diff --git a/07-reproj.Rmd b/07-reproj.Rmd index 19035653f..92c556c2c 100644 --- a/07-reproj.Rmd +++ b/07-reproj.Rmd @@ -115,8 +115,10 @@ They contain all relevant information about any given CRS, including its datum a Before the emergence of WKT CRS definitions, proj-string was the standard way to specify coordinate operations and store CRSs. These string representations, built on a key=value form (e.g, `+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs`), have already been, or should in the future be, superseded by WKT representations in most cases. -Recent PROJ versions (6+) still allow use of proj-strings to define coordinate operations, but some proj-string keys are either no longer supported. - +Recent PROJ versions (6+) still allow use of proj-strings to define coordinate operations, but some proj-string keys (`+nadgrids`, `+towgs84`, `+k`, `+init=epsg:`) are either no longer supported or are discouraged. + + + Longer explanations of the evolution of CRS definitions and the PROJ library can be found in @bivand_progress_2021, Chapter 2 of @pebesma_spatial_2022, and [blog post by Floris Vanderhaeghe](https://inbo.github.io/tutorials/tutorials/spatial_crs_coding/). As outlined in the [PROJ documentation](https://proj.org/development/reference/cpp/cpp_general.html) there are different versions of the WKT CRS format including WKT1 and two variants of WKT2, the latter of which (WKT2, 2018 specification) corresponds to the ISO 19111:2019 [@opengeospatialconsortium_wellknown_2019]. ]