This is the web application for Swimming Pool study cafe featuring a lecture registration system and user quizlet services.
Ruby version: 2.3.0
Deployment instructions
- for assets (broken image links): $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile $ git add public/assets $ git commit -m "vendor compiled assets"
Development env db: sqlite3, deployed in Heroku Postgres
Facebook Login API, Naver Login API, GoogleMapsJavascript API, and Sendgrid ENV[variables] need to be reset by the administrater
- FB and Naver Login: devise.rb line 252 - 254
- Google Maps: views/layouts/_footer.html.erb line 31
- Sendgrid: production.rb line 74 - 75
- admin user
- 4 Lectures
- To seed, $ heroku run rails db:seed