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Final SODUCO/BnF seminar |
REGISTRATION for the fourth session,
Restituting commercial directories and the evolution of 19th-century Paris
Sharing the experience and resources of the ANR SoDUCo program
Monday November 6 and Tuesday November 7, 2023
Where: BnF, Paris, Site François Mitterrand, room 70.
Restituting commercial directories and the evolution of 19th-century Paris - Sharing the experience and resources of the ANR SoDUCo program
09h00. Reception of the public in room 70 (Attention!!! BnF is closed to the public on Monday mornings. Special access to room 70 is organized by BnF services via the East Hall entrance between 8:30 and 10:00 am, subject to registration on the half-day participant list).
09h30. Opening: SoDUCo team, The SoDUCo research program. Review
10:00 - 12:15 Metadata, cataloguing and data dissemination session
This half-day session will look at the issues of cataloguing, data dissemination and metadata for digital humanities research projects involved in an open science approach. We will present the geo-catalog developed as part of the SoDUCo project to build corpora of documents adapted to research questions from scattered sources, then keep track of the various treatments applied to them, as well as the intermediate and final states of the digital data extracted from them. In particular, we will be discussing the notions of collections and corpora, interoperability and durability, as well as continuing the reflections initiated during previous days on the relationship between inter-institutional heritage cataloguing and cataloguing geared towards research use. How can researchers and documentation specialists work together? How can we organize ourselves to make the most of SoDUCo and the SoDUCo-BnF workshop, and create the conditions for cumulativity from both the point of view of research and that of heritage institutions? What principles, what tools and what working model can we adopt to go further together on other subjects/objects and with other players/publics?
- 10h00. SoDUCo team, Cataloguing and disseminating data in the SoDUCo program.
- 10h30. Questions.
- 10h45. J. Schoonman, B. Spaan & M. Claeys Bouuaert (Allmaps), Consortium presentation Allmaps.
- 11h05. M. Denel et al. (Wikimedia France), Participatory science, open science. The experience of Wikimedia France**
- 11h25. Adeline Joffres (Huma-num), Under reserve.
- 11h45. Questions.
- 12h00. Discussion - Round table.
12h00. Lunch break.
13h45. Public reception in room 70.
14h00 - 14h45 - Keynote
- 14h00. M. Barthelemy (Institut de Physique Théorique, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives) and J. Gravier (Centre de recherches historiques - CRH et Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales - CAMS, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales) : "Laws of scale" and the dynamics of urban activities in a growing city.
- 14h35. Questions.
14h45. Coffee break
15h00 - 17h30 - Data extraction and structuring session
This half-day session looks at the issues involved in the automatic analysis of semi-structured historical documents, from the detection of their layout to the spatio-temporal structuring of the information they contain. We'll be presenting the work carried out in the SoDUCo project on 19th-century Parisian trade directories to enable spatio-temporal tracking of each business listed in these directories. On the basis of these experiences, we feel it would be useful to broaden the discussion on two aspects that still open up numerous research prospects: the automatic analysis of ancient documents and the representation of geohistorical knowledge.
- 15h00. SoDUCo team, Data extraction and structuring in the SoDUCo program.
- 15h30. C. Duvette et P. Kervegan (Département des études et de la recherche - Institut national d'histoire de l'art, INHA), Hatters, architects, novelties: geo-analysis of a neighborhood's visible and invisible activities
- 15h50. Questions.
- 16h05. Coffee break.
- 16h20. N. Hernandez, W. Charles (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse - IRIT, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès) et S. Poublanc (France, Amérique, Espagne, Sociétés, Pouvoirs, Acteurs- Framespa, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Framespa), Representing the territories of modern France in knowledge graphs: the OBARDI project.
- 16h40. C. Kermorvant (TEKLIA), New approaches to extracting information from digitized documents.
- 17h00. Questions.
- 17h15. Concluding discussion.
17h30. Closing the day.
09h15. Public reception in room 70.
09h30 - 12h00 - Session Historical digital data - critical assessments and prospects for use
The "Digital historical data" morning session aims to compare the experience of researchers who regularly build and analyze digital data corpora based on archival documents (text and maps). At a time when we are witnessing an explosion in the production of open digital data from old sources, the classic questions of the conditions of appropriation and reuse of these new "sources" by third parties are being posed in a heightened way. In particular, this morning's session will explore these issues in the context of large-scale digital data corpora produced by fully automated document extraction and enrichment processes. Based on the work carried out as part of the SoDUCo program, and in particular the Annuaires historiques parisiens corpus and the géolocalisation historique of directory entries on old maps, we would like to address the following questions in the course of the morning: How and under what conditions can such "digital sources" be effectively grasped? How can we understand them, assess their "quality" and their relationship with the original sources? How can we compare or combine the wide variety of works that can be derived from these datasets? Finally, we would like to collectively discuss the prospects for analyzing and exploiting the Annuaires historiques parisiens corpus.
- 09h30. SoDUCo team, Geohistorical data produced during the SoDUCo program. Evaluation of a "digital source.
- 10h00. L. Kesztenbaum, G. Postel-Vinay (Institut national d'études démographiques, INED), Building historical databases: experience feedback.
- 10h30. Questions.
- 10h45. Coffee break.
- 11h00. C. Lemercier (CNRS - Centre de sociologie des organisations - Sciences Po-Paris), Quantitative history, open data in SHS.
- 11h30. Questions and concluding discussion
12h00. Lunch break.
To complement the 4th session of the SoDUCo-BnF Workshop, members of the SoDUCo consortium are organizing 3 training workshops on Tuesday afternoon, November 7, with the help of the BnF-DataLab. These workshops are open by invitation or registration, and are organized in parallel. They have been designed to enable different audiences to appropriate and reuse some of the resources produced as part of the SoDUCo research program. Each workshop will propose a general scenario of use, and will then focus on putting it into practice with the trainees.
BnF DataLab Workshop poster and program
Program for the afternoon of Tuesday November 7 (1:30 pm - 5:30 pm) - (access by invitation or registration)
BnF-DataLab, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Site François Mitterrand, Paris.
13h15. Trainees welcome from 1.15pm in the east hall of the BnF.
13h30. Start of DataLab workshops :
ATELIER N°1 – Data mining and mapping for the general public (Access by registration and selection by the SoDUCo team)
How to access data and work with SoDUCo resources.
Org. P.-A. Le Ny & M. Hersent & M. Fernandez & J. Perret & P. Critsofoli, Salle 12 pers. [Cf. link to registration form (coming soon)]
ATELIER N°2 – Using the SoDUCo chain for extracting and enriching digital text documents (closed to the public - access by invitation only)
Org. : E. Carlinet & J. Chazalon & B. [& Nathalie Abadie] Salle 6 pers. (1)
ATELIER N°3 – Professional Geohistorical Knowledge Graphs (closed to the public - access by invitation only)
Build specialized uses of the Parisian directories corpus (data alignment, work on sub-populations, etc.).
Org. N. Abadie & S. Tual & J. Gravier & C. Bernard [& Pascal Critsofoli] Salle 6 pers. (2)
16h30. Break
16h45. Collective assessment and discussion of the workshops
17h30. Closing of the day.