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Jack Clarke Jackojc
AI Frameworks Engineer at Intel

@intel Ireland

andrew sòlanto solanto
hi, there! ☁️🌟🪴🐟 i like languages and frogs 🐸

Baltimore, Maryland

Divya Ranjan divyaranjan1905
Mathematics, Philosophy, Libre Software.
Lorenzo Fanton trwa
MSc in Artificial Intelligence, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

@Chronos-srl Italy

Scott Santucci ScottFreeCode
I'm kicking around ideas and trying to solve problems you didn't even know you have.

somewhere vaguely terrestrial

Miles J. Litteral MilesLitteral
💮 Hesitation is Defeat 💮

New York City, New York

amb Iktomist
Currently working on music-theoretic iPhone and Android apps for the use of musicians and composers
Bruno Gião greybrunix
Computer Science Student @ University of Minho && Researcher @ INESC-TEC/HASLab

U. Minho Gualtar, Braga, Portugal/Roriz, Barcelos, Portugal

Afonso Rafael (Gafanhoto) Alf0nso
Compilers, Functional Languages, Linux and too many projects I end up not finishing

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona

willeM_ Van Onsem KommuSoft
Not much to say, uninteresting object...

ProSafCo Ypres, Belgium

方泓睿 chfanghr
FP protagonist. You can also call me Connor :)

@mlabs-haskell @Liqwid-Labs Crazy Universe