Quickly scan your website with ready-made tests or write individual tests.
npx syki-seo https://google.com -l 10 -s
npm i -g syki-seo
syki-seo https://google.com -l 10 -s
Usage: syki-seo [options] <url>
Site report generator
Author: xSyki
Example: syki-seo https://google.com -l 10 -s
url Specify url
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <page> Specify config from file(.json)
-t, --template <template> Template written by you with path or name defined earlier. (basic, basicDetailed, findTag) (default: "basic")
-tv, --templateVariables <templateVariables> Some tests can take variables. Example data structure { "tagsLength": ["code"] }
-r, --result Include property passed in the result (default: false)
-p, --page Scan only specific page (default: false)
-l, --limit <limit> Limit page to scan
-s, --status Include status code in report (default: false)
-b, --bot Scan only pages included by bots (default: false)
-f, --filter Filter pages that passed tests (default: false)
-o, --out <name> Output file name (default: "out")
-fo, --format <format> Specify format(csv or json) (default: "csv")
-h, --help display help for command
tests: isTitleLengthCorrect, isDescriptionLengthCorrect, isH1
tests: titleLength, descriptionLength, h1Length
tests: tagLength
"tagLength": ["tagName"]
- Create js file with exported test functions(every function get $ which is CheerioAPI, really similar to jquery)
module.exports = {
titleContent: ($) => {
return $('title').text()
- Run template by npx syki-seo https://www.google.com -t /template.js
All contributions are welcome. General instructions on how to contribute are in CONTRIBUTING.