bKash work-place Repo: https://github.com/tanjim-bkash
Software Engineer, Core Platform Engineering, Solution Architecture & Planning Department, Product and Technology Division, bKash Ltd.
Formar Mobile Application Engineer, Programming Hero.
Former Graduate Teaching Assistant, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Interested fields: Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing & Distributed Systems.
Howdy, This is Rashad Tanjim. I am an engineer with 4 years of experience in developing & architecting enterprise-level solutions. I have completed my Bachelor in Computer Science & Engineering from North South University (NSU). My major studying area was in Machine Learning & Data Science and my minor was in Computer Networks & Software Engineering.
Learning things like developing apps, architecting backend services, and creating projects on different stacks are a habit of mine. For each & every project of my work, I'm trying to learn new tech topics & develop related stuff which is helping me to enrich my knowledge in this sector.
Currently, I'm working as a Software Engineer at bKash Ltd. where I mostly contribute to the Backend Technologies of the Core Platform Engineering section. Besides, I'm researching Machine Learning-related projects and have published some impactful Academic Conference and Journal papers. Thank you.
"languages": ["Java", "JavaScript", "Golang", "C++", "Python"],
"mobile_dev": ["Android Native (Professional Level)", "Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform"],
"backend": ["SpringBoot", "NodeJS", "SOAP", "Ajax", "JWT", "ORM", "Distributed Systems"],
"frontend": ["Angular", "Material UI", "Bootstrap"],
"database": ["MySQL", "Firebase", "SQLite", "Cassandra", "Oracle", "Elasticsearch"],
"ai_framework": ["Keras-Tensorflow", "PyTorch", "Scikit-learn", "Weka"],
"devops": ["AWS", "GCP", "Private Cloud", "Docker", "Kubernetes", "Jenkins", "Ansible", "F5", "Helm", "Terraform"],
"sqa_workflow": ["Git", "Jira", "Selenium", "Postman", "Mokito"],
"mice": ["Angular", "VM", "Linux", "Unix", "VAPT", "MVC & MVVM", "Redis", "RabbitMQ", "Kafka", "Shell Scripting", "Nginx"]
- Published 1 Journal Paper on Computer Vision @ Inderscience Publishers
- Published 3 Conference Papers on Machine Learning @ IEEE Intelligence System & ACM ICCCM
- ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Tanjim
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MF_szpwAAAAJ&hl
- 2nd Runners up @ Hackathon - Hack_NSU 2019 @ North South University
- Placed among Top 15th position @ NASA Space Apps Challenge organized by BASIS, 2019
- Certified Courses @ Coursera: Deep_Learning.ai, Kubernates Engine, ML, AWS
- Certified Courses @ Edx: Intro to Japanese Language, Software QA Analysis
- Certified Courses @ Udemy: React Native, Illustrator, Pytorch, MERN Stack.
- I'm researching on Deep learning.
- Hobbies: Travelling, Book Collection, Nature Photography
- Yes! A glass of Coffee and a bottle of Coke gives me concentration on coding
- techFreak, animeLover, movieBuzz, loveToLearnNewStuffs!