Stitches is a wrapper around Paramiko ( and python-rpyc (
It allows you to create connections to remote hosts and perform various shell/python actions on remote hosts. The library has 3 main
parts: Connection
, Expect
and Structure
class represents connection to remote host.
Shell commands usage example: import stitches
In [1]: con = stitches.connection.Connection('', key_filename='/home/user/.pem/eu-west-1-iam.pem', username='ec2-user')
# Return value
In [2]: con.recv_exit_status("ls -la /etc/passwd")
Out[2]: 0
In [3]: con.recv_exit_status("ls -la /non/existing/file")
Out[3]: 2
# Getting output
In [4]: sin, sout, serr = con.exec_command("ls -la /etc/passwd /non/existing/file")
In [5]: print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1383 Sep 9 07:37 /etc/passwd
In [6]: print
ls: cannot access /non/existing/file: No such file or directory
# Timeout during command execution
In [7]: print con.recv_exit_status("sleep 30", timeout=3)
# Some commands (e.g. sudo) require pty:
In [1]: print con.recv_exit_status("sudo id", get_pty=True)
RPyC example: # Built-in function open() on remote host In [1]: fd ='/etc/redhat-release')
In [2]: print
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)
# Module on remote host
In [3]: con.rpyc.modules.os.stat("/etc/passwd")
Out[3]: posix.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=140905, st_dev=51777L, st_nlink=1, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=1383, st_atime=1382614681, st_mtime=1378726667, st_ctime=1378726667)
class is being used for expect-like testing.
# Expect sub-string in output
In [1]: stitches.expect.Expect.ping_pong(con, "cat /etc/redhat-release", 'Red Hat')
Out[1]: True
# Failure will raise ExpectFailed exception:
In [2]: stitches.expect.Expect.ping_pong(con, "cat /etc/redhat-release", 'Debian')
ExpectFailed Traceback (most recent call last)
ExpectFailed: cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)
[ec2-user@ip-10-234-98-44 ~]$
# Matching
In [3]: stitches.Expect.enter(con, 'cat /etc/redhat-release')
Out[3]: 24
In [4]: stitches.expect.Expect.match(con, re.compile('.*release ([0-9,\.]*).*', re.DOTALL))
Out[4]: ['6.4']
# Run a command and expect an exit status (0 by default)
In [5]: stitches.expect.Expect.expect_retval(con "cat /etc/redhat-release /foo")
ExpectFailed Traceback (most recent call last)
stitches.expect.ExpectFailed: Got 1 exit status (0 expected)
cmd: cat /etc/redhat-release /foo
stdout: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.0 Beta (Ootpa)
stderr: cat: /foo: No such file or directory
class is being used to create whole testing setup with multiple hosts performing different roles. Structure is usually created based on YAML file:
Example YAML: Config: {param_a: a, param_b: b} Instances: - {private_hostname:, public_hostname:, role: A_ROLE, username: ec2-user, key_filename: /home/user/.pem/eu-west-1-iam.pem} - {private_hostname:, public_hostname:, role: B_ROLE, username: root, key_filename: /home/user/.pem/eu-west-1-iam.pem}
Usage example: In [1]: s = stitches.Structure()
In [2]: s.setup_from_yamlfile('/tmp/str.yaml')
# Now `Structure` object has connections to all instances, we can do whatever we want:
In [3]: s.Instances['A_ROLE'][0].recv_exit_status('id')
Out[3]: 0
# And we have config as well:
In [4]: s.config['param_a']
Out[4]: 'a'
Stitches needs some external dependencies:
- python-paramiko
- python-plumbum
- python-rpyc
python-paramiko version in Fedora-19 is OK, plumbum and rpyc should be at least:
- python-plumbum-1.1.0_gitebe4cc4-2.fc18.noarch
- python-rpyc-3.3.0git40daa0c6-2.fc18.noarch
Pre-built RPMs can be obtained here:
radek at redhat dot com