This is a demo of Behaviourally-based Synthesis of Scene-aware Footstep Sound. Try the demo to feel how behaviours and scenes influence footstep sound. Here is the Unity Project download link:
The scene package name is Viking Village URP from Unity Asset Store:
The version of Unity Engine is 2021.3.16f1c1.
You should load the scene file The_Viking_Village.unity in Unity 3D (URP) Core.
Use W, A, S, D and mouse to basically control the character.
LeftShift to run, LeftControl to crawl and Space to jump.
While crawling, press LeftAlt to do a high jump.
If you want to quit the game, press Escape.
LeftAlt: Display the material name under feet.
KeyPad 1 - 6: Transfer the character to six different places.
N, M: Lower or raise the transfer point height of KeyPad 5 & 6's.