- implemented tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection
- fix bugs on detects_lost_connections
- fix bugs and update dargres to 2.2.4
- fix parameter type of column orWhere
- implemented Connection pool with option to automatically reconnect in case of connection drop
final manager = Manager();
'driver': 'pgsql',
'host': 'localhost',
'port': '5432',
'database': 'database',
'username': 'username',
'password': 'password',
'charset': 'latin1',
'schema': ['public'],
'pool': true, //new
'poolsize': 2, //new
'allowreconnect': true, //new
- fixes critical bug in version 2.0.0 that caused stack overflow, timeout parameters were removed from query execution methods
- fix bug on set application_name to postgresql < 8.2
- change dependencie postgres to my fork postgres_fork
- add more tests
- small improvement and optimization in postgres PDO implementation
- remove print from disconnect() in Connection class
- add fromRaw (sub-query as from), joinSub (method to join a query to a sub-query)
- implemented support for mysql through the 'mysql_client' package and also implemented support for posgress with the postgres v3 package, now you can choose the driver implementation through
'driver_implementation': 'postgres_v3',
in addConnection method
- fix bug on query builder count()
- fix bugs in lost connection detection to automatically reconnect. Updated postgres to 3.1.2 to be able to use the onOpen callback to configure connection settings like setting search path
- fix bugs in onOpen callback to configure connection settings
- improvements to README
- implemented connection pool for 'postgres' (v2) driver_implementation
- add option to decode timestamp without timezone and date as local DateTime and decode timestamp with timezone respecting the timezone defined in the connection
final manager = Manager();
'driver': 'pgsql',
'driver_implementation': 'postgres_v3', // postgres | dargres | postgres_v3
'timezone': 'America/Sao_Paulo',
// If true, decodes the timestamp with timezone (timestamptz) as UTC = default
// If false, decodes the timestamp with timezone using the timezone defined in the connection.
'forceDecodeTimestamptzAsUTC': false,
// If true, decodes the timestamp without timezone (timestamp) as UTC.
// If false, decodes the timestamp without timezone as local datetime.
'forceDecodeTimestampAsUTC': false,
// If true, decodes the date as UTC.
// If false, decodes the date as local datetime.
'forceDecodeDateAsUTC': false,
'pool': true,
'poolsize': 2,
'host': 'localhost',
'port': '5435',
'database': 'siamweb',
'username': 'dart',
'password': 'dart',
'charset': 'win1252',
'prefix': '',
'schema': ['public'],
// require | disable
//'sslmode' : 'require',