A colection of Arduino sketches to interact with the sensors and features present on the Globaltronic Discover32 board (a ESP32-based board).
Sensor-specific examples:
- BMP280 Digital Pressure Sensor
- LSM6DS3 3D Accelerometer Gyroscope
- Si7021 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- PCF85063TP Real-Time Clock and Calendar
- SSD1306 OLED Screen
Multi-sensor examples:
The Brief Datasheet.
- Install the Arduino IDE
- Install arduino-esp32 using the Boards Manager
- Download the latest release as zip
- Import the .zip library
- Install the library dependencies listed above using the Library Manager
- Connect the Discover32 board to the computer with an USB cable
- Start the Arduino IDE
- Tools -> Board -> ESP32 Arduino -> ESP32 Dev Module
- Tools -> Port -> choose the available port
- File -> Examples -> Examples from Custom Libraries: Globaltronic Discover32 -> pick an example of your choice
- Click the Upload arrow to compile the sketch and flash to the board
- To monitor serial messages: Tools -> Serial Monitor. Change to 115200 baud