We assume you are comfortable with Ruby and Rails and, of course, with the linux shell. Some git knowledge will help while dealing with the deploy in Heroku.
Be sure you have Ruby; Ruby on Rails and git installed (facebook4org was developed under ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.8)
Download the code for facebook4org
git clone git://github.com/francescor/facebook4org.git
If you don’t have git, the code can be downloaded from github.com/francescor/facebook4org/tarball/master
You need three plugins: facebooker (to deal with facebook), then geokit-rails and ym4r_gm for geo maps.
Install facebooker github.com/mmangino/facebooker
cd facebook4org script/plugin install git://github.com/mmangino/facebooker.git
Install the GeoKit plugin geokit.rubyforge.org/api/geokit-rails/
script/plugin install git://github.com/andre/geokit-rails.git
Install the Ym4r plugin
ruby script/plugin install svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/ym4r/Plugins/GM/trunk/ym4r_gm
Now your vendor/plugins directory should have all three necessary plugins
vendor/plugins/facebooker vendor/plugins/geokit-rails vendor/plugins/ym4r_gm
facebook4org run as a Facebook application: technically speaking if you call your application “my_facebook4org”, your application web url will be:
but your application must be installed anyhow on a server (which will remain hidden to the end user).
So, signup as a Facebook developer at developers.facebook.com
Create a new Facebook application by going into www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php or start from www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php
Once you have created your app you need to update its settings.
Go to your application settings, “Facebook Integration” menu and set:
the Canvas Page
set Canvas Type to FBML
Canvas URL (e.g. “http://my_app.heroku.com/” for Heroku)
set the Bookmark URL to the same url as the Canvas Page with “index” at the end
Now you must tell your installation all settings needed to communicate to facebook servers, so:
Edit config/facebooker.yml (you may have also a look at config/facebooker.yml.EXAMPLE)
If you deploy on Heroku (see below) you need to fill also the production section
To be able to see google maps of your users, you must edit config/gmaps_api_key.yml by adding your gmaps api key. The key is free, but you must get your key from google
Get your key at code.google.com/intl/it/apis/maps/signup.html
While getting this key please note that, as the site URL, you must set your server url (not the facebook app url). I.e. for Heroku will be
With Heroku this address will be something like:
You can, of course, install your application in any web server. Here we’ll use Heroku heroku.com as an example, so the following are commands necessary only if you want to deploy on Heroku.
I strongly advice you to use Heroku which is very fast in running and setting up. Heroku is totally free if your database is smaller then 5MB. An empty facebook4org installation is about 400KB, then each new user will be less then 3KB, so with 1000 users the database will probably be around 3500KB, so you would still be eligible for free Heroku account. The good about Heroku is scalability: you will see that speed is very important on any facebook app: especially when it gets popular: with heroku speed is at your fingers (just need to pay, of course).
For details on how Heroku words see docs.heroku.com/quickstart
Signup for an heroku account at heroku.com
Install heroku gem
sudo gem install heroku
Create your heroku empty app (rename ‘my_app’ with something else: anything goes, since this domain will be hidden)
cd facebook4org # the following is necessary to get rid of eventual .gitignore that will mess up Heroku rm .gitignore git rm .gitignore # in the following rename '**my_app**' with something else (anything goes, since this domain will be hidden) heroku create **my_app**
This way at http://my_app.heroku.com you should see “Welcome to your new app!”
Then refresh your local git repository
# commit to include everything git add . git commit -am "added my modification"
Now Publish your code (deploy) into heroku
git push heroku master
Update your production section of config/facevbooker.yml with Heroku settings, in particular add
callback_url: http://**my_app**.heroku.com app_key: the 'API Key' of your app secret_key: the 'Application Secret' of your app canvas_page_name: your app name in the canvas page (as to say the 'xxx' in http://apps.facebook.com/xxx)
to config/facevbooker.yml (see facebooker help about this) Please note you don’t need to fill the production section of config/database.yml since Heroku will take care of it.
Then you push your modifications to Heroku
git add . git commit -m "added my modification" git push heroku master # remember to restart the heroku server heroku restart
Now initialize the Heroku database
heroku rake db:migrate
Now, if everything work well, by going to http://my_app.heroku.com you should be redirected to your canvas page apps.facebook.com/your_facebook_app_page
You may need to get the geo information of the organisations you’ve entered in the migration: see the admin page.
To take advantage of the notifications features you must set the following cron jobs
# m h dom mon dow command # # facebook4org hourly = asap (check every hour) 10 * * * * cd absolute_path_to_where_you_want_to_save_logs; curl -s http://**my_app**.heroku.com/cron/notify_by_email?notification_by_email_every=asap >> notification.log # facebook4org daily (every day at 6:20am) 20 6 * * * cd absolute_path_to_where_you_want_to_save_logs; curl -s http://**my_app**.heroku.com/cron/cron/notify_by_email?notification_by_email_every=day >> notification.log # facebook4org weekly (every sunday = 0 morning) 30 6 * * 0 cd absolute_path_to_where_you_want_to_save_logs; curl -s http://**my_app**.heroku.com/cron/cron/notify_by_email?notification_by_email_every=week >> notification.log # facebook4org monthly (every first day of a month, morning) 40 6 1 * * cd absolute_path_to_where_you_want_to_save_logs; curl -s http://**my_app**.heroku.com/cron/cron/notify_by_email?notification_by_email_every=month >> notification.log
This way users receive their notifications according to their preferences
The main customization can be done by editing config/environment_peronal.rb file, edit the file according to your setup.
The first users who log in is forced to be automatically the administrator (is_admin flag set to true) Further administrators are easy added by their membership to a closed Facebook group you may create (set ADMIN_GROUP_GID).
Once a users enter your facebook4org application they can sign-up, but before being able to see the data of other users they must be approved by one administrator (who receive a notification).
Create your local development database; create your own database.yml
cp config/database.yml.EXAMPLE config/database.yml
Edit your database.yml (keep in mind that for Heroku PostgreSQL you don’t need the production section: heroku will take care of it)
Create the database
rake db:create
Add some initial organisations in ‘add_testing_organisations’ in db/migrate, if you dear
Since facebook4org is a facebook application it’s obvious you cannot run it without the internet (without availability of Facebook), but not only you need to access facebook server, facebook servers need to access your facebook4org installation! This means that if your development installation is in your laptop, its webserver must be accessible from the web. You can either open your http port to the world (bad) or use ssh tunneling for which facebooker has all prepared for you.
What you need to do is fill up the “tunnel” section of config/facebooker.ylm
It is all described in Michael Mangino’s “Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails” at www.pragprog.com/titles/mmfacer/developing-facebook-platform-applications-with-rails
MySql: in case you use MySql please update the db/migrate/create_sessions.rb file accordingly (see comments in it) this does not apply to Heroku database (PostgreSQL).