A library of concepts for integration, federation, analytics and reuse.
Concepts that are common across many domains and purposes such that they may be used as needed to federate and translate information across organizations, systems and domains. Also known as "Micro theories" in logic. This set of libraries provides reference concepts intended for broad scale integration, federation, analytics, big data and information sharing. An initial library is included.
It utilizes the "Semantic Information Modeling for Federation" specification, a draft standard in progress at the Object Management Group. Many of the concepts are derived from work on threat and risk information sharing, but the concept library is not specific to that purpose.
There are currently three SMIF based concept libraries, FIBO, the federated concept library and threat/risk concepts
The federated concept library glossary can be found here: http://models.modeldriven.org/models/concepts/ConceptLibraryGlossary.html
A web view of the federated concept library is available on: http://models.modeldriven.org/models/concepts/ConceptLibrary.html
An OWL/RDF for of the federated concept library can be found here: (in progress)
The Financial Business Ontology can be found here: https://spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo/
The SMIF Specification is available here: https://github.com/ModelDriven/SIMF/
The threat/risk specification is available here: https://github.com/ModelDriven/ThreatRisk/
Note: Processes and legalities for community contributions are still being worked out. Please contact us if you are interested in participating at: concept-info (at) modeldriven.org
Copyright (c) Data Access Technologies, Inc.
The concept library is freely available under the GNU public license: https://github.com/ModelDriven/ConceptLibrary/blob/master/LICENSE