Discord bot that can nuke servers
README for disabled people
step 1. install python (I use 3.8.6) make sure you check install path and install pip
step 2. install discord.py by typing: "pip install discord.py" in cmd
step 3. download an IDE (visual studio code, atom or whatever) I prefer PyCharm
step 4. change whatever you want, I have marked the spots for your Logging channel
step 5. add a bot token in the last line or us mine. idc
step 6. run the .py file
step 7. fuck up servers
some info
commands start with "$" ($help for example)
the malicious commands are:
"$secret" to check all the malicious commands
$ball Bans everybody from the server (bot needs banning perms and needs to have a higher role than users
$nuke Deletes all channels and bans everyone (bot needs manage channels and banning perms)
$kall Kicks everyone from the server (bot needs kicking perms)
$a Gives you admin access (bot needs administrator)
$dm Sends an invite link of the raid hub to everybody in the server
$channel makes x amount of channels defined by you
$role makes x amount of roles defined by you
$leave makes the bot leave the server
non-hidden commands are viewed with $help