dotfiles 2 or something
i use arch btw
- hyprland (i use hyprland-hidpi-xprop-git)
- brightnessctl (for backlight control)
- wireplumber (volume control)
- pipewire
- eww
- Based on u/SimonTheAlt's dotfiles (smravec on github)
- requires hyprland-workspaces
- Uses nmcli
- wezterm
- gtklock
also includes configs for:
- alacritty
- swaylock
- Loads background from ~/Pictures/desktop-bg.png
- ironbar
needed for volume
- waybar
- fuzzel
- wlogout
The dotfiles repo directory will be represented as $REPO_DIR
- Backup your .config folder, your .bashrc/.zshrc and .wezterm.lua
- Install all dependencies above through pacman and aur (i recommend using paru or yay for aur stuff)
- clone or download this repo
- copy the contents of this .config folder into your home folder
$ cp -r $REPO_DIR/.config/* ~/.config
- copy .wezterm.lua and into your home directory
- install the powerline10k theme if using zsh
- (OPTIONAL) copy into your shell rc file
- Bash:
$ cat >> ~/.bashrc
- Zsh:
$ cat >> ~/.zshrc
- Bash: