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Paul Taykalo edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Archive header

All types larger than one byte in size are stored in big-endian order, as expected from a Mac format.

Offset Size Meaning
0 80 Magic string. Has the value "StuffIt (c)1997-???? Aladdin Systems, Inc.," followed by 0x0d 0x0a, where characters marked "?" can vary.
80 4 Unknown
84 4 Total size of archive
84 4 Offset of first entry header
86 ? Unknown

Entry header

Files and folders use different entry formats.

File header

Offset Size Meaning
0 4 Identifier (0xa5a5a5a5)
4 1 Version
5 1 Unknown
6 2 Header size
8 1 Unknown
9 1 Flags
10 4 Creation date in classic Mac OS format (seconds since 1904)
14 4 Modification date in classic Mac OS format (seconds since 1904)
18 4 Offset of previous entry
22 4 Offset of next entry
26 4 Offset of parent folder entry
30 2 Filename size
32 2 Header CRC-16
34 4 Data fork uncompressed length
38 4 Data fork compressed length
42 2 Data fork CRC-16 (Set to zero for method 15)
44 2 Unknown
46 1 Data fork compression method (StuffIt 5 seems to only use 0, 13 and 15. See StuffItSpecs for descriptions of the algorithms.)
47 1 Pasword data length (meaning unclear)
48 N Password information (meaning unclear)
48+N M File name
48+N+M 2 Comment size
50+N+M 2 Unknown
52+N+M K Comment

The known bits of the "Flags" field are:

Bit Meaning
5 Encrypted (algorithm used is unknown)
6 Folder

Folder header

If bit 6 of the "Flags" field is set, the entry is a folder, and the format of the header is slightly different.

Offset Size Meaning
0 4 Identifier (0xa5a5a5a5)
4 1 Version
5 1 Unknown
6 2 Header size
8 1 Unknown
9 1 Flags
10 4 Creation date in classic Mac OS format (seconds since 1904)
14 4 Modification date in classic Mac OS format (seconds since 1904)
18 4 Offset of previous entry
22 4 Offset of next entry
26 4 Offset of parent folder entry
30 2 Filename size
32 2 Header CRC-16
34 4 Data fork uncompressed length
38 4 Data fork compressed length
42 2 Data fork CRC-16 (Set to zero for method 15)
44 2 Unknown
46 2 Number of files
48 N Password information (meaning unclear)
48+N M File name
48+N+M 2 Comment size
50+N+M 2 Unknown
52+N+M K Comment

If the "Data fork uncompressed length" field is set to "0xffffffff" for a folder entry, this entry is a special marker whose meaning is unknown. It should be ignored when reading.

Second file header

The file header is followed by a second block of data of varying size.

Offset Size Meaning
0 2 Flags 2. Bit 0 indicates the presence of a resource fork.
2 2 Unknown
4 4 Mac OS file type
8 4 Mac OS file creator
12 2 Mac OS Finder flags
14 2 Unknown
16 4 Unknown (A date value in version 3?)
20 12 Unknown
32 4 Unknown, not included in version 3, included in version 1.
32/36 4 Resource fork uncompressed length. Only included if bit 0 of "Flags 2" is set.
36/40 4 Resource fork compressed length. Only included if bit 0 of "Flags 2" is set.
40/44 2 Resource fork CRC-16 (Set to zero for method 15). Only included if bit 0 of "Flags 2" is set.
42/46 2 Unknown
44/48 1 Resource fork compression method
45/49 1 Unknown

The compressed data follows the second file header. The resource fork data is first, follwed by the data fork data. The next file header is at "Offset of next entry" bytes from the start of the file.

CRC algorithm

The CRC-16 algorithm used is the CCITT one with polynomial 0x1021 and no pre- or post-conditioning.