Newbie pwner, currently learning what people have already mastered...
pretty hopeless for a starter >.>
I will try to share as much as i can in the progress...
everything is already found by someone else anyway.
Not advanced...
as expected π
Serves as an info dump and knowledge check...
and sometimes for a quick reference on something.
most of them old challenges to practice on a topic...
Format strings challenges
- FCSC 2022 [HARD]
one shot, no leaks, Full RELRO, input stored on the heap... abuse double stack pointers for the win!
Heap challenges
- Imaginary CTF 2023 [Medium+]
house of botcake + FSOP + seccomp
- Sunshine CTF 2023 [Easy]
house of force into malloc hooks
ROP/BOF challenges
practice makes perfect (not that music video...)
Waiting, waiting, waiting for us...
- ret2gets
ntmu ntmu ntmu ouch! ..ahem ntmu ntmu...