I'm Raghav Srivastava
I'm a thinker and a Developer.
I have an inclination towards building stuff.
Languages :
Libraries & Frameworks :
Databases :
Tools :
- 🔭 Quant Research Intern at Tara Capital Partners India Pvt. Ltd.
- Contributing at StockBrain
- Prev Summer Intern at IIT Jodhpur,
- Prev Quant Intern at AlgoAnalytics,
- Prev Data Analyst Intern at Pace Stock Broking Services Pvt. Ltd.
- Ex-Instructor at Udemy.
- Looking for remote/hybrid work opportunities (full time offers)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Quant Reseach, Machine Learning, LLMs, DSA & DAA, Algorithmic Trading, Reinforcement Learning.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on solutions with the potential to create impact.
🤔 I’m looking for highly motivated people interested in being a part of the founding team of my startup StockBrain, contact me to know more.
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning, SQL, Math, Stats, Game Theory, Philosophy, The Human Physiology, etc.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
📅 Book a meeting with me on Calendly
To connect, mail me your:
- Github
- Screentime
- Resting Heart Rate
- Reading List
- Manifesto