This is the source code for Cabañas RD android app you can get more info about the app here [Google Play] playstore and [app site] appsite.
We are open improvements, if you like the app and think that there is something missing, or perhaps you want improve something, you can do it!. We are open to suggestions like UI/UX,architectural design or whatever thing you think that should be improve.
If you want to contribute make a pull request with your suggestions or new functionality, the project moderators will review and test your code, if everything is ok, they will add your changes to future release of the official app. The name of the contributors would be published on the [app site] appsite, if they want it.
You can give a look to open issues tab, there you can find new features and bugs reported.
- Write code and comments in english
- Try to follow android patterns and best practice [source 1] best_practice [source 2] performace_android
If we notice that someone is very active and has remarkable participation in the repo, would receive offer to become a repository moderator.
- [Landing page] Lading_page.
- iOS App.
- Back End [under contruction].
If you need help with the repo or you have any question, you can ask to Arturo mejia [email protected] or Angel Garcia [email protected], repository moderators.