v200.6.0 release
Enhancements in 200.6
Utility Network Trace
The Utility Network Trace composable component allows developers to perform connected trace operations using named trace configurations defined in a map. These configurations are typically created and stored ahead of time using ArcGIS Pro's Utility Network Tools. This tool enables users to apply these configurations as needed for specific trace operations. See the utility network toolkit component for more details.
Augmented Reality - TableTopSceneView
This release introduces TableTopSceneView composable component in the AR module that allows you to anchor scene content to a physical surface as if it were a 3D-printed model. TableTopSceneView uses ARCore, Google's augmented reality framework to display the live camera feed and handles the scene positioning using the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin. See the AR toolkit component for more details.
Feature Form
This release introduces support for the BarcodeScannerFormInput input type on FieldFormElement, enabling various barcode formats as detailed in the Kotlin documentation. Additionally, a new TextFormElement has been implemented to display blocks of information within a Feature Form, allowing for plain text or rich text formatting using Markdown. This "Info" element can dynamically substitute attribute or expression values, updating when FeatureForm.evaluateExpressions() is invoked, and supports common Markdown options such as bold, italics, headings, and lists. See the feature form toolkit component for more details.