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Obi1 Obimydudee

floating on my boat out somewhere

Shravan Sundar shravsun14

London, United Kingdom

Iwan Lebron iwanlebron
If program is too slow, it must have loop.

gopher China

Trust the process

HCM, Viet Nam

Matsuura Yoshihiro yunaimatsu
Just your typical Japanese anime/Vtuber nerd 🤓 Lately I've been holding back on my "OTAKU activities" cuz I wanna focus on my work
Josh Hayles joshhayles
Solutions Engineer II @ Datadog #kubernetes #AWS #technicalWriting #webDevelopment

Tax Corrector Colorado Springs

Shahid Habib Shahid-Habib
Solution Architect


Viviani K. Pedroso vivianikelly
DBA - Engenheira de Dados - Estudando Programação Python e muito mais 🚀

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina

Shezad Ahmed shezaadahmed
Python Developer | Design Prototypes using Figma | Undergrad Student | Organised Learning

Mangalore, India.

Mohammad Abdorrahmani abdorrahmani
CEO / Co-Founder @Anophell & Software Engineer

@Anophell London/England

Jason Miller pleaseproject
jason. the allegro. programmarama.

Montreal, QC

Farid Z Farid83300
Wordpress & Front-End Web Developer Student

@OpenClassrooms-Student-Center France

Al Farabi farabihbk


Dheeraj C L dheerajcl
Let’s create something remarkable.
Behnam sirUnchained
I'm an active developer studying computer engineering majoring in artificial intelligence, the more challenging my problem, the better fun for me.
Muhammad Dawood Rizwan dawoodrizwan-05
Student at PUCIT, learn Web 3 & Metaverse from PIAIC
Mind Colony mindcolony
We create solutions to our local problems, build talents and teach the next generation of software engineers.

Bauchi, Nigeria