Releases: jessezach/RobotEyes
Support for Pabot
Enabling parallel execution of visual tests by not storing images within the temp folders created by pabot and setting the output directory to the base folder of the output path provided by pabot.
There maybe cases where multiple processes might write to visualReport.html at the same time and result in a
discrepant report (I was not able to encounter this)
Incase this issue occurs, a fix would be to just run reportgen to generate report manually.
Blur radius bug fix
- Fixes bug where blur radius passed from test gets passed as a string.
Release 0.60
- Performance enhancements. Improved performance of compare images keyword.
- Stitch visualReport.html during test run.
- Fail test case in console if RMSE difference is more than threshold
Report enhancements and blur feature
Optional "blur" argument to capture fullscreen and capture element. Pass a list of locators in within the element to blur (eg: text, dynamic ui which needs to be ignored from comparison). This will help in reducing unwanted dissimilarities.
Bootstrap, jquery version upgrades. Highchart based piechart to show overall test results.
Support for SeleniumLibrary
- Patch to support SeleniumLibrary
- Added optional argument "lib" to pass any other Library name (eg: AppiumLibrary). Default libraries will be Selenium2Library and SeleniumLibrary