Note that we renamed the files by adding the concept to the front of the file and are using full words for the wind and rogue. And also separating the uncertaintiy level with an underscore. We removed anything related to the date of the simulation. Aso removed Flight_intention
All files were then placed in the same directory. The code runs with LOSLOG
python --logtype REGLOG --concept decentralised --density very_low --mix 40 --uncertainty none --create gpkgs
This creates the geopackage files for REGLOG of the decentralised concept for very_low densities with a mix of 40 and no uncertainities.
Run the following for more information:
python --help
Ensure that the following directories exist prior to running the code.
temporary files./[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/geotif
location of raw raster heat maps./[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/gpkgs
location of geopackages./[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/images
location of heat maps./[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/results
location of M2 logs.
The *.log
files were renamed inside each folder from the Metropolis 2 output.
, an example is hybrid_REGLOG_very_low_40_8_rogue_2.log
or centralised_LOSLOG_low_50_8.log
Below is an example of what to run inside each of the three folders. The example is specific to Output_Decentralised
> for f in *.log; do mv "$f" "decentralised_${f/_2022*./.}"; done
> for f in *.log; do mv "$f" "${f/Flight_intention/}"; done
> rename 's/R1/rogue_1/' *R1*
> rename 's/R2/rogue_2/' *R2*
> rename 's/R3/rogue_3/' *R3*
> rename 's/W1/wind_1/' *W1*
> rename 's/W3/wind_3/' *W3*
> rename 's/W5/wind_5/' *W5*
Once this is finished place the files in theresults/
The steps for hybrid and centralised concepts are the same. Just change the first line to:
> for f in *.log; do mv "$f" "centralised_${f/_2022*./.}"; done
> for f in *.log; do mv "$f" "hybrid_${f/_2022*./.}"; done
This step creates the vector data that is used for Step 2.
python --logtype REGLOG --concept decentralised --density very_low --mix 40 --uncertainty none --create gpkgs
Ensure that the following directory is created,
# gpkgs directory
gpkg_dir = "/[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/gpkgs"
To generate the raster files, *.geotif
, a pyqgis environment is needed. See here for more information. After installing qgis, add the path to the executable in line 11 of
Here is an example used to create the geotifs,
python --logtype REGLOG --concept decentralised --density very_low --mix 40 --uncertainty none --create geotifs
Although it is possible to create the heatmaps from pyqgis
it is a bit easier to do it from the QGIS python console. In order to create heatmaps, run
from the QGIS python console. vienna.qgz
is a qgis project that includes other data to export in the images. Ensure that these directories in
point to the correct location:
# image directory
image_dir = "/[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/images"
# get the style file
style_dir = "/[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/styles"
# geotiff directory
geotiff_dir = '"/[ABSOLUTE PATH TO HEATMAP REPO]/geotif'
The noise calculation is performed in the data analysis platform. However, a different grid was used with unifrom distribution (100m). If you are running it, replace interest_points.json with the one in this repository. Then to create the GPKGs for the noise maps, run
In the D3.2 report, only the noise maps for the decentralised_high_40_4
, centralised_high_40_4
, and hybrid_high_40_4
are shown. To create this copy the relvant GPKGs (1 for centralised, 2 for hybrid, 3 for decentralised) into the noise_data
directory and load them into the QGIS project. For each layer, create a field called noise_40
with the following code CASE WHEN 'noise' > 40 THEN 40 ELSE 0 END
. This will ensure that only points with a noise level higher than 40 decibels are saved. Then run a kernel density estimation algorithm in QGIS with the following parameters.
{ 'DECAY' : 0,
'INPUT' : '3_high_40_4_noise.gpkg|layername=3_high_40_4_noise',
'KERNEL' : 3,
'OUTPUT' : 'decentralised_high_40_4.tif',
'RADIUS' : 400, # meters
'WEIGHT_FIELD' : 'noise_40'
When this is is ran, then apply the noise_style.qml
for better visualization.