- Squirrel language reference
- Electric Imp Squirrel programming guide
- Gaijin's Quirrel language reference
- VSCode highlight guide
- Sublime Text syntax definitions
- Oniguruma regexp syntax
- TextMate language grammar
- Standard scope naming
- Quirrel language
- Syntax highlighting, some snippets for squirrel
- Top VSCode squirrel extension
- Microsoft JS highlighting rules
- Beautifier for javascript
- Slightly better but buggy syntax highlighting
- Basic squirrel syntax highlighting
- Editor key binding to open selected module file path in new tab
- Capture inner blocks of interpolated strings ($"{block}")
- External syntax static analyzer
- Whiteboard for code quick check
- Remove trailing spaces on document save
- Autocompletion for workspace files path while typing
- Color variance for identifiers based on their's name
- Local and cross module go to declaration
- Highlight all function identifiers, including function arguments, array values and table fields definitions (.func(), function func(), func = function()|@(), (func()), [func()], { func = function()|@() })
- Set of common key-value pairs for table fields autocompletion (key = val1|val2 ...)
- Highlighting of JSDOC tags in documentation comment blocks /** */
- Traversing blocks, tables, strings interpolation, function arguments etc
- Definitions for common global classes, functions and constants
- Autoidentation