An Interactive data visualisation dashboard of my Spotify listening history using the Spotify/Echnoest API and Met Office weather data.
The visualisations are built using Plotly/Dash.
The datasets for the visualisations were collected from analysis of my personal Spotify listening history (May 2020 to April 2021) using the Spotify API (Echonest), and from the Met Office Heathrow weather station.
The visualisations only take into account songs that were listened to for longer than 60 seconds.
To run DashApp
Locate the source folder (the one containing in the terminal/command line
Start a virtual environment
Option 1: A) python3 -m venv venv B) source venv/bin/activate
Option 2: A) py -m venv venv B) cd venv\Scripts\activate
Return to main folder: cd \Spotify_Weather_Dash_DataVis-main
pip install -r requirements.txt
python or py