The AMQPTestClientApp project implements a simple application for testing AMQP 1.0 messaging providers. This application enables sending or receiving test AMQP messages.
In the target folder you'll find an executable Java jar file containing the current application version. It should be executed like:
java -jar AMQPTestClient.jar -option1 value1 -option2 value2 ...
Below is a short description of the command line options:
usage: AMQP Test Client
-h,--host <arg> hostname
-inF,--inFile <arg> input file name
-m,--mode <arg> sender/receiver mode
-outF,--outFile <arg> output file name
-p,--port <arg> port
-q,--queue <arg> queue name
-t,--topic <arg> topic name
The option -m defines if you're sending or receiving messages. This option is mandatory and has 2 values - send or receive. The options -h and -p define the connection parameter for the AMQP messaging provider - hostname and port. If these options are missing the default values are used - localhost and 5672. The options -t or -q define the topic or queue name used for communication. If you're sending message, you need to provide an input file for the message content: option -inF. In case of receiving messages, you can provide a file name where all received messages will be stored: option -outF.