- go to https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector2/apis/dashboard and search YouTube Data API v3 then click enable
- go to Credentials > Create OAuth client ID > CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN > choose External > fill all require form
- in stage 'Scopes' click ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES, search upload then tick to Youtube Data API v3 > SAVE AND CONTINUE
- in stage 'Test Users' add your email address then continue
- go back Credentials and create new OAuth client ID, application type choose Desktop App then create
- copy and save your Client ID and Client Secret
- go to colab and run
!pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
!pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
!git clone https://github.com/zcrossoverz/Youtube-Auto-Upload
- config your client_secret.josn
- Example download file form url
import requests
file_url = "https://domain.com/video.mp4"
r = requests.get(file_url, stream = True)
with open("video.mp4", "wb") as file:
for block in r.iter_content(chunk_size = 1024):
if block:
- Example upload file on colab to youtube
!cd Youtube-Auto-Upload && python2.7 youtube.py --file="../video.mp4" --title="Test api upload" --description="Nhan dep trai" --keywords="crossover" --privacyStatus="private"