This is the repo for our Bachelors project. The goal of this project is to let agents play the modified HackAtari versions of Atari2600 Games with the help of OC_Atari. We are going to implement PvP, PvE and EvE modes and visualize the decision making of Agents when they are playing using ScoBots.
WARNING only tested on Ubuntu for now. The "res" Directory will have to be created manually for now.
To run the app you will first have to clone at least the HackAtari submodule.
Then go into the HackAtari folder and run pip install -e .
You will also have to install some dependencies with:
sudo apt install pkg-config libcairo2-dev gcc python3-dev libgirepository1.0-dev
Then you can install the requirments with:
pip install -r requirments.txt