I've moved! I no longer use GitHub for most of my projects, so you'll probably find my most up-to-date work on my Codeburg account.
- I am a Full Stack web developer based out of Asheville North Carolina.
- Experienced with designing and mainting complex enterprise grade web software for both priviate and federal clients.
- I am currently working with the Drupal CMS, Django, WordPress, and Wagtail.
- I enjoy building chess games and other apps centered around the knights tour problem.
- I work with React, Ionic, and Typescript to create interessting and responsive frontend applications.
- Enthusiast of the Oulipo literature movement
- β Rudrata, a React based puzzle game that challenges users to solve one of the oldest and most challenging chess puzzles in history: the infamous knight's tour. Currently deployed using GitHub Pages
- β Calculator, a React powered calculator that can do simple mathematic calculations (much like an old school pocket calculator). Accepts keyboard inputs and can do serial calculations.
- β Drum Machine, a React powered Korg-ER1 drum machine that accepts both mouse and keyboard input.