title | theme | revealOptions | ||
Contributing to Open Source |
solarized |
- history | grep -v crap
- yes | read -p "should I contribute?"
- cat "how to contribute?"
- cat "ways of contributing"
- cat "few_examples"
- cat "outcomes"
- python -m http.server --directory /Q&A
Michal Schott
- WebOps Engineer
- Street Manager
- k8s or die!
Until '80 sharing source code was a common thing.
Microsoft (which now loves Linux), AT&T and other big players were boosters to start closing source codes.
Closing Unix source code caused BSD to be born.
Not being able to modify new printer software in his laboratory, Richard Stallman has decided to create Free Software Foundation and GNU Project few years later.
There are loads of different licenses, GPL and less restricted BSD are most common used.
Open Source Software vs Free Software
free as speech, not free beer
Note: There are projects which are based on open source solutions but they aren't free to use Windows GetApp
Note: MacOS is not based on GNU tools! Containers to the rescue.
yes because...
- you can
- you already use OSS
- tl;dr - give back what you've got
- it's great experience
- learn the basics - github and git
- submit an issue, code contribute
- join the community (slack), meet great people
- all skills are welcome
Note: skills - advocates, release managers, code reviewers
big community effort
- create your own project
- create open source alternative to commercial solution
- contribute to existing projects
It all started with...
https://github.com/wercker/stern/issues/80 https://github.com/wercker/stern/pull/83
Project | Number of contributions |
aws-provider-terraform | 3 |
weaveworks/kured | 2 |
kubernetes-sigs/kustomize | 2 |
k8s-spot-rescheduler | 1 |
linkerd2 | 3 |
KOPS | about 10 |
Note: terraform-provider-aws: cognito bugfix merged, RDS and Cloudfront bugs reports kured: additional functionality merged, bugfix for own code ;) kustomize: bugfixes linkerd: bugs
nginx-ingress controller
- request for features
- report bugs
- reach communities outside Kainos, they are so helpful
- if you can, submit code
- if you can't code, learn how to - satisfaction guaranteed
Note: Stop creating jobs in Jenkins to do nightly cleanups
You're all engineers, act as ones.
by Kelsey Hightower