Releases: 1Panel-dev/1Panel
Releases · 1Panel-dev/1Panel
🚀 Quick Start
Execute the script below and follow the prompts to install 1Panel:
curl -sSL -o && bash
Please refer to our documentation for more details.
✨ New Features
- DNS accounts now support Rainyun. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7613
- Added support for configuring API key expiration. by @lan-yonghui in #7584
- System language now supports Malay. by @pisyek in #7623
- System language now supports Japanese. by @liuchangfitcloud in #7437
- System language now supports Brazilian Portuguese. by @lucasplcorrea in #7624
- System language now supports Russian. by @JB-SelfCompany in #7554
- Pro features are now available for the international version. by @lan-yonghui in #7472
⚙️ Enhancements
- Optimized the overall layout of the Overview page. by @JohnNiang in #7429
- Improved the display of the status bar tooltip buttons when zooming the website. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7465
- Optimized the global configuration of OpenResty. by @Anyexyz in #7516
- Enhanced the default configuration for reverse proxy caching. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7566
- Updated default PHP extensions. by @Anyexyz in #7637
- Improved the prompt messages when deleting container images. by @ssongliu in #7602
- Added support for firewall port forwarding in complex network environments. by @endymx in #7598
- Optimized the FTP synchronization feature. by @feng626 in #7479
- Enhanced the display of task execution cycles in scheduled tasks. by @ssongliu in #7595
- Improved the display of login addresses in system login logs. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7459
- Panel aliases now support the use of common special characters. by @lan-yonghui in #7654
- Added support for saving custom themes. by @lan-yonghui in #7626
- Improved Traditional Chinese translations. by @david082321 in #7515
- Enhanced the vertical centering of the system version in the bottom-right corner. by @Anyexyz in #7462
- Refined the Swagger API definitions. by @ruibaby in #7606
- Added support for asynchronously retrieving backup file sizes. by @ssongliu in #7660
🛠️ Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where multiple applications of the same type failed to restart when the application name contained uppercase letters. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7601
- Fixed a problem where PostgreSQL database backups failed when the password contained certain special characters. by @ssongliu in #7596
- Fixed the missing log background color on the image pull page. by @lan-yonghui in #7414
- Fixed an issue where the firewall status could not be retrieved in certain scenarios. by @ssongliu in #7597
- Fixed a pagination error in the backup list. by @ssongliu in #7673
- Fixed an issue where access through an outdated security entry point was allowed. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7659
- Fixed a problem where the panel failed to load properly when accessed through Cloudflare CDN after enabling the security entry point. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7458
- Fixed an issue where API documentation was accessible anonymously. by @lan-yonghui in #7496
- Fixed missing response types in Swagger API endpoints. by @lan-yonghui in #7611
- Fixed an issue where the language switching function in the demo environment did not work correctly. by @lan-yonghui in #7433
🚀 Quick Start
Execute the script below and follow the prompts to install 1Panel:
curl -sSL -o && bash
Please refer to our documentation for more details.
✨ New Features
- Added .NET runtime environment. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7155
- Added API interface functionality. by @lan-yonghui in #7146
- Added custom notification phone number feature for SMS alerts. by @lan-yonghui
- Added custom sending time period feature for SMS alerts. by @lan-yonghui
⚙️ Enhancements
- Optimized the layout of operation buttons for installed applications. by @lan-yonghui in #7322
- Enhanced the error_log configuration for websites. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7173
- Improved the style of password operation buttons in database connection information. by @ssongliu in #7341
- Refined unauthenticated settings to enhance system security. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7142
- Added 444 and 500 responses to unauthenticated settings. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7143
- Improved English translations. by @JohnNiang in #7247
- Optimized the layout of some pages in the English version. by @lan-yonghui in #7305
- Added multi-language support for the installation script. by @Notorious-Ali in 1Panel-dev/installer#20
- Added support for Brazilian Portuguese in the installation script. by @lucasplcorrea in 1Panel-dev/installer#25
🛠️ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where CPU and memory limit warnings were missing when editing installed applications. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7313
- Fixed the issue where switching PHP versions in the PHP runtime environment caused display anomalies. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7203
- Fixed the issue where logs were continuously requested after closing the log interface. by @igophper in #7338
- Fixed the issue where Podman could not create websites in the PHP runtime environment. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7253
- Fixed the issue where DNS accounts could not be deleted after updating certificate validation methods. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7303
- Fixed the typo in CloudDNS. by @wan92hen in #7243
- Fixed the issue where PostgreSQL database backups failed in certain scenarios. by @ssongliu in #7324
- Fixed the issue where adding a remote PostgreSQL database failed when the password contained special characters. by @Cookiery in #7262
- Fixed the issue where errors occurred in the Compose console during editing. by @igophper in #7299
- Fixed the issue where container command parsing failed in certain scenarios. by @ssongliu in #7200
- Fixed the issue where keyboard shortcuts for comments in the Compose editor were incorrect. by @ssongliu in #7326
- Fixed the issue where the server port forwarding feature did not work in some scenarios. by @ssongliu in #7141
- Fixed the issue where the certificate was not updated promptly after being renewed with HTTPS enabled on the panel. by @zhengkunwang223 in #7152
- Fixed the issue where firewall rules were not updated after changing the 1Panel system port. by @igophper in #7169
🚀 New Features
- Added support for CloudDNS as a DNS provider. by @igophper in #7081
- Added support for Volcano Engine as a DNS provider. by @liuruibin in #7006
- Added support for customizing theme colors. by @lan-yonghui
- Added support for syncing proxy server configurations to Docker. by @lan-yonghui
⚙️ Enhancements
- Collapsed the status bar by default when there are too many disks displayed. by @YaKun9 in #6918
- Prohibited deleting the 1Panel installation directory from the file list. by @lan-yonghui in #7029
- Improved the notification message for unsupported nftables in firewall port forwarding. by @ssongliu in #6967
- Ignored application recovery failures during snapshot restoration. by @ssongliu in #7012
- Limited backup imports for websites, applications, and databases to single-file uploads. by @ssongliu in #7045
- Optimized the color scheme for the dark theme. by @lan-yonghui in #6964
🛠️ Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the installation status remained incomplete due to extended application image pull times. by @zhengkunwang223 in #6983
- Fixed an issue where editing container image repositories failed in certain scenarios. by @ssongliu in #6845
- Fixed an issue where container deletion failed when the orchestration path was empty. by @ssongliu in #6862
- Fixed an issue where switching remote databases failed. by @ssongliu in #6893
- Fixed an issue where saving port forwarding rules failed during editing. by @igophper in #7100
- Fixed an issue where Pure-FTPd had slow upload speeds. by @bh1xaq in #6994
- Fixed incorrect logging in some operation logs. by @ssongliu in #6899
- Fixed a flickering issue on the page when clearing website logs. by @igophper in #6905
- Fixed an issue where SSL certificate information for the panel could not be retrieved in certain scenarios. by @ssongliu in #6962
- Fixed inconsistent status code responses for unauthorized settings. by @ssongliu in #7027
- Fixed an issue where the left menu disappeared after closing the browser directly in full-screen mode. by @ssongliu in #6894
- 【网站】新增 Python 运行环境。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6681
- 【网站】支持创建华为云 DNS 账户。 by @endymx in #6407
- 【X-Pack】WAF 拦截记录支持通过动作进行筛选。
- 【X-Pack】新增病毒扫描和计划任务的短信告警提醒。
- 【应用商店】优化应用升级页面的文件对比弹出框样式。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6733
- 【网站】创建运行环境时增加构建超时时间。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6744
- 【网站】PHP 运行环境新增 BookStack 扩展模板。 by @Anyexyz in #6611
- 【数据库】支持添加 17.x 版本的 PostgreSQL 远程数据库。 by @ssongliu in #6759
- 【容器】容器日志下载功能修改为下载所有日志内容。 by @john1298308460 in #6559
- 【容器】编排和编排模板列表支持按名称进行排序。 by @john1298308460 in #6566
- 【容器】编排列表新增编排目录列并支持跳转功能。 by @john1298308460 in #6565
- 【容器】重启 Docker 前统一增加配置文件正确性校验。 by @john1298308460 in #6696
- 【容器】支持通过 Snap 方式安装的 Docker。 by @john1298308460 in #6750
- 【面板设置】面板 SSL 设置新增证书续签后自动重启 1Panel 服务选项。 by @ssongliu in #6792
- 【面板设置】快照列表的大小字段调整为异步获取。 by @ssongliu in #6670
- 【系统】优化登录页面软件许可协议提示信息样式。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6712
- 【系统】优化了因日志过长导致页面卡顿或无响应的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6710
- 【系统】全屏查看日志功能统一修改为网页全屏模式。 by @john1298308460 in #6682
- 【系统】文件夹选择控件未勾选目录时默认选中当前目录。 by @lan-yonghui in #6720
- 【应用商店】修复了 MySQL 忽略升级后依然提示升级的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6800
- 【网站】修复了网站启用 HTTPS 后缺失 404 配置条目的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6775
- 【网站】修复了 Java 和 Node.js 运行环境页面左侧菜单未选中的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6815
- 【数据库】修复了切换 MySQL 和 MariaDB 时频繁出现服务未启动提示的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6757
- 【主机】修复了在移动端视图下多文件删除报错的问题。 by @lan-yonghui in #6765
- 【面板设置】修复了快照列表按时间排序报错的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6816
- 【系统】修复了系统中提示组件标题存在链接时文字错位的问题。 by @lan-yonghui in #6711
- 【概览】状态栏忽略 overlay 类型的磁盘。 by @ssongliu in #6672
- 【网站】自签证书支持 IPv6。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6627
- 【网站】反向代理网站配置回源 SNI 后支持 proxy_ssl_name 参数。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6659
- 【容器】容器列表页面缓存是否显示应用商店容器的选项。 by @ssongliu in #6667
- 【主机】优化服务器同时存在 firewalld 和 ufw 时的防火墙逻辑。 by @zengzhuozhen in #6688
- 【面板设置】优化未认证设置页面的样式。 by @see-more in #6656
- 【网站】优化网站日志的加载逻辑。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6593
- 【容器】优化创建和编辑 Compose 时环境变量的配置逻辑。 by @john1298308460 in #6600
- 【容器】优化 Compose 删除逻辑。 by @ssongliu in #6610
- 【系统】修复了在暗色模式下页面底部出现白色横向滚动条的问题;
- 【系统】修复了概览页底部未对齐的问题;
- 【系统】修复了 WAF 和网站监控概览页状态栏显示错位的问题。
- 【概览】优化概览页面布局。 by @see-more in #6491
- 【容器】容器编排的创建和编辑操作支持配置环境变量。 by @john1298308460 in #6503
- 【容器】提供彻底删除容器编排的选项,让用户可以自定义是否删除相关条目。 by @john1298308460 in #6447
- 【容器】容器编排列表显示容器状态。 by @john1298308460 in #6534
- 【容器】统一容器编排模板列表页日期格式。 by @john1298308460 in #6551
- 【面板设置】添加 S3 云存储备份账号时,支持 Path 和 Virtual Hosted 两种资源访问方式。 by @ssongliu in #6489
- 【系统】调整 Logo 的长宽比,避免出现拉伸变形。 by @Anyexyz in #6510
- 【网站】优化了网站页面在不同设备上的样式布局。 by @see-more in #6360
- 【数据库】优化了数据库页面在不同设备上的样式布局。 by @see-more in #6360
- 【容器】优化了容器页面在不同设备上的样式布局。 by @see-more in #6348
- 【主机】统一了主机监控和短信告警获取资源使用率的频率。 by @lan-yonghui in #6380
- 【主机】优化了文件管理页面在不同设备上的样式布局。 by @see-more in #6386
- 【主机】优化了系统防火墙页面在不同设备上的样式布局。 by @see-more in #6386
- 【主机】防火墙操作支持添加 IPv6 网段。 by @ssongliu in #6415
- 【面板设置】优化了面板设置页面在不同设备上的样式布局。 by @ssongliu in #6443
- 【面板设置】备份账号支持手动输入 Bucket 名称。 by @ssongliu in #6381
- 【应用商店】修复了备份恢复弹窗在打开后无法关闭的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6376
- 【网站】修复了在网站配置页面删除域名后导致网站访问异常的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6337
- 【网站】修复了直接创建反向代理网站和在网站设置页面添加反向代理配置文件不一致的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6396
- 【容器】修复了停止状态容器在编辑后会导致端口丢失的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6370
- 【主机】修复了文件管理导航栏中输入文本文件路径时显示异常问题。 by @see-more in #6313
- 【主机】修复了文件管理页面进入终端时,文件路径包含空格导致终端报错的问题。 by @lan-yonghui in #6393
- 【主机】修复了文件夹软链接被误识别为文件的问题。 by @lan-yonghui in #6400
- 【工具箱】修复了 FreshClam 服务关闭失败的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6374
- 【系统】修复了部分场景下缓存目录被异常进程占用导致启动失败的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6364
- 【X-Pack】新增短信告警通知功能。 by @lan-yonghui in #6184
- 【概览】系统信息栏显示服务器地址。 by @see-more in #6251
- 【应用商店】将更新应用列表按钮移动到页面顶部。 by @see-more in #6084
- 【应用商店】应用升级时,默认保留三份备份文件。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6116
- 【应用商店】同时支持四个 MySQL LTS 版本。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6119
- 【网站】优化申请泛域名证书时手动解析模式下的解析值配置。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #5950
- 【网站】优化反向代理网站的默认 Connection 请求头配置。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #5951
- 【网站】创建运行环境网站时,增加对 PHP 镜像存在性的校验。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6220
- 【网站】优化运行环境日志的卡顿问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6172
- 【网站】优化非 PHP 运行环境网站的删除提示信息。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6189
- 【数据库】MySQL 数据库绑定用户时增加输入校验。 by @ssongliu in #6149
- 【数据库】优化数据库备份页面的界面样式。 by @ssongliu in #6221
- 【容器】拉取容器镜像时,镜像名校验支持 digest 格式。 by @ssongliu in #6145
- 【容器】修复了因容器端口范围过大导致容器编辑页面无法打开的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6249
- 【主机】支持在新建文件夹名称中添加空格。 by @see-more in #6058
- 【主机】优化文件列表的搜索框长度。 by @see-more in #6070
- 【主机】文件回收站支持按时间排序。 by @see-more in #6070
- 【主机】主机防火墙启动时不再自动添加容器端口规则。 by @ssongliu in #6216
- 【主机】修复了由于字段值过长导致文件属性页面表格显示异常的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6104
- 【计划任务】增加对创建计划任务时备份内容不能为空的校验。 by @ssongliu in #6142
- 【面板设置】优化两步验证的校验逻辑。 by @igophper in #5942
- 【面板设置】创建快照时默认排除套接字相关文件。 by @ssongliu in #6196
- 【系统】统一服务器时区的获取方式。 by @ssongliu in #6175
- 【系统】支持鼠标点击复制版本号。 by @see-more in #6077
- 【应用商店】修复了部分应用在查看参数页面时,引用的服务名称显示不正确的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6136
- 【应用商店】修复了 Redis 密码为空时应用关联失败的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6173
- 【网站】修复了由于运行环境日志过多导致页面被撑高的问题。 by @see-more in #6070
- 【网站】修复了网站日志在处理每行数据量较大的情况下读取失败的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6103
- 【网站】修复了删除 PHP 运行环境网站之后未能同时删除关联应用的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6036
- 【网站】修复了安装本地已有的过期 PHP 运行环境版本失败的问题。 by @zhengkunwang223 in #6125
- 【数据库】修复了 MySQL v8.4.2 版本进入设置页面出现报错的问题。 by @see-more in #6147
- 【容器】修复了删除镜像加速配置后 Docker 服务未重启的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6225
- 【主机】修复了通过 IDE 拖拽文件上传时控制台报错的问题。 by @see-more in #6058
- 【工具箱】修复了病毒扫描引擎卸载后定时任务无法停止的问题。 by @ssongliu in #6143