Disabled general availability of gpt-4 (it is rolling out, not 100% available yet)
Plus changes from earlier v0.8.x releases
Ask to create a git repo if none found, to better track GPT's code changes
Glob wildcards are now supported in /add
and /drop
Pass --encoding
into ctags, require it to return utf-8
More robust handling of filepaths, to avoid 8.3 windows filenames
Added FAQ
Marked GPT-4 as generally available
Bugfix for live diffs of whole coder with missing filenames
Bugfix for chats with multiple files
Bugfix in editblock coder prompt
Benchmark comparing code editing in GPT-3.5 and GPT-4
Improved Windows support:
Fixed bugs related to path separators in Windows
Added a CI step to run all tests on Windows
Improved handling of Unicode encoding/decoding
Explicitly read/write text files with utf-8 encoding by default (mainly benefits Windows)
Added --encoding
switch to specify another encoding
Gracefully handle decoding errors
Added --code-theme
switch to control the pygments styling of code blocks (by @kwmiebach )
Better status messages explaining the reason when ctags is disabled
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