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Connecting to a ClojureScript lein‐figwheel REPL

Oliver Caldwell edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Although lein-figwheel has been superseded by figwheel.main (connection guide for figwheel-main) there's still a lot of the former out there in the wild. Make sure your existing configuration specifies an :nrepl-port option in your project.clj like so:

  :figwheel {:css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]
             :nrepl-port 37055}

Next, check your build ID, normally found in your figwheel REPL when running lein figwheel like so:


Or in your project.clj under :cljsbuild -> :builds -> [build number] -> :build. Once you have your build ID you should connect Conjure to the nREPL port you picked and then "piggieback" into the build.

:ConjureConnect 37055
:ConjurePiggieback (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/repl-env "my-build-id")

You can enhance this further with things like autocommands and multiple client states to allow automatic switching between your JVM Clojure backend REPL and your ClojureScript frontend REPL as you navigate your projects files.