Releases: wp-graphql/wp-graphql-woocommerce
Releases · wp-graphql/wp-graphql-woocommerce
WooGraphQL v0.10.0
v0.10.0 (2021-06-14)
- "Customer_Connection_Resolver" deprecated. #511 (kidunot89)
- Cart_Item_Connection_Resolver pagination fixed. #509 (kidunot89)
- Update class-checkout-mutation.php #507 (manuelsampl)
- "Order/Refund_Connection_Resolver" classes deprecated #500 (kidunot89)
- "Coupon_Connection_Resolver" deprecated. #497 (kidunot89)
- "Product_Connection_Resolver" class deprecated #495 (kidunot89)
- Session Transaction Manager bugfixes and enhancements #492 (jacobarriola)
- Checkout mutation: Add or Update order metas #484 (adrienpicard)
Other Changes:
- update plugin URL to point to the actual repo #459 (andrewminion-luminfire)
WooGraphQL v0.8.1
v0.8.1 (2021-03-17)
New Features:
- Bugfix/product reviews connections #457 (kidunot89)
- JSON stringify string to match expectation of "extraData" on cartItem #453 (davevanhoorn)
Other Changes:
- [Docs]: homepage typo fixes #445 (jacobarriola)
WooGraphQL v0.8.0
v0.8.0 (2021-02-26)
Breaking changes:
New Features:
- New cart mutations and cart bugfixes. #439 (kidunot89)
- Docker/Codeception/CI configurations overhauled #416 (kidunot89)
- implements metadata for customer register and update #402 (believelody)
- Variation image: guard against null image_id #441 (jacobarriola)
- Typecast added to "MetaData" type field resolvers return values #430 (kidunot89)
- Bugfix variations #424 (kidunot89)
- Variable product pricing ranges fixed. #387 (kidunot89)
Other Changes:
- Update Slack link #417 (jasonbahl)
- [Docs]: Fix 'Edit on GitHub' link #395 (jacobarriola)
- [Docs]: Update sample queries with latest schema changes #394 (jacobarriola)
- WPGraphQLTestCase implemented #322 (kidunot89)
WooGraphQL v0.7.0
v0.7.0 (2020-11-24)
- Getting NO SCHEMA AVAILABLE after activating this plugin in GraphiQL Ide #357
- Allow multiple "orderby" fields #374 (loganstellway)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
WooGraphQL v0.6.2
v0.6.2 (2020-11-24)
- [release 0.6.1] Querying a Custom Taxonomy on Product will list all terms, not just the ones associated to the product #348
- Make the username field optional in registerCustomer mutation #381 (kidunot89)
Closed issues:
- Fetch cart not working in Chrome #382
- Checkout mutation not working (Access level to WPGraphQL\WooCommerce\Model\Order::is_private() must be public) #379
- Taxonomy query returns all terms when not set #372
- Total count when paginating #365
- Term Connection: ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() #363
- Generate an access token for anonymous customers. (To checkout without signing in) #358
- Gatsby: occured while fetching nodes of the "PaQuantity" #354
- Order query is returning null #352
- paColors and paSizes return all attributes, not connected ones #345
- Expose uri field in Product type #336
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/itemized cart tax #380 (kidunot89)
- "Product_Connection_Resolver::set_query_arg()" removed. #376 (kidunot89)
- WPGraphQL v1 CI Fix #375 (kidunot89)
- Guard against empty terms #373 (jacobarriola)
- support added for externally defined product type queries. #366 (kidunot89)
- Guard against false terms when plucking IDs #364 (jacobarriola)
- Fix Syntax Error in php7.2 and 7.4 #355 (namli)
- Connect terms to their source #351 (jacobarriola)
- Return connected TermObjects from the PostObjectType #346 (jacobarriola)
Special thanks for contributing 🙏
Release v0.6.1
v0.6.1 (2020-10-15)
Closed issues:
- Call to undefined function codecept_debug() #342
Merged pull requests:
- Adds demo/examples #344 (imranhsayed)
- Remove undefined codecept_debug() function #343 (jacobarriola)
Release v0.5.1
v0.5.1 (2020-05-11)
Release Checklist
- Support for the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway added. #256
- Product reviews mutations added. #259
- CI fixed
- Checkout mutation fields updated #271
resolver refactored #272- "resolve_session_customer" refactored #274
- New Docker shell script #279
- Add product review mutation using "createComment" is missing ratings input fields. #254
- Release v0.5.1 #255 (kidunot89)
- customer query without parameters is not working with just an Auth Header #275
- Bugs with Checkout Mutation input variables #270
- Update Customer mutation allows for invalid shipping input variables #269
- Checkout mutation payload contains WooCommerce error HTML and breaks JSON #265
- "shippingMethod" field type changed to [String]. #257 (kidunot89)
Closed issues:
- Products with arrow in WP admin are not returned in any products wpgraphql query #278
- Payment gateway missing from paymentGateways query #263
- addToCart mutation returns Internal server error in response body with HTTP 200 #251
Merged pull requests:
- Changing how we verify the JWT plugin #273 (renatonascalves)
- Activating Open Collective #252 (monkeywithacupcake)
Release v0.4.4
Release v0.4.3
Release v0.4.2
- Hotfix for WooGraphQL v0.4.1
- IntrospectionQuery test added.