We are having issues with our transfer server - it's experiencing slow download speeds and having isseues with directories with a large number of files. I suspect that long paths are also a problem.
What I'd like is a way to reproducibly generate a directory of test data. The files should be random/uncompressible but also with predictable contents, so I'll want to generate them from a fixed seed. That bit should eb easy-ish.
So I want a Python script that takes a config file and generates a data directory.
Parameters I care about are:
- Size of files
- Number of directories
- Files per directory
- Length of file/directory names
- Depth of paths
I think 2+3 can be combined into a list.
Then the length and depth of paths will be minimum values.
size: '10'
number: [100, 1000, 11000, 111000]
pathnamelen: 20
pathdepth: 4
extn: '.txt'
base64: true
size: '10G'
number: [1]
Given this sample config I should run:
transfer_test_maker.py -o ./ttmaker ttmaker.yaml
and get:
etc. Actually, I think rather than xxxxx maybe "paddingPADDING" repeated is better.
And without a '-o' flag the script should just print a list of files it would generate.
I think there is a Python module that lets me interpret "2G" as "2 * 1024^3" and I don't need to reinvent this.
def pad_filename(name, minlen=0, pad="paddingPADDING", extn="")
def convert_bytes(val)
def fill_file(filename, bytes, seed=None)
def gen_path(filepath, bytes)
and more.