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File metadata and controls

83 lines (67 loc) · 2.47 KB


A Python library that interprets XML for a terminal-based RPG

Supported Functions

  • Text colorization
  • Typing speed control
  • Applying a pause before text is printed
  • Music


To play music, MPV needs to be installed on the system.

Getting Started

  1. Use pip install rpg-xml to install the library
  2. Create a Python file with a name of your choice and initiate the Engine, passing the location of your .xml file as an argument:
from rpg_xml import Engine

if __name__ == "__main__":
  eng = Engine("./src/game.xml")

Your XML file model must comply with the following rules

  1. Start with the tag <game>...</game>.
  2. Organize your entire game into scenes that connect with each other.
  3. Each scene must have a numeric id defined by the id attribute
Code example:
  <scene id="1">
  <scene id="2">

Available Tags

<msg> Print text in the terminal color, delay-before, type-vel, wrap-line
<clear/> Clear the terminal (equivalent to the clear command in Linux) -
<option> Poll box. Must contain another tag called <query> -
<query> Define an option for a poll go-to
<music/> Play music play, stop

Specification of Attributes

Attributes of the <msg> tag

  • color: Defines the color of the text to be printed. Currently available colors are: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, black.

  • delay-before: Defines the pause time in milliseconds before the text is printed.

  • type-vel: Defines the typing speed of the text in milliseconds.

  • wrap-line: Defines whether the text should wrap or not. Can be "true" or "false".

Attributes of the <query> tag

  • go-to: Defines the ID of the scene to which the game should advance when this option is selected.

Attributes of the <music> tag

  • play: Specifies the path to the music file to be played.

  • stop: Defines that the currently playing music should be stopped. It does not take any value.

Example of Tag Usage

  <scene id="1">
    <msg color="green" delay-before="500">Hello world!</msg>
      <query go-to="2">Continue</query>
  <scene id="2">
    <music play="./assets/music.mp3"/>
    <msg delay-before="1000">A simple message with delay.</msg>