(Under active development)
This Shiny app provides a user-friendly interface for performing quick analysis of Olink data using OlinkAnalyze package. It allows for data upload, parameter customization, visualization of results, and exporting of analysis outputs.
In the sidebar, you'll find three file upload buttons:
- Upload NPX Data (CSV) - needs to have SampleID column
- Upload Key File (CSV) - needs to have SampleID and SUBJID columns
- Upload Variables File (CSV) - needs to have SUBJID columns
R # laod R >= 4.3.1
- Data upload and merging
- Data preview
- Descriptive statistics
- Normality tests for individual proteins
- PCA plot with customizable options
- T-Test with downloadable results
- ANOVA with customizable number of covariates and downloadable results
- Volcano plot
- Violin plot for selected proteins
Main Author:
- Jyotirmoy Das (@JD2112)
- Debojyoti Das (@BioDebojyotihttps://github.com/BioDebojyoti)
See OlinkAnalyze package https://github.com/Olink-Proteomics/OlinkRPackage
Jyotirmoy Das. (2024). JD2112/ShinyOlink: ShinyOlink (v1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14287630
We would like to acknowledge the Core Facility, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden and Clinical Genomics Linköping, Science for Life Laboratory, Sweden for their support.