Table of Contents
openEQUELLA Digital Repository
An openEQUELLA resource typically comprises metadata (information) and one or more attachments uploaded during contribution. When a resource is displayed, important elements of its metadata are shown along with links to attachments. Modifications to a resource comprise modification of the metadata or the addition or removal of attachments.
Every resource in the openEQUELLA repository is assigned an owner, with the owner typically being the resource’s creator or contributor. Owners are typically configured with privileges to maintain their own resources, such as the ability to modify drafts, create versions and assign users for sharing ownership. The system administrators are granted more extensive privileges, having access to the Manage resources function. This function allows content and system administrators to manage resources, either individually or as bulk operations, regardless of ownership.
The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate to administrators the range of options available for resource management. The openEQUELLA My Resources User Guide provides information on managing resources for owners.
Please note that this guide has been developed to reflect the full capabilities of openEQUELLA and as such may differ in appearance from your own installation.
- Open a browser and enter your openEQUELLA URL (e.g.‘’).
- Log in to openEQUELLA. The openEQUELLA Dashboard displays. The openEQUELLA Digital Repository allows users to search, create, store, manage, view, and share content.
Suitably-privileged administrators have the ability to access the Manage resources function to perform a variety of actions to either an individual resource or a selection of resources in one instance.
- Select Manage resources from the navigation menu. The Manage resources page displays.
The Manage resources page displays resources and provides functionality for viewing, sorting and filtering resources. Additionally, unpublished files and web pages from users’ scrapbooks can be displayed on the Manage resources results page. Elements of this page can include:
- Search—original search terms (e.g. openEQUELLA) are displayed in the search field with a Search button. New search terms can be entered, if required.
- Within—select a specific collection, My content (scrapbook content) or All resources.
Results can be displayed in groups of 10, 50 or 100 per page, with paging displayed at the end of the search results page. Information displayed for each matching result can include:
- Title—select this link to display the resource summary page.
- Down Arrow - this down arrow icon displays next to the title when a resource has one or more attachments. Clicking the icon displays the attachments in either a structured or thumbnail grid format, depending on the collection’s search results template configuration.
Click an attachment to open it in the default viewer.
Click the up arrow icon to close the attachment view.
- Description—the description of the resource.
- Status—displays the resource status and when it was last updated. Statuses displayed can be live, archived, deleted, suspended, review, moderating, rejected or draft.
- Last updated—the time period passed since the resource was last updated.
comments—select this link to display the resource summary page where comments and ratings can be entered.- Add to favourites—select this link to add the resource to the resource favourites list.
- Add Search to Favourites—click this button to add the current search to the search favourites list.
- Select—click this button to select the resource. The resource is highlighted and the unselect button is displayed.
- Help —click this button to display context-sensitive help at the top of the page. Depending on the context, links to other help topics can also be displayed. Click the button again to hide the help pane.
- Screen Options—click this button to display the screen configuration option: Number of results per page—select how many results (10, 50 or 100) are displayed per page from the drop-down list.
Search queries can be saved for future use by adding them to the Favourites page.
Clicking Add search to favourites on the right-hand side of the page displays the Add search to favourites dialog where a name is entered to help identify the search.
Clicking Add displays a ‘Successfully added this search to your favourites’ message and adds the search to your Favourite searches list.
Search results can be shared with other users by sending them the search results for their use.
Clicking Share Search Query on the right-hand side of the page displays the Share search query dialog where results can be shared by RSS or Atom feed, via URL and via e-mail.
- Share search results as an RSS or Atom feed—selecting the RSS feed or Atom feed link will display a subscription page. Subscribed users are notified if resources are updated or added to the search results.
- Share search results via URL—users can send a link to the search results page to other users by copying and pasting the URL into an email or other document. The openEQUELLA log in page is displayed when the link is clicked. Once logged in, the user is taken directly to the search results page.
- Share search results via e-mail—users can send results to others via email. Enter an email address in the field provided and click Send Email. Check the Share only results viewable by guests checkbox if sending to users outside your institution.
The Selection (x) pane displays the number of resources currently selected.
There are three links displayed in the Selection pane:
- View selected results—select this link to display a Bulk actions page with all currently selected resources listed.
- Click X next to a resource to remove that resource from the list.
- Click X in the top right corner to return to the results page.
- Unselect all—select this link to clear all current selections.
- Select all results in this search—select this link to select all the resources returned for the current search.
Click Perform an action to open the Bulk actions page. This allows the same action to be performed to all the currently selected resources at one time.
The Sort box provides options for sorting the results list. Clicking the toggle button shows or hides the box.
The Sort results by drop-down list can include Relevance, Date last modified, Title or User rating. Selecting the Reverse order of results checkbox reverses the selected sort order, for example reversing a title ordering from A–Z to Z–A.
The Filter box provides options for reducing the number of displayed results.
The following filters are included:
Click Select User to display the Select owner to filter by dialog. Enter search terms and click Search to display a list of matching results.
Select a user (e.g. Internal openEQUELLA Demonstration Teacher) then click Select this user to filter the results to those owned by the selected user. The selected owner is displayed in the Filter by owner pane.
The owner selected can be changed by clicking Change user, or removed by clicking Close.
Select a qualifier from the drop-down list (After, Before, Between or On), then click the calendar field or icon to display a calendar control.
Select the Clear link to remove the filtering criteria.
Select a status from the drop-down list. Statuses are Draft, Live, Rejected, Moderating, Archived, Suspended, Deleted, Review and Personal (scrapbook items).
Only resources with the status selected are displayed on the results page.
Check this checkbox to display resources currently in moderation. This includes resources with statuses of Rejected, Moderating and Review. An additional filter, Filter by workflow displays once this checkbox is checked.
If required, select a workflow from the drop-down list.
This filter is relevant for openEQUELLA instances set up as openEQUELLA Content Exchange Store fronts.
Select this checkbox to show only resources that have been purchased from Store catalogues.
This filter is relevant for openEQUELLA instances set up as openEQUELLA Content Exchange Store fronts, where resources have been purchased on a subscription basis.
Select a qualifier from the drop-down list (After, Before, Between or On), then click the calendar field or icon to display a calendar control.
An ‘X records have been filtered out’ message is displayed when a filter has been applied to search results.
Select the clear filters link to display all results.
Searching can be refined by selecting a collection from the Within drop-down list in the Search box.
Select a collection (e.g. Learning resources) to display only matching resources belonging to that collection. If the Search field is left blank, all resources belonging to the selected collection are displayed.
Select My content from the Within dropdown to display webpages and files that have been created or uploaded in users’ scrapbooks.
An advanced search provides a means of searching specifically within the metadata (information) associated with a resource. Pre-configured Advanced Searches are not available for selection from the Manage resources Within dropdown, but once a collections has been selected, a link to an Advanced search page is displayed.
- Select a collection (e.g. Learning resources) from the Within drop-down list. Resources belonging to the selected collection displays, and an additional Where section is added to the Search pane.
- Select the Edit query link to display the Add search criteria page.
- Select the required criteria (e.g. WHERE /xml/item/lom/educational/learningresourcetype IS Tutorial) then click Add collection.
- Add any further criteria, then click Search. The matching resources display. The search box shows the currently selected criteria.
Select the Edit query – clear link to remove the current criteria.
Individual resources can be accessed and viewed from the Manage resources results page.
- Click on the resource title or thumbnail (e.g. The Overland Track summary). The resource summary page displays.
The resource summary page is used to view, comment and rate resources. Resource owners and content managers can also manage resources and resource versions.
The main panel of the summary displays resource content, viewing options, ratings and comments, while further information and various actions can be accessed using the Details and Actions sections links.
The appearance of the resource summary page may differ according to the collection in which the resource belongs and the display template selected for that collection.
The Links to Resources section displays links to attachments, thumbnail images and viewers configured to view the resources. When an attachment link is selected, the relevant screen displays, depending on the attachment type. For example, clicking on a URL link opens the associated website page, clicking on a pdf document opens the file using a pdf reader, a YouTube link opens the YouTube website etc.
If the attachments have been packaged using the Navigation Builder during contribution, the components can be viewed separately or as a package, using the large image viewer.
Selecting the arrow to the right of the attachment link displays more information about the attachment. Information differs between attachment types.
The information displayed includes Type, Name, Duration, Author, Uploaded and Tags.
- Select an image attachment link to display the image in the default viewer.
- Select the down arrow to the right of the attachment, or click in the space between to display an expandable pane showing an image preview, name, type and size of attachment and viewer options.
- Select a configured viewer (e.g. Large image viewer) to display the attachment.
- Select the Full screen link on the resource summary page to display all attachments in the default viewer.
Large image functionality includes:
- Zoom in, Zoom out, Rotate left and Rotate right.
- Show thumbnail—brings up a thumbnail to the top left corner of the image, displaying a smaller version of the image to illustrate the currently viewable portion of the image.
- Resource name—the resource name is a clickable link that will return the user to the resource summary page.
The comments section on the resource summary page displays previously added comments and ratings. Select the Delete comment link to remove the comment.
The Add a comment section allows users with the appropriate privileges to enter comments and rate the resource. Clicking Add Comment adds the comments and rating to the X comments list.
- Enter text in the Add a comment text box (e.g. ‘A useful resource’).
- Select an optional star rating (1–5).
- Click Add comment.
- Select the X icon that appears in the top right of the comment box.
- A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK.
Individual resources that are frequently used can be added to a resource Favourites list, which enables the user quick access. The favourites list is then accessed from the Favourites link on the navigation menu.
- From the resource summary page, click Add to favourites. The Add to favourites dialog displays.
- Enter any relevant ‘tags’ or key words in the edit box (e.g. wombat). These tags can then be used in a keyword search to discover the resource.
- Select the required version in the Select version to add: field. The options are:
- Always use latest version—resource listed in favourites will always be the latest version
- This version—the resource listed in favourites will always be the version that was added to the favourites list, regardless of any later versions being created.
- Click Add to add the resource to favourites. Once the resource has been added to favourites, the button changes to Remove. Click the button to remove the resource from the favourites list.
The Details area displays information about the resource and can include Owner, Collaborators, Collection, Version number and Status.
- Owner—the user who created the resource.
- Collaborators—any users who have been added as collaborators for the resource.
- Collection—selecting this link displays a search result list for that collection.
- Version—displays the version number of the current resource. Selecting the (show all) link displays a list of all versions, including the current live version.
- Status—resource statuses can be Live, Archived, Deleted, Suspended, Review, Moderating, Rejected or Draft.
- Find uses—use this link to display a list of the current uses of this resource in a connected LMS (Moodle or Blackboard Learn).
- Moderation History—select this link to display the Moderation history page.
- Terms of use—select this link to display the Terms of use page with terms and a list of users who have accepted those terms and date of acceptance.
- Moderation progress—select this link to display the Moderation progress page.
- Activations—select this link to display the Activations page with a list of all activations for the selected resource. This link only appears if there are activations set for this resource.
- Select the (show all) link to display the Versions of this item page listing all resource versions and their statuses.
When a new resource has been created using the Create a new version action, the previous version is archived. The example in Figure 35 shows a resource with two versions. The original version appears as 1 in the Version column and its status displayed as archived. The current version is version 2, with a status of live. All resources displayed in the versions list can be viewed, regardless of their status.
- Select the Title of the version to display the resource summary page of the selected version.
The Find uses function is part of the openEQUELLA Push to LMS feature.
Select Find uses from the Details section to display all current uses for the selected resource within a specific connector (LMS). The Find uses link only displays if at least one external connector has been configured in the openEQUELLA system.)
openEQUELLA supports Moodle and Blackboard connectors (and local resources for the Find Uses function), and more than one may be configured. If there are multiple connectors configured, a drop-down box displays, and the user selects from the list. If there is only one connector configured, the Add to external system screen displays immediately. If the connector Local Resources is configured and selected, the system displays all uses of the current resource and attachments within other resources in the openEQUELLA repository.
If there is only one connector configured, the Find uses screen is displayed immediately.
The Courses in which the selected resource is currently used are listed, with the Location and Date added information.
Enter course search criteria in the filter box to return only matching results.
To sort by Course, Location or Date added, click the column heading. Click again to reverse the order displayed.
Tick Show all versions of this resource to display any uses of earlier versions of the resource.
Tick Show hidden courses and items to display any hidden courses and items in which the selected resource is used.
Select the down arrow (which displays to the right of the Date added column when the cursor points at a course line) to display an expandable pane showing resource details, including Resource version, Date modified, and Name in external system.
Selecting the Terms of use link displays the Terms of use page which lists the conditions that users must accept before they can view the resource. The Terms of use page only displays only when Digital Rights Management is attached to the resource. Additionally, a list of users that have accepted those terms of use is displayed.
Contributed resources that are in the process of moderation will have a link to the Moderation progress page in the Details section of the resource summary page. This page provides information about where the resource currently sits in the moderation process and has the following elements:
- Task—lists the name of the current moderation task;
- Moderators—lists the names of the users required to accept the task;
- Waiting for—total time waiting for moderation since entering that task; and
- Moderation progress—a graphical flow chart illustrating the layout of the moderation process. The current tasks, and any accepted tasks, are highlighted.
A resource’s Moderation history page provides details on any submission, status change and moderation events pertaining to this resource.
It is made up of the following elements:
- Event (Submitted for moderation, Went live etc)—provides a descriptive name of the event.
- User—lists the user involved in this event.
- Date—shows how much time has passed since this event was performed.
- Show edits checkbox—switches on and off the display of Edit events in the history.
- Show all details—switches on and off all events in the history, including Edit and Workflow reset events.
A resource will have an Activations page when it has been activated against a course. This action is restricted to resources contributed to collections with Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) configured. Once activated, users can view the resource’s Activations page.
This page is made up of the following elements:
- Attachment—the name of the resource that is activated against the course;
- Status—the activation status of the resource; and
- Information—
- Students—number of students enrolled in the course the resource has been activated against.
- User—name and username of the user that activated this resource.
- Course—name and description of the course the resource has been activated against.
- From—the date and time the resource was made active from.
- Until—the date and time the resource was made active until.
The Actions area can display the following operations:
The Add to external system function is part of the openEQUELLA Push to LMS feature.
Selecting this action allows the user to add all or parts of the resource to external systems (LMSs) that have been configured in the system. The Add to external system link only displays if at least one external (LMS) connector has been configured in the openEQUELLA system.
openEQUELLA supports Moodle and Blackboard LMS connectors, and more than one may be configured. If there are multiple connectors configured, a drop-down list displays, and the user selects from the list. If there is only one connector configured, the Add to external system screen is displayed immediately.
The Add to external system function allows the addition of a resource to multiple course locations within the selected LMS connector.
- Select Add to external system from Actions.
- Select the external LMS system from the drop-down list to which the resource is to be added. If only one external system is set up, the Add to external system screen displays immediately.
- Select the required resources from the Select the resources to add section. Select the Add resource summary checkbox to add the resource including metadata and all attachments, or select single attachments.
- Select the locations to which the resource should be added. Click the Show hidden courses checkbox (Moodle) or Show unavailable courses checkbox (Blackboard) to add to hidden/unavailable course locations. Select Add Selected Resources. NOTE: Enter course search criteria in the filter box to return only matching results.
- An action receipt confirming the successful addition of the resource is displayed at the top of the page.
- Use the breadcrumbs to navigate back to the resource.
This displays for resources with a status of ‘Live’. Archiving hides the resource from searches (aside from the Manage resources search results), and is intended for resources that are no longer required. This includes old versions of resources that have been archived by the Create a new version action. The resource cannot be discovered outside of Manage resources, but remains accessible via its URL.
Ownership can be reassigned and other users can be added as collaborators.
- Select the Change ownership link to display the Owner and collaborators page.
- Select the Change link to display the Select a new owner dialog where a new owner can be selected.
- Select the Add collaborators link to display the Select collaborators dialog. Collaborators are listed with a X icon alongside them.
Selecting this action makes a copy of the selected resource, with or without attachments, and adds it to the same or a different collection. The original version remains live, unlike the New Version operation where the original version is archived once the new version becomes live.
- Select the Clone item into a collection link to display the Clone this item page.
- Select an option from the Select an operation section. There are two options:
- Clone—copy the entire resource, including all attachments and metadata.
- Clone without attachments—copy metadata without attachments.
The cloned resource can be assigned to the same collection as the original resource, or to a different collection. The original collection is displayed as the default in the Select a collection section.
- Click on the Select a collection arrow to display a drop-down list of available collections.
- Select a collection.
- Click on the Select a schema transform (optional) arrow to display the options.
- Select an option, or leave at the default (None selected).
- Click Clone. The contribution wizard for the resource is displayed.
- Modify the resource metadata or attachments, if required.
- Publish, save or cancel the resource as required.
Selecting this action displays the contribution wizard for the resource, allowing the user to modify metadata or files, and the new version can be published or submitted for moderation. When the new version reaches the ‘live’ status, the current version is automatically archived.
This action removes the resource from the repository and marks it for purging with the next scheduled purge task. It displays in the Manage resources search results with a status of Deleted.
Selecting this action displays the contribution wizard for the resource, allowing the user to modify metadata or attachments. Any changes made are saved to the current version.
Export a resource to one of the formats listed. Resources can be exported as an IMS package or a METS record with or without attachments.
Resources can be added as key resources to one or more hierarchy topics during contribution.
- Select Modify key resource to display the Modify key resource page.
- Click on the plus sign to expand the hierarchy tree and display any subtopics.
- Select the checkboxes next to the hierarchy topics or subtopics (including dynamic subtopics) to which the resource is to be added as a key resource. Multiple checkboxes can be selected. NOTE: Hierarchy topics or subtopics where the selected resource already exists as a key resource display as checked when the Modify key resource page opens. Uncheck to remove the resource as a key resource.
- Click Save. A confirmation screen displays.
The resources have now been added (or removed) as key resources for the selected hierarchy topics and/or subtopics.
Selecting this action allows the selected resource to be transferred to a different collection.
- Select the Move item into another collection link to display the Move this item page.
- Click on the Select a collection arrow to display a drop-down list of available collections.
- Select a collection.
- Click on the Select a schema transform (optional) arrow to display the options.
- Select an option, or leave at the default (None selected).
- Click Move. The contribution wizard for the resource is displayed.
- Modify the metadata or attachments, if required.
- Publish, save or cancel the resource as required.
Selecting this action displays a contribution wizard where a new resource can be contributed to the same collection.
This action is intended for resources that require redrafting prior to moderation workflow completion. Selecting this operation allows the resource to be edited and re-submitted for moderation or saved as a draft. Redraft is intended for use with resources that have not been made live.
This displays for resources of all statuses. This action hides the resource from searches (excepting the Manage resources search results) and is intended for temporary removal of resources from the repository, for example the removal of links for sites that are temporarily unavailable. The resource cannot be discovered but remains accessible via its URL. A Resume this version action is available for suspended resources.
Administrators can manage individual or multiple resources in a single operation using the Perform an Action button to the right-hand side of the Manage resources page.
- Select the required resource or resources by clicking Sekect beside each resource. To select all resources on the results page, click the Select all results in this search link in the Selection pane.
- Click to display the Bulk actions page.
The selected resources are listed. To unselect a resource, click the corresponding X icon. 3. Select an action from the Choose an action to perform: drop-down list (e.g. Archive) then click Execute. A confirmation dialog displays. 4. Click OK to proceed. An information dialog displays, confirming the action was successful. In the case of an unsuccessful action, an error message displays with an explanation of the failed action.
The following Actions are available:
Selecting this action changes the selected resources from their current status to a Draft status, which means they are under construction, or have not yet been published or submitted for moderation.
The Submit for moderation action enters resources with the status of Draft into the moderation workflow. On completion of this action, the resources will have a status of moderating.
The Delete action removes the selected resources from the repository. Deleted resources are removed permanently with the next scheduled purge (typically configured to run on the weekend), and cannot be recovered. A deleted resource can be restored to a live state using the Restore bulk operation providing this is done before it is purged.
When resources have been deleted, selecting the Purge operation will permanently remove selected resources from the repository. Resources that have been purged are not recoverable.
The Make live action restores resources with a current status of archived to a live state.
The Reset Workflow action resets the moderation process to the beginning of a workflow for the selected resources (for example, if a number of resources have been edited by their owners and require moderation by other users). Resources will become live when they have reached the appropriate step in the workflow.
When resources have been deleted, selecting the Restore action will restore deleted resources to a live state.
The Archive action removes selected resources from the live status, so that they are no longer available to repository users other than the resource owner and the system administrator. Unlike deleted resources, these resources will not be removed completely from the system when a scheduled purge is performed.
The Suspend action is used to temporarily remove a resource from the repository (e.g. if a URL link was temporarily unavailable). The resource status is changed to suspended and does not appear in search results. Each suspended resource can be made live again using the Resume this version link from the Actions section on the Resource summary page.
The Review action is intended for resources that have completed a workflow and allows resources in the live state to be checked for currency. Selecting this operation causes the resource to re-enter a moderation workflow.
The Change owner... action allows another owner to be assigned to selected resources. When selecting this option, a Next .button displays. Once clicked, the Select user(s) page displays. (Only one user can be selected). Search for the required user by entering search terms or the wildcard (*) character in the search bar and click Search. A list of matching results is returned. Select a user from the list and click Execute.
The Clone... action makes a copy of selected resources, with or without attachments, into the same or a different collection. When selecting this option, a Next button displays. Once clicked, a selection dialog displays.
The Select an operation section provides two options:
- Clone—clone the entire resource, including all attachments and resource metadata
- Clone without attachments—clone resource metadata without attachments.
The cloned resource can be assigned to the same collection as the original resource, or to a different collection. Select a collection from the Select a collection drop-down list.
Once a collection has been selected, the dialog displays a new option: Do you want to submit the items for moderation, or save as draft?
The Do you want to submit the items... section provides two options:
- Save Draft—save the cloned resources as drafts, allowing further changes prior to publishing, if required
- Submit For Moderation—submit the cloned resources for moderation.
A preferred schema transformation can be applied to the cloned resources, if required. Click on the Select a schema transform down arrow to display the following options:
- (none selected)
- MARCXML to Book
- MARCXML to Journal
- MODS to Book
- MODS to Journal.
Click Execute to complete the action.
The Move... operation transfers selected resources into a different collection. When selecting this option, a Next button displays. Once clicked, a selection dialog displays.
Select a collection to move the resources to from the Select a collection drop-down list.
A preferred schema transformation can be applied to the cloned resources, if required. Click on the Select a schema transform down arrow to display the following options:
- (none selected)
- MARCXML to Book
- MARCXML to Journal
- MODS to Book
- MODS to Journal.
Click Execute to complete the action.
This bulk action is used with openEQUELLA systems that are set up as a Store.
The Execute script action allows users to run scripts across the selected resources. When selecting this option, a Next button displays. Once clicked, the Execute script dialog displays.
To run a script
- The user can either:
- Enter the required script, or
- Click Load a Script and select a pre-saved script.
- Once a script is complete, click Check Syntax. A Syntax ok! message should display in the bottom left-hand corner.
If a syntax error displays, check your script for errors, then recheck the syntax.
- Click Preview to preview the first result of the action.
- After checking that the preview shows the required results, click Execute. A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK.
- The script is executed for all the selected items, and the final confirmation dialog displays.
- Click Close.
This bulk action is used with openEQUELLA systems that are set up as a Store.
This bulk action is used with openEQUELLA systems that are set up as a Store.
The Edit metadata action is used to change the same metadata properties for the selected resources. The following actions are available:
- Find and replace – enables the user to select one or more nodes, then run a text find and replace process.
- Set text – enables the user to specify text to be added to specified nodes. This can include existing nodes or new nodes, with the new nodes being automatically added if required.
- Add node – enables the user to specify xml to be added to the selected node. NOTE: Use this option with caution. Using this option incorrectly may result in problems with resource metadata. It is recommended that the actions required to be performed are run on a staging server prior to running them on your live data.
- Select Manage resources from the navigation menu.
- Select one or more items, then click Perform an Action.
- Select Edit metadata from the drop-down list, then click Next. The Modifications dialog displays.
- Click Add Moderation. The Select schema nodes dialog displays. Select the relevant schema from the drop-down list (e.g. Generic schema). The schema nodes are listed.
- Select the node/s (e.g. item/itembody/description) that contain the text to be replaced by clicking the Select node link.
- Once the nodes are selected, click Choose action. The Choose an action to perform dialog displays.
- Select Find and replace from the drop-down list. The dialog now displays Find and Replace fields.
- Enter the Find (e.g. image) and Replace (e.g. view) text, then click Save action. The Modifications dialog displays, with the Find and replace action listed.
More tasks can be added by clicking Add Modification. When there are multiple actions listed, they can be reordered by using the arrow buttons.
Click Preview to preview the first result of the action.
After checking that the preview shows the required results, click Execute. A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK.
The action is executed for all the selected items, and the final confirmation dialog displays.
Click Close.
To use the Set text function
- Select Manage resources from the navigation menu.
- Select one or more items, then click Perform an Action.
- Select Edit metadata from the drop-down list, then click Next. The Modifications dialog displays.
- Click Add modification. The Select schema nodes dialog displays. Select the relevant schema from the drop-down list (e.g. Generic schema). The schema nodes are listed.
- Select the node/s by clicking the Select node link or type in a new node (e.g. item/itembody/purpose) that text will be set for. NOTE: Users are not limited to existing nodes. New nodes can be manually entered in the text box, and will be added when the selected action is executed. For example, /item/itembody/purpose.
- Once the node/s are selected or entered, click Choose action. The Choose an action to perform dialog displays.
- Select Set text from the drop-down list. The dialog now displays a Text field.
- Enter the text to be added to the selected node/s. NOTE: Text existing in the selected node/s will be replaced with the new text.
- Select an option:
- Always set the text – this will always set the text, including creating the node if it doesn’t already exist. Any existing text will be replaced.
- Set the text only if the node exists – the text is set only if the specified node exists.
- Set the text only if the node does not exist – this will add the node and set the text for items where the node doesn’t already exist.
- Click Save action. The Modifications dialog displays, with the Set text action listed.
More tasks can be added by clicking Add modification. When there are multiple actions listed, they can be reordered by using the arrow buttons.
- Click Preview to preview the first result of the action.
- After checking that the preview shows the required results, click Execute. A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK.
- The action is executed for all the selected items, and the final confirmation dialog displays.
- Click Close.
- Select Manage resources from the navigation menu.
- Select one or more items, then click Perform an Action.
- Select Edit metadata from the drop-down list, then click Next. The Modifications dialog displays.
- Click Add Modification. The Select schema nodes dialog displays. Select the relevant schema from the drop-down list (e.g. Generic schema). The schema nodes are listed.
- Select the node/s (e.g. item/itembody) that contain the text to be replaced by clicking the Select node link. NOTE: Users are not limited to existing nodes. New nodes can be manually entered in the text box, and will be added when the selected action is executed. For example, /item/itembody/purpose.
- Once the nodes are selected, click Choose action. The Choose an action to perform dialog displays.
- Select Add node from the drop-down list. The dialog now displays an XML text box.
- Enter the xml be added to the selected node/s.
- Click Save action. The Modifications dialog displays, with the Add node action listed.
More tasks can be added by clicking Add modification. When there are multiple actions listed, they can be reordered by using the arrow buttons.
- Click Preview to preview the first result of the action.
- After checking that the preview shows the required results, click Execute. A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK.
- The action is executed for all the selected items, and the final confirmation dialog displays.
- Click Close.
Selecting My content from the Within drop-down on the Manage resources page displays all web pages and files that have been created or uploaded through all users’ scrapbooks.
Scrapbook items display with Edit, Delete and Select options.
Select Edit to open the item for editing. Select Delete to delete the item. Once selected, the Edit and Delete options no longer show, but a Restore button displays. Select this button to restore the item.
Deleted scrapbook items will be purged during the next scheduled purge event, and are no longer available for restoring once this event has occurred.
Select multiple scrapbook items to use the Perform an action button. Bulk actions that can be performed on scrapbook items are Delete and, for deleted items, Purge.