problems
		"showSolutions": false,

		//Show child variations of current node
		"showVariations": true,

		//Show sibling variations of current node
		"showSiblingVariations": false,

    //Remember variation paths taken
    "rememberVariationPaths": true,

    //...extensible with other custom instructions that can be consumed by players

  //Meta data for any other information to be saved with the record
  "meta": {
    "foo": "Bar",

	//Moves tree
	"tree": [

		//First (root) node may contain comments, board setup or just a blank board.
		//It cannot contain moves or variations

			//Comments are placed in an array
			"comments": [
				"These are comments shown at the start of the game.",
				"Every separate comment has it's own entry.",

		//Second node and onwards contain moves, setup instructions or variations.
		//Moves are indicated by the color of the player whose turn it was and the
		//move coordinates. Move coordinates are an array with the X and Y coordinate.
			"move": {
        "color": "black",
        "x": 2,
        "y": 3,

		//Pass moves are indicated with a "pass" flag
      "move": {
        "color": "white",
        "pass": true,

    //You can specify remaining time & byo-yomi periods per move
			"move": {
        "color": "black",
        "x": 2,
        "y": 3,
        "timeLeft": 345, //seconds
        "periodsLeft": 3,

		//A move node may contain other annotation as well, like comments or markup
			"move": {
        "color": "black",
        "x": 2,
        "y": 4,
			"comments": [
        "Move comment",
        "Another comment"

		//A node can be named using the name property
			"name": "Node name",
      "move": {
        "color": "white",
        "x": 15,
        "y": 15,

		//Markup can be added to any node
      "move": {
        "color": "black",
        "x": 3,
        "y": 15,

			//Markup is contained in its own array container
			"markup": [

        //Default types are "circle", "triangle", "square", "mark", "label" and "selected".
				//However, any other type can be specified in order to store custom markup types.
          "type": "triangle",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 4, "y": 3},
            {"x": 5, "y": 3},
          "type": "circle",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 6, "y": 4},
            {"x": 7, "y": 4},

        //Label markup gets a text property to indicate label contents
          "type": "label",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 8, "y": 5, "text": "A"},
            {"x": 9, "y": 5, "text": "1"},

		//Setup instructions always get their own node and cannot be combined with moves.
			//Setup positions are indicated with color as type
			"setup": [
          "type": "black",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 4, "y": 16},
            {"x": 2, "y": 15},
            {"x": 9, "y": 9},
          "type": "white",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 3, "y": 15},

        //Instructions to clear a grid spot are indicated with the "clear" type
          "type": "clear",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 7, "y": 18},

			//The player turn can be specified in setup nodes as well.
			"turn": "white"

		//When scoring a position, a scoring node is used

			//Scoring instructions indicate black and white territory.
			//These points must be unique and can overlap existing stones.
			//For japanese scoring, existing (living) stone positions can be
			//excluded. For chinese scoring, they can be included.
			"score": [
          "color": "black",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 0, "y": 0},
            {"x": 0, "y": 1},
            {"x": 1, "y": 1},
          "color": "white",
          "coords": [
            {"x": 6, "y": 2},
            {"x": 6, "y": 3},
            {"x": 7, "y": 2},

		//For problems, a node with the correct solution can be marked as follows
			"solution": true,
      "move": {
        "color": "white",
        "x": 15,
        "y": 6,

		//Variations are contained in a variations node
      "variations": [
        //Each variation's nodes are contained in a child moves container.
        //Variation nodes themselves adhere to the same specifications.
            "name": "Variation 1",
            "move": {
              "color": "black",
              "x": 3,
              "y": 15,
            "move": {
              "color": "white",
              "x": 3,
              "y": 16,
            "name": "Variation 2",
            "move": {
              "color": "black",
              "x": 3,
              "y": 16,
            "move": {
              "color": "white",
              "x": 3,
              "y": 15,