Template of a LEXIS workflow allowing to transfer a dataset from DDI to a Cloud Compute instance on which a computation will be done by running a script provided by the user:
The Run workflow is:
- getting details on the input dataset (size, locations)
- asking the Dynamic Allocation Module (DAM) to select the best Cloud infrastructure to compute these input data
- transferring the input dataset from DDI to the selected Cloud Staging Area
- creating a Cloud Compute instance
- SSHFS-mounting the staging area on this compute instance (accessible to root only)
- Copying the content of this mounted filesystem on the local filesystem accessible as non-root, by default
- running the user-provided script to perform a computation on these inputs
- copying computation results to the cloud staging area
- transferring of these results from the cloud staging area to DDI
- replicating these results to other sites if specified
- cleaning up the cloud staging area and releasing the cloud compute instance
The template expects the following input properties (mandatory inputs in bold):
- token: OpenID Connect access token
- project_id: LEXIS project identifier
- computation_dataset_path_input_path: Dataset containing input data
- computation_script_content: Content of the script to execute
- computation_output_directory: Path of the directory of results on the Compute Instance to store to DDI
- computation_ddi_project_path: Path where to transfer the computation results in DDI
- computation_environment_variables: Environment variables for the script
- default:
- default:
- computation_input_directory: Local directory on the compute instance where the input dataset is accessible to non-root user
- default:
- default:
- computation_compute_instance_image_name: Name of the Openstack image for the Compute Instance to create
- default:
- default:
- computation_compute_instance_user: User used to connect to the compute instance
- default:
- default:
- computation_mount_point_input_dataset: Directory on the compute instance where to mount the dataset
- default:
- default:
- computation_decrypt_dataset_input: Should the input dataset be decrypted
- default:
- default:
- computation_uncompress_dataset_input: the input dataset be uncompressed
- default:
- default:
- computation_mount_point_input_dataset: Directory on the compute instance where to mount the dataset (accessible to root only)
- default:
- default:
- computation_output_directory: Computation output directory
- default:
- default:
- computation_metadata_dataset_result: Metadata for the computation results dataset to create in DDI
- default:
- creator:
Cloud Computation worflow
- contributor:
Cloud Computation worflow
- publisher:
Cloud Computation worflow
- resourceType:
- title:
Cloud Computation workflow results
- creator:
- default:
- computation_encrypt_dataset_result: Encrypt the result dataset
- default:
- default:
- computation_compress_dataset_result: Compress the result dataset
- default:
- default:
- computation_result_dataset_replication_sites: List of sites where the result dataset should be available - WARNING: a replicated dataset can't be deleted - (example of values: it4i, lrz)
- default: []
The following output attribute is provided:
- attribute
of componentCloudToDDIJob
: the path to the result dataset in DDI - attribute
of componentExecScript
: script stdout - attribute
of componentExecScript
: script stderr