*** Carpool Management System (Android App) ***
Installation * This Android application lets users share rides (carpool) to their destination. Users can add themselves on the system as drivers and/or passengers to save their travel expenses. There are two Android applications, each one for drivers and passengers.
Usage * If you wish to be a driver to save expenses on your trips by adding passengers to your trips, use the driver application. If you wish to be a passenger of a carpool, use the passenger application.
Driver Application
- Login to your app using your user ID. If you don't have one, sign up to make an account by clicking on "Sign Up"
- Create or modify your advertisements by adding the number of stops and clicking on "Create Ad" or clicking on "Modify Ad"
- You can end an advertisement by clicking on "End Ad"
Passenger Application
- Login to your app using your user ID. If you don't have one, sign up to make an account by clicking on "Sign Up"
- You can view your completed and current journeys by clicking on "View My Rides"
- You can search a ride by looking through advertisements by clicking on "Search A Ride"
Application domain: https://carpoolapp-spring-maven.herokuapp.com/