- Tomás Nunes, 90708, tomynunes
- Guilherme Saraiva, 93717, guisaraiva2000
- Sara Ferreira, 93756, SaraCFerreira
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
We define ten success tests and two tests for invalid input. The direct links to these are:
The screenshot includes the test coverage results associated with the new/changed entities:
- Pedro Brás, 79767, qwelas
- Pedro Freire, 80873, PedroSFreire
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- Added field
- Added field
We define one success tests one insuccess test, and tests for invalid input. The direct links to these are:
- CreateQuestionTest.groovy
- UpdateQestionTest.groovy
- RemoveQuestionTest.groovy
- ImportExportMultipleChoiceQuestionsTest.groovy
The screenshot includes the test coverage results associated with the new/changed entities: